Thursday, November 27, 2014

Letter 294

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 294

Good Morning Dear Ones,

This day there are many of you who are celebrating Your Thanksgiving Day and there are many of you on Mother Earth who do not celebrate a Thanksgiving Day. Each of you are experiencing extreme stress in your lives, whether it is from your holiday or simply your life.

Right now, on Mother Earth the stress level in the collective consciousness is higher than at any other time in Mother Earth's existence. Each of you is at the top rung on your ladder of Stress. For those of you who are going into your celebration of Christmas you will indeed push your stress level past the highest rung.

So, I am asking myself what I can say to each of you that will make you stop and look at your lives and the way you are living your lives. The changing of your stress levels is something only you can do. You are making and have made choices in your lives to live in such a manner. If in your extreme stress levels, you are not able to continue yourself-care, then that is affecting the whole of your being. Once again, Free Will steps in here, because you are the only one who can stop this or lower your stress level. Of course, we can help you once we are asked, but it is your asking and your making the choice to want to change the way you live.

I can hear many of you as you read my letter saying to yourselves, “I don't know how to live in a different way.” I will say back to you it is time to learn. Right now in your world, all is in alignment and is pushing and pulling you to dig deep inside yourselves and release all that is not serving you. Every being of Mother Earth is feeling this push and pull to dig deep and release. Yes, you have been asked over and over during the last years to release all that is not serving you. Many of you have been working very hard to honor that request. We here in my world are honoring and respecting all that you have accomplished. I say to you this day that there is indeed more to be released. The old feelings and issues from time's way past are holding you and world back from being who and what you are wanting to be.

There are those who have never started their journeys of releasing and letting go, of the past feelings and issues. This will be an extremely difficult time for those beings as they are unaware of what is happening to the universe and all who are here at this time to help in the moving into the 5D. It may feel to them as if they are being bombarded with issue after issue and indeed that is exactly what is happening for them. Others of you who have been working your way through your issues will find that you are unable to hold back the ones that are left to deal with. All of this is causing extreme stress. Your physically bodies are exhausted from the holding back of issue and also from the releasing of issues.

I want to say very loudly right now that it is the holding back that is causing you the physical exhaustion. Know that in your letting go you only need to be a witness of the releasing, it is not necessary to go back and relive any situations, feelings or issues. It is a matter of allowing yourselves to let go of all that you are holding on to. I am hearing you say, “Mother Mary that just sounds way to simply and I am saying back yes, indeed it is simply if you will allow it to be.”  So, my question to you is will you allow it to be? It is your Free Will to make this choice. Your choice to lower your stress level, your choice to release and let go, your choice to choose to live in a new and different way. Your choice to choose LIGHT AND LOVE.

We of course, are right here ready to help you in any way we can. You need only to ask and we will be there. Remember now that there are hundreds of thousands of us waiting to help you, in fact, maybe there are millions of us. You each have learned so much during this life time and this is one more step in your learning. This is one more step in your changing and growing, in your becoming all that you were meant to be.

Remember now that you made the choice to be part of this process of moving your world from the 3D into the 5D. You have come a long way and there is a distance yet to go. We here are honoring all that you have accomplished and all you will continue to accomplish. We are amazed by your courage and strength. We here are honored to be of service to you. We are loving you each and everyone.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

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