Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal
channeled conversation with her. The conversation can take place
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the
North Coast of Oregon. Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal
channeled conversation with her. The conversation can take place
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the
North Coast of Oregon. Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 275
Good Morning Dear Ones,
Today I want to talk about “asking for help, accepting help and letting go of control once you have asked for help.” All three of these are great important truths that are difficult for all beings of Mother Earth. First let us speak of asking for help and yes; we have talked of this often in earlier letters, but it is important to speak of it again.
As I have said many times in the past that we are always right here waiting to help you, all you need do is ask. That is a truth. What is happening time after time is that you are asking, but you are also telling us exactly how you would like the help to come. You are asking for help in exact ways, with an exact out come and with many limitations on how you will accept the help. The truth is often times we cannot provide the help in exactly the way you want it to come to you.
For example, if you ask for financial help and only think in terms of winning big at the casino or the lottery, that leaves us no room to provide the help in any other ways. What I AM SAYING IS IT MAY NOT BE POSSIBLE FOR US TO ARRANGE FOR YOU TO WIN THE LOTTERY OR WIN BIG AT THE CASINO. THERE ARE 100 THOUSAND OTHER WAYS FOR US TO PROVIDE YOU WITH FINANCIAL HELP, BUT YOU HAVE TIED OUR HANDS AND ARE ONLY ALLOWING IT TO COME TO YOU IN ONE WAY. This statement I am going to make is so very, very important, in fact, I am going to plead with you right now to please stop trying to control how the help you are asking for can come to you. By keeping control of every situation you are stopping the help you need from coming your way. You are keeping yourselves stuck in the same-old mud hole, and then you can say, “I knew it; they are not going to help me” and there is also another little voice inside of you that is going to say, “I did not deserve whatever it was that you ask for help with.” That little voice inside of you will then start telling you how awful you are. This is called self-abuse and it is devastating to your heart, mind and body.
Can you see this is an on-going old pattern that you each learned very young and it is being carried forward into your journeys today. It makes my heart so very sad, because all of those words you're saying inside yourselves are untrue. You each and everyone deserve absolutely everything that you ask for. It is our honor and joy to provide you help in whatever way we can. Providing you with help is part of our purpose and part of our way to show you how much you are loved and cherished.
So, today I am asking you to let go of your control. I am asking you to trust us and also to trust yourselves enough to allow all of us in my world to provide you with the help you are asking for. I am aware that you learned at a very young age that having control is the only way to keep yourselves safe and secure. However, in this case, it is doing exactly the opposite. It is keeping you stuck, unhappy and feeling greatly unloved and unlovable.
I am pleading with you to allow us the freedom to do what you ask of us. It is time to stop putting limits on all in my world and limits on you in your world. It is past time for us to work together to provide you with the help you need and want. You are living in very stressful times on Mother Earth and help is needed to make your way on this journey you have chosen.
Know that we are loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in our hearts. WE are waiting to help you in any way we can. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In love, Mother Mary
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