Saturday, February 22, 2025

Letter 232


Letter 232

Dear Ones,

Again today, let us talk about choices. It is so important that each of you recognize that the choices you have made in the past have formed what your life is today. I am so aware that this is a difficult truth for most of you to face. It is easier to blame God, me, and whoever else you might think of rather than yourselves.

Many of you are still blaming your parents or partners, saying things like if they hadn’t done this or that I wouldn’t be in this place now. That is not a truth Dear Ones. Once again I will say it is so important to recognize and accept the responsibility for who you are and how you live your life.

Always, Always, Always the truth comes back to each of you. In every situation, you had a choice to make. The choice may have been to follow your heart or to listen to someone else’s thoughts and to follow their way. It still comes back to you and your choice. There is not nor has there ever been a truth that said your choices would be easy. There have been times in each of your lives when you did make the easy choice and it turned out not to be easy after all or it turned out not to be the best choice for you.

So, now the big question is what do you do when you discover that you have not made the best choice for you? Now is the time to step back and really look at all your options and choices. It is time to ask yourself some questions. These are not questions that your mind can answer for you. Are you remembering now what your world is becoming and who you are becoming? I am speaking of you becoming a 5D heart centered being.

The time to continue relying on your brain/mind to make choices for you has passed. You will find it almost impossible to continue living in your world if you continue trying to live by what your brain tells you. Your heart is now the center of your world. It will never lead you in the wrong direction. I know that this is a new concept for most of you. You have been taught from birth to go by what your brain and logical mind says. It is thought by many that the brain is more important than your heart, or your feelings. This is an untruth. Your brain is important but it is not the most important organ in your body.

THE TRUTH IS YOUR HEART IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ORGAN IN YOUR BODY. IN FACT, IT IS ALL IMPORTANT. REMEMBERING NOW THAT YOUR 5D WORLD IS HEART DIRECTED. THOSE WHO LIVE IN THE 5D LIVE A HEART DIRECTED LIFE. SO STARTING TODAY, IT IS TIME TO START PRACTICING AND LIVING IN THIS MANNER. When you have decisions or choices to make, simply stay quiet for a moment, put your hand on your heart, and listen to what it tells you. There will be some of you who say, "Well it tells me nothing, I hear nothing." I will say back to you let go of your harsh thoughts about needing to live a heart centered life and open your mind and ears to what is being said to you. It is also a truth that you may not like what your heart tells you. If that is the case, then it is time to stop and discover what you do not like about it and what you need to do about that.

Most often choices we do not like are about fear and how your worlds will change if you make a certain choice. When you are finding yourself needing to make a difficult choice, one where you stand alone against family or friends, know that we are there with you. We are always with you, always standing right beside you. Yes, I am aware there are many times that you do not know that we are right there. I hope you will believe me when I say we are always right with you. For you are so loved and cherished beyond your wildest dreams. We know that these are difficult and challenging times for all of you. Learning to make decisions from your hearts takes great strength and courage. We honor you, each and every one for all you do. 


Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Letter 231


Letter 231

Dear Ones,

Today, I want to assure you that we are all right here supporting you and ready to help you in any way we can. There are millions of us here in my world waiting and willing to help. These past six weeks since you have passed into your year of 2025 have been intense and surprising for many of you.

All did not calm down and become easier and more gentle as you passed into your long awaited 2025. You have found your world more intense. Your physical bodies are being bombarded with energy that is new and different and your minds are being thrown back into the old time 3D world. So, now not only are you dealing with the 5D world, last year's 3D world, and now old time 3D of five, ten, or even thirty years ago.

Many of you are finding yourselves acting and reacting as if you were back in an earlier part of your life. Are you finding yourself slipping into what might be called time warps? What you are really doing is releasing once again energy from an earlier time in your life. It is confusing, scary, and mind-boggling to find yourselves acting in these old ways. This will continue on for a few more months until all old energies have been released.

It is important to be aware at all times of what is happening in your bodies and minds. If you are tired or out of balance with yourselves, then these moments of time warps can become more severe and confusing. It is no longer possible to put yourselves on automatic pilot and move through your day without thinking or being aware of what is happening.

I am aware that you are stretched to your limits, but be assured that once you are aware of these time warps that all will become easier. All of this is leading up to each of you staying in the NOW WORLD. The 5D world is all about the NOW. Remember that there is no past and no future in the 5D world, there is only NOW.

So, consider yourselves being in school and you are learning to be in the NOW. Staying in the NOW will reduce the effects and length of the time warps and can eliminate them all together.  In the craziness of your world remember to ask us for help; for we are honored to be of service to you. WE find your courage, strength, and determination to better yourselves and your world admiral and awe-inspiring. You each are so loved and cherished. We are always right here beside you. To use the words of your world "we have your back" and we are covering it with love.

Know that you only need to call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary  

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Lettter 230


Letter 230

Dear Ones,

Today I wish to speak to those of you who are feeling so very tired. Some of you are wondering how you can continue to move forward. Your body, minds, and spirits are tired and worn thin. Your hearts cry out at times for some kind of relief or reprieve from all that is going on.

Are you wondering if there is a place where you can go to let everything in your world take care of itself for a few moments in time? And of course, I want to say to you that you only need to take care of yourselves and allow the rest of your world to take care of itself. Are you seeing chaos and upheaval happening in the lives of those around you?

