Saturday, December 28, 2024

Letter 223


Letter 223

Dear Ones,

Are you ready to welcome in 2025 and the rest of your Life. Today let us talk about the rest of your life. Are you awake, are you asleep or somewhere in between? Let me say to you right now it is time to be fully awake and alive. All that is happening on your Mother Earth is exciting and wondrous to behold.

The coming months will hold more wonders, experiences, and adventures you never thought you would have. Of course, this is a choice for each of you. How open-minded and loving are you willing to be? Can you open your arms in welcome to beings from other universes or star systems? Are you willing to take the chances to experience something new and changing to your awareness? Are you willing to risk letting your dreams come true?

During these months ahead at all times I am asking you to keep this thought in your mind, heart, and soul, "This is my choice." These four words are so important to each of you. All that is ahead for each of you in your personal world is your choice. Yes, it has always been this way, but many of you have been unaware or unwilling to admit that it is so. There is no longer any room for such denials.

These four words are the words of the year 2025.


It is important to remember that pretending not to make a choice is indeed a choice. There are a hundred million choices to be made in 2025. Starting with "What are you willing to risk to fulfill your purpose?" "What are willing to risk to experience overwhelming Joy and Happiness?" "What are you willing to risk to be true to yourself?" What are you risking if you DON'T choose your purpose, your joy and happiness, and being true to yourselves?

The Path into the 5D world has not been easy nor without rocks and pebbles along the way. All are being asked to let go of old ways of being, old thought patterns, and harsh judgments of self and others. It is a journey of learning to love yourselves. This means letting go of all of those beliefs and thoughts learned from your parents, your schooling, or religious beliefs that do not serve you. It is letting go of anything that does not support you, encourage you, and speak words of honor and respect to you. In many cases, it is learning to honor and respect yourselves.

Are you willing to risk loving yourselves and loving others completely without judgments or thoughts of if only? WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RISK TO LIVE IN TOTAL AND COMPLETE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE?


As always, we are standing right here willing and ready to help you in any way that we can. WE cannot make this choice for you, but we can help you to make the choice and we can help you once the choice is made. I am holding you so gently in my heart and loving you so greatly.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Letter 222


Letter 222

Dear Ones,

The Solstice is over,  Christmas Day will be in a few days and soon the New Year will begin. Many of you are in a state of exhaustion and relief that one of three are over. Know also that the best time of your life IS now, right now!!!

You each have gone through the magic day of the Solstice. You each are being provided with all that you need to start living in the 5D world. The energy coming into Mother Earth is available and ready to be put to use. NOW IS THE TIME THAT EACH OF YOU NEED TO BE CONSCIOUSLY MAKING CHOICES TO LIVE AS IF YOU ARE IN THE 5D WORLD. Many of you have felt the beginnings of Ascension. Your lives have changed drastically for the better. You see the world with new eyes, in fact, the world has become very clear and the colors more prominent. Are you hearing sounds far in the distance, like music and voices from far away? These are the sounds or break through sounds from other dimensions.

REMEMBER NOW THAT THIS IS THE TIME TO KEEP YOUR HEART AND MIND OPEN. New and wondrous experiences will be coming your way. New beings will be coming into your worlds and it is imperative that your hearts and minds are open to greet them in loving acceptance of all they are. Just as you will find them greeting you in open loving acceptance of who you are. Allow your hearts to be open and loving as it was meant to be. Allow yourselves to be all that you are.

Each of you will be finding yourselves in new and different experiences. Many changes will be coming into your lives. All that is needed for these things to transpire is your openness and willingness to allow your life to be what it was meant to be. Each of you came to Mother Earth this time with a definite purpose.

If you are thinking right now, "Mother Mary, I don't have time or energy for new things," then I will say to you have you not noticed that you have more energy these days? You each are more alive and more awake than you have ever been in your lives.

I want you to stop and take a moment to realize the changes that have taken place inside each of you. Your lives have been so busy you have not noticed what has happened to each of you. YOU EACH ARE MORE ENERGIZED, MORE ALIVE, AND ARE FEELING CAPABLE OF DOING WHAT IS BEING ASKED OF EACH OF YOU. NOW IS THE TIME!!!

We are standing right here beside you, in fact; many of you are starting to be more aware of our presence. You are seeing our shadows or the subtle shift of the air as we move in beside you. STOP AND PAY ATTENTION, MUCH IN YOUR WORLD HAS CHANGED SINCE THE TURNING OF THE 12-21-23. If you are unable to stop right now, then over the next week take the time to stop yourselves and notice the changes that have occurred.

We all here in my world are wishing you the best of Holidays and a Joyous celebration of my SON’S birthday. I am holding you each in my heart and loving you beyond what you can imagine.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Letter 220


Letter 220

Dear Ones,

Let us stand together as one during these times of wondrous never before experienced energy, consciousness, and love that is pouring onto you and into your Mother Earth. I ask that you embrace yourselves for the wondrous beings that you are. Seeing yourselves in the light of truth and oneness with all.

As you stand in the light of truth with the knowing of all that is transpiring you are the reflector of fear and anxiety. Those emotions are turned to light once they encounter your being. For each of you are standing and stepping forward to allow your light to shine and my light to shine through you.

