Letter 231
Dear Ones,
Today, I want to assure you that we are all right here supporting you and ready to help you in any way we can. There are millions of us here in my world waiting and willing to help. These past six weeks since you have passed into your year of 2025 have been intense and surprising for many of you.
All did not calm down and become easier and more gentle as you passed into your long awaited 2025. You have found your world more intense. Your physical bodies are being bombarded with energy that is new and different and your minds are being thrown back into the old time 3D world. So, now not only are you dealing with the 5D world, last year's 3D world, and now old time 3D of five, ten, or even thirty years ago.
Many of you are finding yourselves acting and reacting as if you were back in an earlier part of your life. Are you finding yourself slipping into what might be called time warps? What you are really doing is releasing once again energy from an earlier time in your life. It is confusing, scary, and mind-boggling to find yourselves acting in these old ways. This will continue on for a few more months until all old energies have been released.
It is important to be aware at all times of what is happening in your bodies and minds. If you are tired or out of balance with yourselves, then these moments of time warps can become more severe and confusing. It is no longer possible to put yourselves on automatic pilot and move through your day without thinking or being aware of what is happening.
I am aware that you are stretched to your limits, but be assured that once you are aware of these time warps that all will become easier. All of this is leading up to each of you staying in the NOW WORLD. The 5D world is all about the NOW. Remember that there is no past and no future in the 5D world, there is only NOW.
So, consider yourselves being in school and you are learning to be in the NOW. Staying in the NOW will reduce the effects and length of the time warps and can eliminate them all together. In the craziness of your world remember to ask us for help; for we are honored to be of service to you. WE find your courage, strength, and determination to better yourselves and your world admiral and awe-inspiring. You each are so loved and cherished. We are always right here beside you. To use the words of your world "we have your back" and we are covering it with love.
Know that you only need to call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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