Friday, November 14, 2014

Letter 293

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 293

Dear Ones,

Today let us speak of your upcoming holidays. As each of you know the energies surrounding and permeating your world are intense and far surpasses anything that you have experience before. Your physical bodies are struggling to acclimate themselves to all that is coming their way. Many of you are feeling as if you are on a roller coaster going from one extreme to the other with your feelings, emotions and mental turmoils.

Still there are old issues of the past coming forward to be addressed as you work to deal with issues from today and yesterday. Most of you are finding little down time or even space to take a breath. NOW IS THE TIME WHEN SELF-CARE IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE. Even as I say those words “self-care” many of you just want to run away and hide from me. I understand how difficult it is at this time to even allow your minds to go to the issue of self-care. Indeed, is this not an old issue that is raising its head to say pay attention to me; now is the time and you must find the time.

So, now let's speak to your Holiday Season, for it is just around the corner. My guestion to you is. How will you choose to deal with it this year? Will you continue as you have in the past to add another huge layer of stress to what you are already carrying in your bodies? What happens to the Joy, Love and Celebration of the season when you choose to celebrate the season under extreme stress. Yes, I know that for as long as you can remember and even back to your childhoods the Holiday season came with more stress than it did with Joy, Love and Celebration.

Most of you are following your role models and doing the holidays just as you watched your Mothers, Fathers, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents do in the past. Well, once again this is another area where Free Will comes into play. You have a choice about how you choose to celebrate the holidays and what you want to bring to the season. You can choose to add another large layer of stress to your lives or this year you can decide to do it a different way. I am not going to tell you how to do it a different way, because each of you will need to find the way that fits for you.

If your first thought is about the children in your lives and that you might be taking something away from them, then I want you to stop right now and remember what you were like last year during the season. As you add that large extra layer of stress you to your lives, do you not become more resentful, cranky, angry, and desperate? This is the energy you are sending your loved ones for the holidays. The adults in your life will most likely recognize what is happening and know that it is not really about them or something they might have done. But, what about the children, they will automatically assume they have done something wrong, they have ruined the holidays for everyone. They will believe they have done something wrong. The very big truth right now is that the children have only expressed the joy and excitement of the holiday season. In your choosing to do it all in the same-old way the Joy, Love and Celebration of the season is lost for another year.

SO, THIS YEAR CAN YOU STEP FORWARD AND MAKE NEW AND DIFFERENT CHOICES? Will you choose to use your power of Free Will to find a better way for yourselves. This season let your gift to the universe be your energy of pure joy and celebration. Use all of your tools to express what is in your hearts and not what is in the malls.

Of course, we are right here with you to support you in any way we can. We are as close as your fingertips. We are always right here offering our love and support to each and everyone of you. I am holding you in my heart and loving you so greatly. I am asking you to honor yourselves, your family and the whole of the universe. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU and I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

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