Letter 144
Dear Ones,
Today let us talk about what it means to be a heart-centered being. How does one become a heart centered being? What do I have to learn and what do I need to read? Let us start with this. Each and every one of you can become a heart centered being. This is not an easy journey to undertake. The rewards are un-imaginable. You will be learning to live your life as it was meant to be lived.
There is no one book to read or easy quick path to follow. Each being will find the path they need to follow on this journey by going inside themselves. I am sure there are many of you right now who are saying no way, I am not going inside of me. There is too much confusion and chaos inside my head. I WILL SAY TO YOU VERY LOUDLY RIGHT NOW THE ONLY PATH TO BECOMING A HEART-CENTERED BEING IS THE ONE INSIDE OF YOU. REMEMBERING NOW THAT THE 5D WORLD IS A HEART-CENTERED WORLD AND ALL BEINGS WHO LIVE IN THE 5D WORLD ARE HEART-CENTERED.
Those first steps inside yourself may seem a little scary and overwhelming, but you will find that it is a place that you have been waiting to journey to your whole life. This journey to become a heart-centered being will be one of un-teaching yourself much that you have learned from the time of your birth. It will mean letting go of any of the comments that you took in and believed about yourself that were not truth. It will be letting go of any thought that spoke of you not being absolutely perfect in every way. It will be letting go of any thought where you were comparing yourself or being compared to some other being. There can be no comparisons as you are unique and like no one else in the universe.
It is a total and complete understanding that each being in the universe is separate, whole, and perfect just as they are. Physical form and shape are of no consequence or matter in the heart-centered world. It means recognizing that each and every being is here for a specific reason and purpose. Recognizing that each and every being is connected to the whole. Every thought and action vibrates through the whole. Thoughts and actions are like radio waves running through the whole of the universe. If you are thinking in your mind that you are unworthy then that message is beaming out to the whole and others are hearing the message that they are unworthy also. Your thoughts and every one else’s thoughts are circling around and around touching everyone in the whole. What each person does every minute of every day is of the utmost importance.
You each are affecting each other in every minute. You each are making up a huge circle of the whole. All parts inter connected and needed for the whole to be complete. Do you see how important each of you are and what an immense part you play in the whole. Many of you will want to say no that can’t be true, I just don’t matter that much. ONCE AGAIN I WILL SPEAK MOST LOUDLY, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU IS IMPORTANT BEYOND YOUR WILDEST IMAGINATION. YOU EACH HAVE A PURPOSE AND REASON FOR BEING HERE.
Your individual journeys will be as separate and unique as each of you are. It is a journey that you will need support and encouragement on as you travel this path. So I will say to you again that we are right here waiting to help you on your journey. We are humbled by your strength and courage as you under take this journey. Unlearning all that you have learned is no small accomplishment. We know and inside of yourself you know that you have been waiting to take this journey for sometime. So we say to you come and be with us and we will show you the way. There are many others who are on this path and who have been traveling for sometime and they will help to show you the way also. Know in your hearts that it will be no accident when you meet these beings that are already traveling their paths.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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