The anxiousness and fear of those who have not awakened or who are unable to accept and move into the love and joy that is coming to your Mother Earth need you each to be a reflector of love. As that reflector, you are turning their anxiousness into calm and purpose. Instead of moving into their fear, they turn and watch who you are and what you are doing.

IS this not being the great Wayshowers that you are? This is and was one of your great purposes for being here on Mother Earth at this time. To show others by your actions, voice, and by your clear and ever-present love. The love in each of you is reaching out to every other being on your planet. Every living breathing life form on your planet that is awake and aware of what is happening has been filled with love beyond what they have known. That love is spreading out and encompassing all beings that you encounter.

If you are saying, "But Mother Mary, I don't feel any different than I did two weeks ago." I will say stop for a moment and close your eyes. Let yourself turn to your heart and what is happening there. Your world is going so fast right now and each of you is going so fast right now that you have not noticed what is happening to each of you. Allow your heart to open and then be aware of what you are feeling.

LOVE IS POURING INTO YOU FROM ON HIGH AND IN TURN, YOU ARE HANDING IT OUT IN GREAT IMMENSE AMOUNTS TO EVERYONE YOU ARE IN CONTACT WITH. Each of you is seeing more and more people each day as you are out and about with your Christmas preparations.

Know that there is nothing that you need to do. Simply being yourselves and allowing the love to move from your heart to each person that you see and touch with each day. Just being yourselves is all that you need. Your presence is enough to reassure others that all is right on Mother Earth. As you touch with people, the fear is dimmed and it passes away.

We here in my world are so grateful and humbled by the job that each of you are doing. We are rejoicing and celebrating each of you. We Thank You for being the vehicle of love and light in your world and our world. Know that you each are loved and cherished beyond anything that you can imagine. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary


Saturday, December 7, 2024

Letter 219


Letter 219

Dear Ones,

Today is the first day of new beginnings. With the immense amounts of energy coming into your body, mind, and spirits today, you are all capable of performing miracles for yourselves.

Whether it is letting go of old fears that you have held on to for a lifetime or singing the songs that you love as you walk down the street. What is it that you have always dreamed of doing? What have you never allowed yourself to accomplish?

Today, give yourself permission to be who you are. Open the door to your inner being and allow yourself the freedom to be in the world. Each one of you knows exactly what I am talking about. I am talking about that person you keep hidden away for fear of what others will think. The truth is it is what you think that matters.

No longer allow these old 3D ways of thinking to stop you. Take advantage of what is being offered today. Right now, take a moment in time stop, and allow yourself to feel the energy. Stand in quietness, whether you are on the street or in your homes. Let this be the moment you allow yourselves what is being offered.

If you have stopped and cannot feel the energy of today, then I will ask you to trust me and believe it is there for you. Know also that on a day like today that your world is filled with beings from my world and beings from all the star planets.

Your world is filled with multitudes of spirit beings, star beings, all the Archangels and Masters from the beginnings of time. All are here to assist you and honor you. We all wish to show our gratitude for all that you are doing to assist your Mother Earth into the 5D world.

Know that you are loved beyond what you can imagine. I love you, I love you, and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Letter 197


Letter 197

Dear Ones,

We, here in my world, are aware of the many changes, transformations, and extreme energy waves that you are all walking through. What I want you to know is that we are helping and assisting you in whatever way we can. Your courage and strength is beyond compare.

Each of you have chosen to be here during this time. Many of you had your own lessons to learn from your experiences of this time. Others of you came to simply be of help and assistance to other beings of Mother Earth. But, as a group, you all came to help in the transforming of your world into a place of love. You all are part of turning your Mother Earth into a heart-centered world.

It is our wish that you recognize and see that this is happening. No, it is not going to happen in the next few months, but it will happen. It will happen because of your hard work, your courage, and your strength. We here in my world recognize all that has been accomplished and the progress that has occurred.

Today, I want each of you to stop and recognize the changes that you have made. Stop and take the time to look back and remember who you were a year ago and who you are today. Look at the people you know and recognize the changes they have made. Now, look beyond your everyday world to what is happening all over Mother Earth. Can you see the changes that have been made over the last year?There are countries where the people are being able to vote for who will be their leader. Some for the first time and others for the first time in many, many years.

This process of changing from a 3D world to a 5D world will take time. Some of the changes will be large and overwhelming, but there will be hundreds of thousands of other small changes that will go almost unnoticed. There are those of you who have been thinking, isn't this almost over? Surely, by this time, we should be living in a 5D world. No, it is not over, and it is not close to being over.


Stop and take a moment right now to be sure you understand what I have just said. The process of learning, growing, and becoming someone who can live in the 5D is what this whole journey is about.

No one who came to Mother Earth at this time was born knowing how to live in a 5D world. You all came needing to learn to be a 5D person. You all have been in an accelerated class learning to be a 5D person. It has not been easy, but you are accomplishing your goal. Being in this class has allowed others to see what you are learning and how you are growing. Then they will take what they have seen and learned and put it to use in their own lives. So goes the story of being one of the Wayshowers and Keeper of the Light.

