Letter 140
Dear Ones,
Today’s letter will be a reminder letter. In other words I am asking you to go back and revisit other letters or I will be putting the reminders into words in this letter. My first reminder is to ask you to go back and listen to Letter 120. If I had named that Letter it would be called “I Love You, I Love You, and I Love You”. During that letter I ask you to come and spend time with me, just you and I sharing our love for each other.
If you are one of the beings who cannot hear my words on your computers, then I ask you to go to a computer where you can hear my words. It is important that you hear my words being spoken out loud to you “I Love You, I Love You, and I Love you”. I am wondering if there will ever come a time when everyone on Mother Earth will hear those words and believe it in their hearts. Those words are meant to travel to the very depths of your soul, so that there is no part of you who does not recognize the truth of my words.
My second reminder today is about the voices in your head. I am speaking again of the harmful, unkind, and abusive voices that speak so very loudly inside your head. Are you remembering what I am speaking of? You know the ones I mean. They tell you that you can’t do certain things, or you’re not smart enough, and it goes on and on. In my previous letters we talked about the untruths of those voices and what you need to do to release them.
So when you recognize the voices and what is happening, it will be necessary to stop what your doing and deal with those voices. First recognize what is happening, secondly speak the truth out loud. Say what is true today. Remembering now that these are the voices of the past. Either your own voice or perhaps the voice of your parents or a teacher. So speak your truth out loud, saying what is truth today. As you speak your truth out loud the voices will start to release and you will be able to feel the energy of those words leaving your bodies. It will be necessary to stop and give yourself a moment to process all that has happened if you want to be aware of the energy leaving.
If you find yourself somewhere that you are unable to follow this procedure at the exact moment that the voices are speaking in your mind. Then acknowledge inside yourself that the voices are not truth. At a later time when you can take a moment go back to the voices and follow the procedure of speaking the truth out loud and allowing the voices to release and leave your body. Do not be fooled into thinking because you acknowledged them in your mind that they will be gone, it will always be necessary to speak your truth out loud. Speaking the truth out loud is the key to releasing those voices.
I am thinking perhaps these two reminders are enough for today. For I know that your hearing and believing my words of I Love You is a very big reminder to take in. I also know that taking care of the voices and speaking the truth of who you are today is a wondrous realization for you. As you begin to believe my words and release the old voices in your head you are turning your thoughts to the knowing and believing in yourselves. You are seeing your own worthiness, your own beauty, and great value to yourself and the universe.
Of course you must know what my parting words will be to you today. I Love You, I Love You, and I Love You.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother MaryClick on the white arrow and the recording will start.
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