Saturday, February 22, 2025

Letter 232


Letter 232

Dear Ones,

Again today, let us talk about choices. It is so important that each of you recognize that the choices you have made in the past have formed what your life is today. I am so aware that this is a difficult truth for most of you to face. It is easier to blame God, me, and whoever else you might think of rather than yourselves.

Many of you are still blaming your parents or partners, saying things like if they hadn’t done this or that I wouldn’t be in this place now. That is not a truth Dear Ones. Once again I will say it is so important to recognize and accept the responsibility for who you are and how you live your life.

Always, Always, Always the truth comes back to each of you. In every situation, you had a choice to make. The choice may have been to follow your heart or to listen to someone else’s thoughts and to follow their way. It still comes back to you and your choice. There is not nor has there ever been a truth that said your choices would be easy. There have been times in each of your lives when you did make the easy choice and it turned out not to be easy after all or it turned out not to be the best choice for you.

So, now the big question is what do you do when you discover that you have not made the best choice for you? Now is the time to step back and really look at all your options and choices. It is time to ask yourself some questions. These are not questions that your mind can answer for you. Are you remembering now what your world is becoming and who you are becoming? I am speaking of you becoming a 5D heart centered being.

The time to continue relying on your brain/mind to make choices for you has passed. You will find it almost impossible to continue living in your world if you continue trying to live by what your brain tells you. Your heart is now the center of your world. It will never lead you in the wrong direction. I know that this is a new concept for most of you. You have been taught from birth to go by what your brain and logical mind says. It is thought by many that the brain is more important than your heart, or your feelings. This is an untruth. Your brain is important but it is not the most important organ in your body.

THE TRUTH IS YOUR HEART IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ORGAN IN YOUR BODY. IN FACT, IT IS ALL IMPORTANT. REMEMBERING NOW THAT YOUR 5D WORLD IS HEART DIRECTED. THOSE WHO LIVE IN THE 5D LIVE A HEART DIRECTED LIFE. SO STARTING TODAY, IT IS TIME TO START PRACTICING AND LIVING IN THIS MANNER. When you have decisions or choices to make, simply stay quiet for a moment, put your hand on your heart, and listen to what it tells you. There will be some of you who say, "Well it tells me nothing, I hear nothing." I will say back to you let go of your harsh thoughts about needing to live a heart centered life and open your mind and ears to what is being said to you. It is also a truth that you may not like what your heart tells you. If that is the case, then it is time to stop and discover what you do not like about it and what you need to do about that.

Most often choices we do not like are about fear and how your worlds will change if you make a certain choice. When you are finding yourself needing to make a difficult choice, one where you stand alone against family or friends, know that we are there with you. We are always with you, always standing right beside you. Yes, I am aware there are many times that you do not know that we are right there. I hope you will believe me when I say we are always right with you. For you are so loved and cherished beyond your wildest dreams. We know that these are difficult and challenging times for all of you. Learning to make decisions from your hearts takes great strength and courage. We honor you, each and every one for all you do. 


Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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