Each of you Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light are fulfilling the reason that you came to Mother Earth at this time. No, the job is not complete, and there is still much to learn and do. But, indeed, it is time to stop and congratulate yourselves on a job well done so far. We here in my world are standing applauding each of you. We are humble and grateful for all you are doing and all you have done. Know that we are loving you and standing right beside you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Letter 206


Letter 206

Dear Ones,

Good Morning!! It tickles me to say these words to you. It is not often that I say Good Morning to you and I think perhaps I need to do that more often. Saying Good Morning is like wishing someone joy and happiness in their day. And I do so wish you joy and happiness in your day, your life, and inside all of your bodies. So in the future when you say Good Morning to someone allow it to come from your heart reaching out to their hearts.

LOVE is what makes the world go around. One heart reaching out to another heart and another heart and to another heart and to another heart. Unending never stopping always reaching out for the next heart. Connection reaching all across your Mother Earth, touching each being with LOVE and ONENESS. REMEMBERING now that you are all one, we are all one. Each and every being both in the seen and unseen world is connected and joined. No, you cannot see this connection your heart is connected to me, to your earth, to all the unseen in my world, and to each being of your world. Once you make that connection there will never be another time of feeling with your physical eyes, but you can feel it in your heart.

So, today I say to you go to your heart. Put your hand on your heart, close your eyes, and allow yourselves to stop and be as one with your heart. Allow yourself to feel your heart connect to me, to your earth, to all the unseen in my world, and to each being of your world. Once you make that connection there will never be another time of feeling with your physical eyes, but you can feel it in your heart.

You may find that the first time you allow yourselves to try and make this connection it will not feel as you anticipate that it should. If this is so for you, then I say to you is it not scary to let go of those feelings of aloneness, isolation, and being unloved? You know those feelings, you know how to act and be in the world carrying those feelings around in your blocked and shut-down heart. And yes I know that is how you feel you are protecting yourself. Are you aware that in the protecting of your heart in this manner that you are causing yourselves more hurt and pain? Your life becomes filled with days, weeks, months, and a lifetime of aloneness, isolation, and feelings of being unloved. That is a high price to pay for what you call protection of self. It has become the opposite of what you are desperately wanting and needing in your lives.

So for today will you try and allow yourselves to reach out and connect heart to heart with your world? REMEMBER NOW that you are reaching out and connecting from your hearts. Do not mistakenly reach out to connect with your hurt and pain, for that will only call forth a connection with more hurt and pain. So, place your hand on your heart, close your eyes and connect with your heart self and then reach out to connect with me, to the earth, to all the unseen of my world and to each being of your world. Continue each day to reach out and try connecting to all. This connecting process will become easier and more fulfilling with everyday practice. I WELCOME YOUR CONNECTION FROM MY HEART TO YOURS. I am loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in my heart. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Letter 202


Letter 202

Dear Ones,

How are you all holding up? Your world has been swamped with intense energy waves one after the other for weeks if not months now? Time is going so fast, and your personal worlds are moving at the speed of sound. There has been little rest or space for catching your breaths.

So, right now, as you are reading my letter, I would like you to stop and take a breath. Close your eyes for just one moment and breathe deeply. Allow me to place my hand on the top of your head. Feel the energy coming into your bodies.  Feel the love and comfort coming to you. Allow yourselves to feel the support and strength you need to go forward.

Stay here with me for just a few more moments. Everything can and will wait for us to continue this moment in time. This is time that you need, time to refuel and care for yourselves. In the past weeks and months, there has not been much time to care for yourselves.

Each of you are worn thin and, in some cases, bone tired. There is the feeling among some of you that you may not be able to go on. So, for those of you who think that they can't go on? Hear me now, I am right here, and I will provide you with the energy and support that you need to continue this journey. Your journeys are beyond important. Each and every one of you is needed to participate in this transformation of your world.

The changing of your world from 3D to 5D can, at times, feel like you are at war. There is indeed the same chaos and confusion in your changing into a different world as there is in a war-torn country. This is not a war you will see in the headlines of your newspapers. This is a war going on inside people's hearts and souls. It is a war between the positive and the negative forces of the worlds. It is a war between the caring and uncaring, a war between greed, selfishness, and selflessness.

As amazing as it may seem to you reading this letter, some beings of earth are fighting to hold onto their worlds of selfishness, greed, uncaring, hate, and violence. Do you not wonder why a being would fight to hang onto these things?  They fight out of fear. They have no conscious knowledge of any other way to live. So fear steps in and takes over, and they continue fighting, never knowing that what is being offered is what they really want and need.

This is where the Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light step in and be the living example of all that is waiting in this new world called 5D. For those who are hanging on to the old ways, it will take much time for them to be able to see that it is possible to have what they have always wanted. They have never believed that it was possible to have such a world as the 5D.

So, for now, it is only in the showing of a new way to live and that this war will be won. I offer you my most humble gratitude for all that you are doing and living through to bring this new world into being. Your strength, courage, and determination is beyond measure.

Know that we here are walking right beside you, always!! You are never alone.  We stand with you and will always stand with you. I am loving you so dearly and holding you in my heart. I love you, I love you, and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Letter 180


Letter 180

Dear Ones,

Today we are re-posting Letter 93 from February of 2011. As I have mentioned before, my letters are for all time. Even though they may mention dates or times of the year, they are alive and pertain to every day of every year.

Letter 93 is about the choices that you each make every day. You may be unaware of these choices, or perhaps you have forgotten that you have the power to decide what will happen in your life each and every day. By getting out of bed each morning without making a conscious choice is a form of not taking responsibility for your life and the energy, you contribute to the whole of the universe. The re-posting of Letter 93 is a gentle reminder of the incredible power you each have in the direction and quality of your lives.