This is the time then to stand back and support them in their changing worlds. By supporting them, I am not speaking of getting in the mix with them and taking care of everything. I am speaking of staying in your own space and holding them in love and light. This is a reminder that you do not know what is to be happening in anyone else’s life. You do not have the whole picture nor will you ever have the whole picture of someone else’s life.

What may seem wrong and out of place for someone else may be exactly where they need to be at this time. It is important to know that many people there on your Mother Earth are learning lessons of a lifetime right now. By that I mean they have traveled on their path and have walked by many opportunities to learn lifetime lessons and they have chosen not to. You might say they have come up against the brick wall at this time in their lives. They have choices and decisions to make, which only they can make.

For those of you who are watching loved ones walking through their lessons, it can be a challenge to watch how it all plays out. But, what are your lessons in the watching and why is this time of watching appearing in your lives? Some of you are simply in a place in your lives where you can stand in the shadows and send support and love. Do not be too quick to grab a hold of this reason; it is surely the easiest reason for being in this place. Perhaps, there are many of you who are getting ready to hit your own brick walls and are being allowed to see a movie of how someone else is dealing with it. It may be that you are one of the beings who needs to learn that you cannot and must not attempt to fix someone else's problems.

So today I say to each of you to stand back and allow yourself to see yourself with more clarity and understanding of which part you are playing today. There is much drama and misunderstanding happening in your world today. Drama and misunderstanding allows challenges and lessons to come forward to be worked through and learned from. Each being there on Mother Earth right now is some how involved in drama and misunderstanding.

Take the time to see what role you are playing and what you need to do to learn from what is happening in your life. Of course, we are right here ready to help you in any way we can. Many of us are standing in the background sending you love, courage, and strength for all that is happening in your lives. Know that I am right here loving you so dearly and carrying you in my heart. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary  

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Letter 229


Letter 229

Dear Ones,

Well, your lives have become a bit calmer since the turning of your calendar into the month of February. There will continue to be times and spaces of unrest and overwhelming amounts of energy. But, when you consider all that you, each have been through, there is truly nothing that you cannot handle. Your strength and determination continues to amaze us here in my world.

The beings of Earth seem to be and have a never ending well of strength. You are to be greatly applauded and honored for all you have accomplished. Each and every one of you has put your body, mind, and soul into turning your Mother Earth around. The transition from the old paradigm to the new light filled paradigm would not have happened without each of you.

As I said in my last letter now is the time of letting go of all the old secrets, lies, and self-deceptions. Those words may seem harsh and ugly, but the truth is there is not one being on Mother Earth who does not have secrets buried in their hearts, minds, and bodies. The lies and self-deceptions have come about because of the secrets. Most of the time the lies or self-deceptions are what you tell yourselves about things that have happened in your past. All of this is done to relieve guilt, shame, embarrassment, humiliation, and an immense lack of self-worth.

Right now, this very minute as some of you are reading this letter; I can almost feel you start to shrink up and become smaller. It is time to let go of these old patterns. It is time to realize that you are no longer that person who needed to feel shame, guilt, and on and on. This is not who you are today, nor is it who you are meant to be. It is time to open your heart and release all that is holding you back.

Many of you do not want to go back and look at these things that have been buried and hidden away. To each of you, I will say it is time. IT IS TIME TO CLOSE YOUR EYES, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. PLEASE COME WITH ME AND LET US WALK AND TALK. LET US GO TO MY GARDEN AND SPEND THIS TIME WITH EACH OTHER. It is time to talk of these things that you have never talked about before. It is time to tell me all that you have kept, hidden, and buried. I will listen; I will stay here and I will hold you most gently in my arms.

IT IS IMPORTANT FOR EACH OF YOU TO KNOW THAT THERE IS NOTHING YOU HAVE NOT BEEN FORGIVEN FOR. WE HERE IN MY WORLD DO NOT KEEP LISTS OF RIGHTS AND WRONGS. Letting go of these things you have hidden and buried is about forgiving yourselves. I am speaking of truly forgiving yourselves. I am not speaking of just pretending and saying the words "Oh of course I forgive myself; all of that is in the past." I am talking of truly forgiving yourself with every ounce of your being. I am talking about a freedom beyond anything you have experienced before. WITH FORGIVENESS WILL COME A LIGHTING OF YOUR BODY. ALL PAST HEAVINESS WILL FLOAT AWAY; YOU MAY IN FACT, FEEL AS IF YOU COULD FLOAT AWAY.

There may be some of you who feel that to totally release these old issues that you will need to ask forgiveness of others in your life. If that is what you feel called to do, please step forward to do so. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW THAT WHETHER THEY FORGIVE YOU OR NOT, WE HERE HAVE FORGIVEN YOU AND YOU ALSO CAN FORGIVE YOURSELVES. YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SOMEONE ELSE’S HANGING ON TO OLD ISSUES FROM THEIR PASTS.

We are always right here ready to help in any way we can. You are not alone nor have you ever been alone. You each are loved beyond your imagination and in fact, beyond that. I love you so deeply and hold you so tenderly in my heart. I am humbled and amazed by your courage, strength, and determination to be all you can be. I am honored to be able to stand here beside you to help in whatever way I can. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary