Letter 202
Dear Ones,
How are you all holding up? Your world has been swamped with intense energy waves one after the other for weeks if not months now? Time is going so fast, and your personal worlds are moving at the speed of sound. There has been little rest or space for catching your breaths.
So, right now, as you are reading my letter, I would like you to stop and take a breath. Close your eyes for just one moment and breathe deeply. Allow me to place my hand on the top of your head. Feel the energy coming into your bodies. Feel the love and comfort coming to you. Allow yourselves to feel the support and strength you need to go forward.
Stay here with me for just a few more moments. Everything can and will wait for us to continue this moment in time. This is time that you need, time to refuel and care for yourselves. In the past weeks and months, there has not been much time to care for yourselves.
Each of you are worn thin and, in some cases, bone tired. There is the feeling among some of you that you may not be able to go on. So, for those of you who think that they can't go on? Hear me now, I am right here, and I will provide you with the energy and support that you need to continue this journey. Your journeys are beyond important. Each and every one of you is needed to participate in this transformation of your world.
The changing of your world from 3D to 5D can, at times, feel like you are at war. There is indeed the same chaos and confusion in your changing into a different world as there is in a war-torn country. This is not a war you will see in the headlines of your newspapers. This is a war going on inside people's hearts and souls. It is a war between the positive and the negative forces of the worlds. It is a war between the caring and uncaring, a war between greed, selfishness, and selflessness.
As amazing as it may seem to you reading this letter, some beings of earth are fighting to hold onto their worlds of selfishness, greed, uncaring, hate, and violence. Do you not wonder why a being would fight to hang onto these things? They fight out of fear. They have no conscious knowledge of any other way to live. So fear steps in and takes over, and they continue fighting, never knowing that what is being offered is what they really want and need.
This is where the Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light step in and be the living example of all that is waiting in this new world called 5D. For those who are hanging on to the old ways, it will take much time for them to be able to see that it is possible to have what they have always wanted. They have never believed that it was possible to have such a world as the 5D.
So, for now, it is only in the showing of a new way to live and that this war will be won. I offer you my most humble gratitude for all that you are doing and living through to bring this new world into being. Your strength, courage, and determination is beyond measure.
Know that we here are walking right beside you, always!! You are never alone. We stand with you and will always stand with you. I am loving you so dearly and holding you in my heart. I love you, I love you, and I love you.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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