Know that I am loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in my heart. I Love You, I Love You, and I Love You.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary


Letter 93

Dear Ones,

Let us today talk about choices. The choice that I am interested in today is the one you make in the morning after you get out of bed. Will it be a good day? Will it be a bad day? Will it be an OK day?

Did you know that you have a choice about what your day will be? You can get out of bed feeling a little tired, crabby, and saying, yuck, it is raining. Guess where the day will go from there. What kind of day do you think you will have if you CHOOSE to stay in that mindset? First off, is the energy that you wake up with all yours, or is it part of the collective consciousness? Have you cleared and cleaned your energy field lately? Have you cleared and cleaned the energy field of your home and car?

The condition of your energy field has a direct connection to the kinds of days you choose for your life. Isn’t it incredible that these are your choices about what kind of days you can have? Have you been thinking it was a random thing that just happened to you? I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU HAVE CHOICES ABOUT HOW YOUR DAY WILL BE.

The energy of your world right now is very intense and heavy. There is great turmoil going on in many countries and cities all over the world. You have a choice whether or not to bring that energy into your car, your home, and your life. People walking through your grocery stores and malls have great turmoil going on inside of them. What about the people who are struggling to find a job or they are worrying about losing their homes?

You can change nothing for these people who are in turmoil by bringing it into your lives and homes. That will not change anything for them. In fact, it is more harmful for them when that happens. The harm comes from you increasing that turmoil by bringing it home and allowing it to grow and expand. It is so much better for you, your world, and those in turmoil if you CHOOSE to stay in your own energy field, simply sending love and caring to them.

We have talked before about old emotions and situations coming up to be released and let go of. If you CHOOSE to hang on to these old emotions and situations, how do you think you will feel in the morning when you get out of bed? REMEMBERING NOW THAT YOU TOOK THEM TO BED WITH YOU OR, IN SOME CASES, THEY CAME TO YOU DURING THE NIGHT IN YOUR DREAMS.


What is your energy field bringing into the world today? Are you bringing turmoil and unrest, or WILL YOU BRING YOURSELF INTO THE DAY AS A HEART-CENTERED LOVING, CARING BEING?



Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Letter 259


Letter 259

Dear Ones, 

Lately, I have been talking about Self-Love and Self-Care.  Part of loving and caring for you is Trusting yourselves.   I am talking about that small voice inside of you.   Most of you are thinking that the voice comes from your brain, but in truth, it comes from your heart, which is where your intuition and your spiritual knowing comes from.

Every being on earth has that small voice that speaks to them.  Many of you choose to ignore it or even pretend that you don’t have a voice.   But, that is an untruth; everyone has that small voice inside their hearts.  Learning to trust yourselves is a big step in loving and caring for yourselves.   Many of you trust yourselves when it comes to something logical and analytical.  That kind of trust is the easy one to acquire.  I am speaking of trusting yourselves when you have nothing to back you up.  An example of what I am speaking of is “your on your way home from work; there are two ways to go home and your small voice is telling you to go a certain way, but it is longer and takes a few more minutes.  You decide to listen and go that way, later you hear there was a bad accident on the other road.”   Now, aren't you glad you listened to that small inner voice telling you to go the other way? 

Now do you understand what I am talking about when I say trusting yourselves by trusting that small inner voice? Some people call that voice their intuition, but today I am calling it your spiritual knowing or your connection to source and my world. REMEMBER WE ARE ALWAYS HERE GUIDING YOU AND PROTECTING YOU.  There are many of you who listen sometimes and many who never listen to that spiritual knowing at all.  Today I am asking you to start listening to that knowing and to the messages that we are sending you daily. 

Many of the decisions that you make daily about your lives and your business world that you struggle over could be answered easily by listening to that inner voice and trusting yourselves.  There would be no need to struggle or worry about what you decide if you are listening to your inner voice.  Your relationships would be smoother and more loving with the help of your inner voice.  The confusion and chaos of your mind will quiet and be gone as you start to listen to your inner voice and not the confusion and chaos.  

This is all about trusting yourselves and trusting us; we are your inner voice. Your inner voice is your connection to my world. My world being your helpers, guardian angels, me Mother Mary, and all the other millions of beings who live in my world. Trusting the inner voice is about accepting and appreciating your help and guidance. It is about letting go of the belief that your logical mind has the answers to everything. Your logical mind only has a very small limited amount of knowledge about what goes on in the world. Your inner voice has access to a huge incredible amount of knowledge, which it can provide to you if you choose to listen. REMEMBER THAT WE ARE RIGHT HERE WAITING TO HELP YOU. If you feel uncertain how to start listening to your inner voice, you only need ask for help and we will be there to help you. I am holding you most tenderly in my heart and loving you so greatly. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Letter 258


Letter 258

Dear Ones,

It has been a very short time since my last letter to each of you. I want each of you to know that I see how hard you are trying to care for yourselves. Also, I see what a great relief it was for many of you when you read my letter telling you that you need to care for yourselves first.

There are so many of you who have cared for others first for your whole life and have never allowed yourselves to be cared for. My words and encouragement were so welcome and comforting to those of you who have been living in the old ways.

