Saturday, October 4, 2014

Letter 289

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 289

Dear Ones,

Today, I come to you with great Gratitude, Love, Respect and Honoring in my heart for all of you and all that you do. Each one of you has shown such courage and strength as you travel your chosen paths. You have found many rocks and ruts along the way and yet you just keep on walking. That is not to say that your human feelings of hopelessness, despair and anger have not joined you on your path during your many days, weeks, months and years of your traveling. Remember and be gentle you are human and all of those feelings make up all that you are. What is most important is that you keep on walking and work your way through all that happens in your lives.

Much has happened along the way and many lessons have been learned and yes, many lessons are still to be learned and integrated into your hearts and minds. Can you look back over the last year, then five years and even back further to see how much you have changed and grown? Have you given yourselves credit for all you have accomplished as you have journeyed on your chosen pathway? Take the time to stop and really look at how far you have come and all you have done. Spend time honoring how you have grown and changed. Pay honor to yourselves for who you have become.

I HAVE SAID THIS IN THE PAST AND I WILL SAY IT AGAIN, EACH ONE OF YOU IS AMAZING AND WONDROUS. Everyone in my world is so honored to be able to stand with you and be of service to you. As you walk your chosen path working very hard to be of service to my world, your world and each being of all the worlds, please know that we are standing here being of service to each of you. IN YOUR WORLD THAT IS CALLED A WIN-WIN FOR EVERYONE. All in my world and all in your world are in service to the betterment of human kind and the whole of the universal collective. IN OTHER WORDS, WE ARE ALL WORKING FOR THE BETTERMENT OF EVERY LIVING BREATHING LIFE FORM. I WILL TELL YOU THAT THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF OTHER LIVING BREATHING LIFE FORMS AND BEINGS OF MOTHER EARTH ARE JUST ONE OF THE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS WHO LIVE AND LOVE IN THE UNIVERSAL COLLECTIVE.

Your coming month will be intense and filled with great amounts of new energy. Some of you will feel as if you have just woken up from long years of sleep. Know if that has happened to you, then you are simply returning from being in school in my world. Others of you will be traveling to my world for schooling. KNOW THAT THE LEARNING AND GROWING WILL CONTINUE TO BE PART OF YOUR LIVES. Have great faith in yourselves and of course in us. You each will continue walking your path and we will continue walking your path with you. From all of us here in my world know that we are sending you great immense amounts of love and support. ALWAYS, ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU ARE NEVER ALONE, EVEN IF YOU THINK WE ARE NOT THERE, OR WE HAVE NOT HEARD YOU, LET ME ASSURE YOU WE ARE HERE. I am holding each one of you most dearly in my heart and I cherish you greatly.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

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