Saturday, January 18, 2025

Letter 227


Letter 227

Dear Ones,

Have you noticed that your physical, emotional, and mental bodies are not doing well during these times? It is important to be aware of all that is going on in all your different bodies. The energy coming into your planet at this time is beyond anything you have known in the past.

Everything about you is seeking to adjust to what is pouring into your planet. Your physical bodies is feeling stressed and painful. Your mental bodies are becoming more forgetful and unable to focus. Have you noticed that you can start to do something and the next moment you are totally unaware of what you were going to start to do?

Now let us speak of your emotional bodies. How many of you have had a total collapse or I believe your word for it is "Meltdown" in the last few weeks? There may have been more than one episode like that. Anger, Rage, and Frustration seem to be running free and wild on your Mother Earth.

Pay attention to what is happening in your emotional bodies. Once again, old unfinished issues are coming to the surface with immense energy behind them. All are being pushed out into the open. You will no longer be able to contain what has been hidden and festering inside yourselves. Some of these issues have consciously been hidden away and held at bay. Others have subconsciously been waiting for the proper time to show their faces. All will need to be released and put to a final and clear ending.

It is most important at this time to stop and take a breath. Taking care of one's self during these times is no longer a choice, it has become a must. Your physical bodies are being taken to the farthest extremes. It is imperative at this time that you pay attention to the food you eat and the liquids that you drink. Drinking water and flushing toxins from your physical body is the best way to support your body at this time. For those of you who say I drink a lot of water every day, I am going to say drink twice that much from this day forward. Extreme amounts of toxins are being generated in your bodies from the energy vibrations that you are absorbing.

I am wondering if many of you are thinking that this is the same stuff that has been happening over and over throughout the last few years. You're right, some of this is more of the same old thing, but it is at a much deeper level and have you noticed it is coming through you with increased power and frequency? I wish that I could tell you, this is almost over. Of course, for a few of you, it is almost over, but for the bigger share of you, it will continue to be an ongoing journey for a while longer.

Of course, we are right here waiting to help you in any way that we can. When asking us for help, please do not try to direct the way in which the help should come. By trying to control each and every step along the way you tie our hands and then we are unable to help. There are so many, many ways to bring help to you that you are totally unaware of. Allow us a free hand in bringing you help in whatever way we can. So in your asking for help simply say

“Please help me with ______” and leave it at that. That allows us to bring you help in the best way possible for you.

Know that we are loving you most tenderly and holding you in our hearts. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary  

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