Know that I am standing here in my world applauding each of you for stepping out and reaching out to try life in a different way. Let there be no guilt in your minds and hearts over taking care of yourselves first. Be aware that the beings in your personal lives may find the changes in you difficult to understand. Perhaps, there will be some who take it as a personal affront to them that you are caring for yourselves first and then reaching out to care for them. There may be some who feel that you do not love them as much as you used to or they may feel neglected by you.


There is one more important step in this changing of the old patterns of caring for others first. It is now most important to talk with the others in your personal lives and explain what you are doing and why you are doing it. It is time to let them know that by taking care of yourself first what you will have to give them will be so much more. There will no longer be feelings of tiredness, resentment, and anger attached to the care that you are giving to them. YES, ALL OF THOSE FEELINGS ARE ATTACHED TO YOUR GIVING WHEN YOU DO NOT CARE FOR YOURSELF FIRST. I can see your faces right now and you are shocked and in disbelief that this might be true.

So, I will say to you stop for a moment and think about how you felt when you were caring for others all the time and never finding time for yourselves. This is a step in taking your blinders off and really looking inside yourselves and seeing what has been going on for you as you cared for others day after day. I will say again now, it is not the time for guilt over this either. It is simply the way it worked for you in the past and now you are changing that. I am so proud of each of you. Changing one’s life, one’s old habits or patterns is never easy. The fact that you are doing the self-care now or maybe just thinking about doing it is wonderful beyond words. REMEMBER THAT WE ARE RIGHT HERE AND WE WILL HELP IN ANY WAY WE CAN. WE ARE LOVING YOU SO GREATLY AND HOLDING YOU IN OUR HEARTS WITH GREAT JOY AND LOVE. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Letter 257


Letter 257

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Let us once again talk of Self-care. I cannot stress enough how important self-care is. During these times of intense energies, solar flares, and the onslot that each of you is experiencing from outside sources, it is imperative that you love and nurture yourselves. Self-care is all about loving, nurturing, and supporting yourself.

Each of you have loved ones in your lives that you love, nurture, and support and they are an important part of your life. But, the old patterns and training of times past tell you and have told you it is necessary and godly to care for them first. THAT IS AN UNTRUTH. This is one of the many untruths you have been told over and over. IT IS TIME OR PAST TIME TO ERASE THOSE UNTRUTHS FROM MINDS, HEARTS AND BODIES. This untruth and other untruths are harmful and in some cases abusive to EACH OF YOU.

Do you understand what I am saying? Always caring for others first is damaging to who you are. Only by caring for yourselves first will you ever be able to turn and offer true help to another. By true help, I AM SPEAKING OF HELP THAT TRULY COMES FROM YOUR HEART. In other words, your help is given with an open heart. Openhearted help is beyond wonderful and feels good to the person giving and to the person receiving. The person receiving will feel so loved and cared for.

Their hearts will be warmed and the soul will feel full and cherished. You, the giver will feel energized and heart connected to the receiver. Your giving in this way will take nothing from you but in truth will give back to you. The gratitude and appreciation coming to you from the receiver will amaze you.

There are perhaps very few beings on Mother Earth who have experienced giving or receiving in this manner. The reason being is that very few beings have been able to let go of the old teachings that tell you to help others first and then maybe yourselves. These old teachings do not allow you the giver the time or energy to care for yourselves. Many of you at this time are starved for Self-care. Once again, I am going to say to you stop and take the time today to care for yourselves in some way. Know that it does not have to be in a huge dramatic way taking hours and hours. Starting with just one small thing that would make you feel good about yourselves and the world would be wonderful.

I am asking you to daily start doing small things to care for yourselves. Once you are practicing this daily you will find yourselves reaching to do more and more to care for yourselves. Reaping the rewards of Self-care will amaze you filling your heart and mind with abundant new energy and love. Those beings who are in your daily lives will be so grateful and rewarded by all that you have done for yourselves. You will find that you are becoming like a new being. Your love, warmth, and caring will go out to others in a way you have never experienced before. When you live in a world of Self-care where you are feeling loved and totally supported by yourself, you will be living in the world in a totally new way. Your inner light will shine brighter and truer than it ever has before.

As always, you are never alone on your journey. We are here by the hundreds of thousands standing beside you offering our love and support to you as you find your way into the world of Self-care. Each of you are loved and cherished beyond what you can imagine. I am loving each and every one and holding you in my heart so tenderly.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Letter 281


Letter 281

Good Morning Dear Ones,

How are each of you doing today? There has never been a more important time to be practicing your Self-care and Self-love. After the intensity of the last few months, each of you are worn a little thin and are in need of support, nurturing, and love. Providing some of that for yourselves is a wondrous gift and asking for that from your personal tribe is so important. Also, please do not forget to ask us; we have unimaginable amounts of love, support, and nurturing to offer you. Please be as gentle with yourselves as you can.

Know that I am holding each one of you in my arms as you read my letter today. As you read this letter, allow your hearts to open and accept this love, and know that you each deserve this and so much more. You all have worked so hard, and at times it must seem like you have been working at this forever. Know that we are right here with you and that this is where we will stay.

Each of you has your own separate issues to work through as you continue on your chosen paths. Yes, they will continue to appear time after time until they have been completed and released. So, I am hoping that you will take care of them sooner than later. For it seems that each time they return to you, they become stronger and stronger until you can no longer ignore them. Ignoring your issues takes an incredible amount of your energy and time. So if you are finding yourselves tired and exhausted, you might take a closer look at what has been appearing in your lives and has it been there before.

