Letter 228
Dear Ones,
Here we are at the end of the first month of your 2025. Are you shaking your head wondering what in the world is going on? There has been immense amounts of energy coming into your planet, as you well know. Most of you are feeling as if you have been hit by a tidal wave. Except this tidal wave hits you and then goes back out and returns to hit you again.
Well, I have good news the tidal wave has almost completed its cycle. That is not to say that all will be gentle and easy in the other 11 months of 2025. It is just to say that this cycle is almost complete. There are a few of you who will continue to experience these tidal waves into the next month. You all have been very brave and courageous going through the twists and turns of the tidal waves.
There is a new energy source that will be coming into your planet starting with this next month. Energy sources from many other planets will be filtering in and uplifting the vibration of planet Earth. You each will be more aware of other forms of living breathing life forms. Your planet has been visited for eons by beings from other star systems. All was kept hidden and invisible from most beings of earth. The time for invisibility has come and gone.
This time on your planet now is about truth and only truth. There is no longer room for secrets and lies. Lies told by your governments about what has been going on in your world for eons. You will start to see the veils of secrecy flow away into the ethers. Truths about past incidents and historical actions and reactions will be made known so that all are aware of the truth of your world.
It is as if Mother Earth is standing in a very large shower. She is being cleansed and returned to her perfection. Each of you will also be going into the shower and being cleansed and returned to your perfection. That is what your next few months will be about. The secrets and lies that have been part of your journey up until this point will no longer be hidden and put away. Your time for cleansing yourselves of all self-deceptions is beginning. We are aware that these deceptions and lies may have lived in your family for generations and they have been passed down from one to the other. All of that will be washed away and cleansed. It will go way beyond what you call the seven generations back and seven generations forward. It will go back to the beginning of your world, to the first day. It will go forward to the end of your world, the last day.
This whirlwind of cleansing will begin very slowly and build up its momentum over the next few months. THIS IS A JOURNEY OF FREEDOM FOR EACH OF YOU. I AM SPEAKING OF TRUE FREEDOM. THIS WILL BE FREEDOM WITHOUT HIDDEN DARK CORNERS THAT YOU NEED TO WATCH AND CARE FOR. I AM TALKING ABOUT NO DARK CORNERS AND NO FEAR OF DISCOVERY. I AM TALKING ABOUT THE FREEDOM TO BE WHO YOU ARE AND WHO YOU ARE MEANT TO BE. Secrets, lies, and self-deceptions will become part of the past, which will stay in the 3D world. Each of you will continue on your journeys into the 5D world.
Of course, you are not traveling alone on your journey. We are right here with you. We will be standing right beside you as you go through your own personal cleansing shower. We will hold your hand, stand at your back, or carry you into the shower if that is what you need. WE ARE RIGHT HERE.
We are loving you so greatly and holding you so tenderly in our hearts. I am loving you each and everyone.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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