Sunday, June 26, 2011

Letter 150

Letter 150

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk of Hope, Faith, and Trust.   I am not speaking of having those beliefs in others, but in yourselves.  Many of you often wonder if you have the courage and strength to continue on with this journey that you have under taken.  In those times of wondering it becomes difficult to find that place inside yourselves where Hope, Faith, and Trust dwells.   

You would not be Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light if you did not have a deep abundant knowledge of the Faith, Hope, and Trust that you hold inside yourselves.  You each have deep a connection to my world and to the knowing of all that is to happen in your world.  You are trusting yourselves and everyone here on my side to help you arrive at the place you are journeying to. 

You each have great faith in yourselves and the knowing that resides in your heart, mind, and body.  This knowing is what is leading you forward and giving you hope that the humans of earth will be able to make the transition into the new way of living on Mother Earth.  There is great Hope that all beings will be able to come together in love and harmony.  You carry great hope in your body, mind, and spirit that human beings have not traveled to far into the realms of selfishness, greed, and disconnection from source. 

I want each and every one of you to know that the Hope, Faith, and Trust that dwells in each of you is not unfounded.  We here on this side are knowing that all beings of your Mother Earth will be able to reconnect to source and come back to who they are.   We also know that it will take some much longer than others to come back to what your world was meant to be about.   REMEMBERING NOW THAT THIS IS A PROCESS AND JOURNEY FOR EVERYONE ON EARTH.  ALL BEINGS WILL BE TRAVELING AT THEIR OWN TIME AND SPEED.  INDEED THERE ARE SOME WHO WILL CHOOSE NOT TO MAKE THIS JOURNEY.  DO NOT BE DISMAYED FOR THE ONES WHO CHOOSE NOT TO MAKE A JOURNEY SIMILAR TO YOURS.  REMEMBERING NOW THAT YOURS IS A WORLD OF FREE WILL.

Each and every one of you is traveling at your own speed and that is absolutely perfect in all ways.  You each are perfect in every way.  Know that you are never traveling alone.  We are with you every step of the way.  Know also that there are many others watching you as you make your journey and because of you they will be able to make their journey also.  Each and every one of you are leaders and teachers.  You may not knowingly be aware of this but it is so.   REMEMBERING NOW THAT EVERY ONE IS FOLLOWING SOMEONE AND THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE FOLLOWING THEM.  That is the way it has always been.  Know now that we here on my side are the ones leading the way, as you decide to journey with us, there is always someone behind you deciding to journey with you also. 

We thank you for your Faith and Trust in us.  Know that we are honoring you and that we have great Faith and Trust in each of you.  I Love You, I Love You, and I Love You.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

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