Each of you knows and are aware of what I am speaking of. Yes, we are aware that sometimes it just seems too painful to sort through the old issues and events. Remembering now, that they become stronger and more intense the longer they are held close. You will be amazed at the relief and joy that will fill your hearts, minds, and bodies as you find release and letting go.

Also, remember that it is not always necessary to go back and re-examine every detail of an event or issue. Many times it can be a simple acknowledgment of what your heart, mind, and body are experiencing that will allow it all to be released and let go of. It is always important to acknowledge what your body, mind, and heart are experiencing. All parts of you are connected and make up the whole of who you are. There is no way for you to ignore what is happening in any part of yourselves. You can pretend to bury emotions deep inside and make yourselves believe they are gone and no longer have any control over your lives, but that is a great huge untruth. Those emotions that you have tried to hide away are what is controlling your every move, thought, and action. This belief that you are able to hide away issues, events, and emotions from the past is the biggest trick that the beings of earth play on themselves.

This trick is the most painful thing of all. The trick is holding each being who chooses to walk this path in a most painful stranglehold. Their lives, actions, and reactions are all about holding the denial of their hidden issues, events, and emotions in place. This way of being is not living, and it is called surviving. There is no time or energy for living a heart-centered life.

WE are right here, ready to help you release and let go of those hidden away emotions, issues, and events from your past. There are excellent beings on Mother Earth in human form who can help you to release and let go of all that you have been hanging on to; if you ask for help, the ones who can help you will appear.

Know that we are loving you so greatly and holding you so dearly in our hearts. We are right here standing with you supporting you, and loving you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Letter 280



Dear Ones,

Today, you are starting into a whole new cycle. You have a new month on your calendar, and it is time to step outside and shake off all the intense, heavy energies from these past months. I am truly saying take a step outside your doors and give yourselves a good shake. WE here are so proud of you for making it through these past months of intense energy and the many challenges that came into your lives.

It is with sorrow that I can't tell you that the next few months would be a breeze for you, but I can tell you they will be easier than the last few. We are still wanting you to delve into the old energies that are holding you back, but the push to do so will not be as strong as the last few months.

Now it is time for each of you to take the lead and do this on your own without being pushed by outside energies. It is time for each of you to pay attention to yourselves and to what you are wanting in your lives. How badly do you want to take off the many veils that you are wearing? How badly does the real you want to come out and allow the world to see you as you really are? How badly do you want to share your gifts? How badly do you want all that waits inside of you to come forward to be a part of your world?

WE, of course, are standing right here, ready to help you in any way that we can. You only need ask, and we will be right there. Your world is changing so rapidly that many of you are unable to even comprehend the many changes that are happening daily or even minute by minute. These past months have left little time for even looking around and seeing what is happening outside your own personal world. It is indeed time to stop and take a look around at the beings in your own personal worlds and then take another look at the world as a whole. Much has changed in other's lives, and much has changed in your lives.

Call this a time of taking stock of yourselves and the whole of the world. It is time to recognize and applaud yourselves for the growth and changes you have made and also the ones you see in the whole of the world. It is time to re-think where you are going, what you are doing, and what you want to do. What are your goals, what do you want changed in your lives, what do you want changed in the world, and what can you personally do about all of this? This does indeed sound like a big project, or should I say CLARIFYING. Yes, this is a time of clarifying. It is time to stop allowing the energies to move you whichever way they please. It is time for you to start directing the energy how you please. You, of course, do have a choice in how the energy affects your lives. 

THERE IS ALWAYS FREE WILL. You are the one in charge. And, yes, I do know that in the last few months, it has felt many times like there was no choice as you were moved and pushed around by the might of the energy coming into MOTHER EARTH. But, today I am here to remind you that this whole journey is about your choice, YOUR FREE WILL. What do you want, who are you willing to let yourselves be, and so, I will say again, as I have said in the past, are you ready to let yourself be who you came here to be? The keywords are, (YOUR CHOICE AND FREE WILL.) WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE TODAY AND EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES?

Of course, we are here loving you no matter what you decide to do. We are here, standing at the ready to help you in any way we can. Please remember to give us room to work the miracles that you ask for. In your asking, leave the doors open to how we can bring you what you are asking for. I am loving you so greatly and holding each of you in my heart, always.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Letter 277


Letter 277

Good Morning Dear Ones,


As the days, eeks, months, and years have passed since I first wrote this letter, there are more and more of you are believing my words. You are recognizing that you do not need to earn my love, it is just freely given. I hope and pray that each being of Mother Earth will soon know and believe the truth of my words. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary


Dear Ones,

Today let us talk again about Love. You cannot talk too much about Love. Love is why you are here on your earth. Love is why I am here writing letters to you. Love is not about what you look like, or how you talk, or the clothes you wear.

Love is pure and simple. Loving yourself or someone else is about simply cherishing that being for who they are. It is about what is inside of that person. I can see what is inside each of you. I love you dearly, each and every one of you. Each and every being is beautiful and unique. There is no one like you in the whole of the universe.

I ask only that you allow me to walk with you and love you. There is nothing you need do or say to receive my love and support. It is just here, waiting for you. There is no need to think in terms of I will be a better person, I will do this or that. It is not necessary to earn this love or to receive it as a reward.

