Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal
channeled conversation with her. The conversation can take place
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the
North Coast of Oregon. Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal
channeled conversation with her. The conversation can take place
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the
North Coast of Oregon. Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 274
Good Morning Dear Ones,
It has indeed been a long time since we last talked. Barbara and I have had a little vacation and now we are ready to once again be sending you letters. This month you call April is indeed a challenge for each being of Mother Earth. Many beings are facing intense times in their lives. Old complicated unfinished feelings and emotions have manifested in their lives in many new forms.
Are you wondering what I mean when I say new forms? I am meaning that those old emotions or feelings have worked their way to the outside physical world and are manifesting in health issues, financial issues, confrontational family issues or surprise endings of careers or life goals. Many worlds are being turned upside down and maybe sideways too.
Some of you may be feeling as if everything is changing and re-arranging and there is nothing to hang on too. Have you been feeling as if you are free-floating and unable to get your footing? Foundations are changing and your worlds are turning inside out. Yes, all of this is correct, that is exactly what is happening in most lives right now. You each are shedding and letting go of old ways that no longer work for you. This is the in-between time of trying to find what new ways will work for each of you.
Many of you are going to find yourselves trying new and different ways of being and living. You may even go as far as trying new things that you never believed you could do. If that is true for you, then I say hurray and hallelujah that is wonderful. Indeed that is what this month is calling you each to do. April is telling you to step out of your box and look around at what is out there for you. Many beings of Mother Earth will try to just continue living in the same-old box. Each of you will find that you are unable to continue as you have before. The energies of this time will not allow you to remain in the same place. Each of you are being pushed and prodded to move forward and become more than you thought you could be. Now is the time to step forward and take the risks to start fulfilling your purpose here on Mother Earth.
Of course, I am praying and hoping that you remember I am right here beside you and that there are hundreds of thousands of beings here with me and we are all supporting and loving you. You are never alone. Your guardian Angels and helpers are with you every single moment of every day. These times on your planet are intense and life changing. The easiest and gentlest way to make it through these times is to allow yourselves to try new and different ways of being. LET GO OF THE STRUGGLE TO REMAIN WHERE YOU ARE. ALLOW YOURSELVES THE FREEDOM TO MOVE FORWARD AND TRY THE CHANGES YOU SEE BEFORE YOU. KNOW AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEARTS THAT THE CHOICE IS YOURS TO CHANGE OR STAY IN THE SAME PLACE.
WE ARE ASKING THAT YOU TRY THE CHANGES THAT ARE STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. REMEMBER NOW THAT YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE THAN YOU ALLOWED YOURSELVES TO THINK OR BELIEVE. YOU EACH ARE CAPABLE OF DOING AND BEING 1000 TIMES MORE THAN WHAT YOU BELIEVE!! YOU ARE WONDROUS INCREDIBLE BEINGS THAT CAN DO ANYTHING THEY WANT. If you find yourselves feeling fragile and vulnerable during these times then, please allow us to hold you and support you. Know and remember that you are greatly loved. I am holding you most tenderly in my heart and cherishing each and everyone of you. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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