Sunday, September 15, 2024

Letter 331


Letter 331

Dear Ones,

I am writing this letter today because it is beyond important that you understand that you are NOT standing there alone in your world. You may not be able to see us or hear us, but there are hundreds of thousands of beings from my world that are standing with you. My favorite saying to you is, "WE have your back." This is a truth and a promise from me "I have your back."

I know there are many times when you are walking through your world, be it going to work, going home, going to school, or just going out to play, that you feel entirely alone. Every being on Mother Earth has angels that travel with them from the moment of their birth. Those angels are with you each and every moment of every day.

We here in my world know how difficult your world is right now and has been for several years. It is necessary for you to understand that your world is going through a giant transformation. Your world is moving from a world that runs on greed, power, hate, rage, and the constant thought that I am better than you. Your moving towards a world that is working towards stepping into the 5D world, a world of LOVE and CARING. This is a difficult transition. During this time, it is imperative that all beings recognize what has been happening in their world and what their foundation has been built on.

Everyone must see what has been going on in their world and step up to help make the changes necessary. This is not a small task that has been set into action. It will take several years to accomplish all that needs to be done. But, I want you each to hear me; you are moving forward into the world that you have been dreaming of. The process is slow, but each step along the way is important to the end result.

Each being of Mother Earth is in the process of clearing and cleaning out their own being. Which means letting go of all old resentments, fears, anger, and feelings of injustices done to them. All of those feelings are coming from your past and have no place in your future; in fact, they hold you back so that you are unable to move into the future. If you are thinking, "OH, Mother Mary, I have already done that," then I will say to you there is no being on Mother Earth who has completed this task. It is so easy to fool one's self into thinking all the old has been cleared and cleaned out. Now is the time to really buckle down and take care of this old business. Of course, remembering that you are not alone as you go through this; we are right here with you.

We are in the beginning of a brand new time, and the energy that is coming into your Mother Earth is strong and intense. This energy will help in allowing you to move forward and letting go of the past. We here in my world are offering you the help and assistance that is needed for each of you to do your part in this transformation.

We are loving each and every one of you and holding you all most dearly in our hearts. I Love You, I Love You, and I Love you.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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