It is given freely without attachments or requirements. Love is the purpose for you being here on your earth. Learning to love without attachments or requirements is the purpose. Learning to share your love and to receive love is your purpose.

You each have taken different paths to find your purpose and fulfill it. Some will succeed and others will not fulfill their purpose in this lifetime. The energies on your earth are pushing and shoving you forward to succeed. Your world is changing and your energy vibration is being lifted, all working towards the fulfillment of your purpose, learning to love yourself and all other beings of the universe unconditionally.

I am here showing you what it means and how it feels to be loved unconditionally. I am here to give to you what each of you needs. Love without strings or attachments. Just love standing all by itself.

RIGHT NOW CLOSE YOUR EYES, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART, AND CALL MY NAME. QUIET YOUR MIND AND BE RIGHT HERE WITH ME. I am putting my arms around you. Can you feel the warmth? There is a softness that comes and surrounds you. I am right here just being with you. Allow yourself to stay right here for a few more minutes. Allow yourself to soak up this warmth and fill your body up, so there is no room for anything but LOVE. Know that I am here with thousands of others waiting to help you and love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Letter 331


Letter 331

Dear Ones,

I am writing this letter today because it is beyond important that you understand that you are NOT standing there alone in your world. You may not be able to see us or hear us, but there are hundreds of thousands of beings from my world that are standing with you. My favorite saying to you is, "WE have your back." This is a truth and a promise from me "I have your back."

I know there are many times when you are walking through your world, be it going to work, going home, going to school, or just going out to play, that you feel entirely alone. Every being on Mother Earth has angels that travel with them from the moment of their birth. Those angels are with you each and every moment of every day.

We here in my world know how difficult your world is right now and has been for several years. It is necessary for you to understand that your world is going through a giant transformation. Your world is moving from a world that runs on greed, power, hate, rage, and the constant thought that I am better than you. Your moving towards a world that is working towards stepping into the 5D world, a world of LOVE and CARING. This is a difficult transition. During this time, it is imperative that all beings recognize what has been happening in their world and what their foundation has been built on.

Everyone must see what has been going on in their world and step up to help make the changes necessary. This is not a small task that has been set into action. It will take several years to accomplish all that needs to be done. But, I want you each to hear me; you are moving forward into the world that you have been dreaming of. The process is slow, but each step along the way is important to the end result.

Each being of Mother Earth is in the process of clearing and cleaning out their own being. Which means letting go of all old resentments, fears, anger, and feelings of injustices done to them. All of those feelings are coming from your past and have no place in your future; in fact, they hold you back so that you are unable to move into the future. If you are thinking, "OH, Mother Mary, I have already done that," then I will say to you there is no being on Mother Earth who has completed this task. It is so easy to fool one's self into thinking all the old has been cleared and cleaned out. Now is the time to really buckle down and take care of this old business. Of course, remembering that you are not alone as you go through this; we are right here with you.

We are in the beginning of a brand new time, and the energy that is coming into your Mother Earth is strong and intense. This energy will help in allowing you to move forward and letting go of the past. We here in my world are offering you the help and assistance that is needed for each of you to do your part in this transformation.

We are loving each and every one of you and holding you all most dearly in our hearts. I Love You, I Love You, and I Love you.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Letter 323


Letter 323

Dear Ones,

Are you feeling the push of the energy that is coming into your world at this time? Each and everyone of you is being moved forward beyond what you would call your comfort zone. You are being urged to try new and different things. You are being asked to step out into the world and try the things that you have most often told yourself that you can't do or you don't want to do.

The words CAN'T AND DON'T WANT TO, often mean the same thing. They are words used to keep you stuck in the same day to day life that you have been living in for eons. Those words stop you in your tracks. Do you think perhaps that it is time to step past these words and experience life in other ways than what you have known?

Every being of Mother Earth is being asked and pushed to step out. I have been saying these same words for the last few months, and it is time to repeat them, "You are not the same person that you were on Dec. 31, 2022, at 11:59 PM," You each one are so different, but yet you insist on living your lives as if you are the same person. Have you not been struggling and fighting yourselves to do your same life over, day after day?

How are your energy levels as you do your daily life? Resisting and fighting is an immense energy drain on your physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Then there is the extreme rhetoric of violence, hate, rage, racism, and intimidation that is being given to you daily by all of your media outlets. Yes, they are just reporting what is being said and how beings are acting, but is it not beyond draining and terrifying, All of this rhetoric is also running wild in the energy fields of Mother Earth. So, now are you surprised that you are feeling exhausted and depleted by all that you are experiencing..

So, it is time to set yourself some new boundaries about what you will allow in your personal lives and what you won't allow. Just thinking the words, I will no longer allow hate, violence, rage, racism, and intimidation into my personal energy field will lighten the load you have been carrying. By, not buying into what is happening on Mother Earth right now will indeed lighten your load and lessen the energy being sent to the unkindness and ugliness that is spreading in your world.

There are many ways to withdraw your energy from all that is happening around you. Your withdrawal can happen during your mediation practices, prayers, grounding exercises or simply stating your intention to no longer be a part of what is happening. And above all else, you can ask for our help, we are indeed right here with you all the way. There are many millions of beings in my world who are standing in the ready to help you.

Take back your energy, your life, and all that you each have been working on for many years and months. Take back your energy and allow it to move you forward to trying new things in your lives. There are hundreds of millions of things for you to try and find what fits for each one of you. NOW IS THE TIME TO MOVE FORWARD DO NOT ALLOW ANYONE OR ANYTHING TO STOP YOU FROM MOVING FORWARD IN YOUR LIFE. REMEMBER THAT THIS IS PART OF THE REASON YOU CAME INTO THIS LIFE, TO LEARN TO STEP OUT AND TRY NEW AND DIFFERENT WAYS OF BEING. Know that I am right here loving you each and everyone.

Know all you need do is call my name and I will be there.

In love, Mother Mary

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Letter 322


Letter 322

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Know that I am right here with you, loving you, walking with you, listening to you, hearing your words, understanding your struggles, and cheering your triumphs. I am always with you whether you recognize and know that I am or not. Over the last months and years, you each have worked so hard walking your path, changing, growing, and becoming who you are today.

This is no small thing that each of you has accomplished. So today I am asking you to take the time to stop and really look at how far you have come. It is time to stop and pay honor to yourselves for all you have accomplished. Yes, there is still a ways for you to go, but it is time to take a break and look where you have come from. I am talking of really looking at where you have come from.

Most all of you know these words, “close your eyes, put your hand on your heart, breathe deeply and let yourselves watch this movie that is in your minds. See yourselves from the first moments you knew you were to walk a different path than what you had been doing. See all the different stages of your growth. Both the steps forwards and the steps backwards. Each and every step is to be honored and acknowledged. Each step was beyond important in the growing process of who you are today.

There is no room in this movie for a commentary of unkind thoughts and words about yourselves or the steps that you have chosen to take. If you are still in the phase of unkindness to yourselves, then it is time for you to recognize that and acknowledge that you are allowing unkind words and thoughts to control your lives. Unkindness to one's self is a truly perfect way to stay stuck in one place. When the fear of going forward is too great, then the unkind words and thoughts of self can stop any forward movement.

As you are watching your own personal movie, notice those times when your movement forward seemed to stall and stand still. You will most likely find that you have stopped yourselves with unkindness. Are you not amazed at the power you have to stop yourselves without even recognizing what is happening?

This journey that you are on and have been on for many, many, months and even years is not a journey that is made without great courage, strength, and faith in one's self. So as you move forward from today, after watching this movie of your journey, I am going to ask you to stop once again.

The stopping now is about where you want your life to go from this point forward. Remembering now that you are in a whole new year, and you truly are a new being from who you were at 11:59 pm, 2023. I am aware that for some of you, this has been a struggle to let this new being come forward. This can become an out of control feeling not knowing who you are and where you might be going. Holding back and stopping your process now is not what you truly want to do. It may not even be something that you recognize has happened.

So, taking the time today to stop and acknowledge your journey and where you have come from is beyond important. Taking the time to allow yourselves to watch a movie of where you are going is equally as important. Being honest with one's self about where you want to go and who you want to be in the world will be eye-opening and exciting.

We are right here with you watching and sharing with you. Allow yourselves to see the glory of who you are becoming. WE HERE IN MY WORLD SEE YOU IN ALL YOUR GLORY AND WE ARE BLINDED BY YOUR MAGNIFICENCE. I know that it is difficult for you to believe these words, but I say to you, this is the truth that I speak, you each are magnificent. I am honored to be sharing these words with you today, and I say to you, "I Love you, I love you and I love you."

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Letter 314


Letter 314

Dear Ones,

During these very intense times on your Mother Earth, I want you to know that we are indeed right here with you. There are millions of beings from my world joining you there on Mother Earth to support, help, and most importantly, to love you through this time. Mother Earth is also hosting many beings from the Stars, other worlds, and many other living, breathing life forms. All beings of the universe have come together to be as one with each of you.

Many other stars and planets have been through this same process that you are now going through. You are not the first, nor will you be the last. And remembering now that you are all one with every living, breathing life form. So you are definitely not alone as you go through your transformations and illuminations.

The rest of this year and on into the next year will be as intense and perhaps more intense than what you are experiencing right now. WHAT IS OF THE MOST IMPORTANCE IS FOR EACH OF YOU TO REALIZE AND HEAR THE TRUTH OF WHAT I AM SAYING RIGHT NOW. RESISTANCE AND STRUGGLE INCREASES THE INTENSITY BY A 1000 PERCENT.

So, right now, I am asking you to trust me and all the beings from my world. Each of the changes and transformations that are waiting for you will be of the utmost importance and joy for each of you once you have completed the process. The changes that are happening for each of you are indeed for your highest good. These changes are part of what will enable you to complete the purpose for which you came back to Mother Earth this time. And, yes, there will be more changes and transformations that will happen in the coming months and years.

If you stop and take a look at yourselves, most of you will not even recognize the person you were last year at this time. You have all made huge strides in becoming all that you were meant to be.


SO, I WILL SAY TO YOU EACH MORNING AS YOU WAKE UP AND START TO GET OUT OF BED, "OPEN YOUR ARMS WIDE AND SAY TO ME, BRING IT ON, MOTHER MARY, I AM READY." And indeed, you are ready; you just don't know it at this moment. You each one came to Mother Earth at this time for a wondrous purpose, and it is your soul's desire for you to fulfill this contract you made with yourselves.


Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary