Letter 165
Dear Ones,
The 11-11-11 gateway has come and gone. The Kickstarter Project has funded. The book will be published and out to the world by April of 2012. I am in gratitude to the Backers of the Kickstarter Project, without their help the book would remain unpublished.
Each of those beings has taken a step forward into giving a gift to the other beings of Mother Earth. They are sharing in the giving of these words and letters to the world. They are now part of the offering of love, support, and encouragement to all.
Now to the 11-11-11 gateway. Once more you have passed through another gateway, another portal and you are all still standing. Many of you are confused and wondering what the heck is going on in the world. All seems to be in turmoil, with some of you wandering around with blank looks and glazed over eyes.
It is time to wake up and look around you. What is happening in your life, your body, your mind, and your spirit? Where exactly are you at in this whole process? Perhaps it is time to stop and take stock of who you are and who you want to be? It is time to recognize that you have absolutely unlimited possibilities. What is the wildest and most wonderful thing that you can think of to do and be? I SAY TO YOU GO AND DO AND BE. IT IS TIME TO KNOW THAT THERE IS NOTHING STOPPING YOU BUT YOU.
Absolutely everything is possible for each of you. All you have ever dreamed of is waiting for you. Your earth, your world is coated in fear and hesitation. The most common words I hear from each of you is “WHAT IF”. What if stops you from doing and being who and what you want to be. What if is made up of fear and self-doubt. Your thoughts go to what if I make a mistake, what if this is not what I am suppose to be doing. I SAY TO YOU, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW IF IT IS A MISTAKE OR IF IT IS WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE DOING UNTIL YOU DO IT.
There are no mistakes. If what you are doing does not feel right then stop doing it and move forward to something else. I do not see this as a mistake; I see it as a learning experience. How would you know if it was a fit for you unless you tried it to see? You wouldn’t. Life is about trying all that is offered to you and then deciding what is right for you. Everyone on your Mother Earth is different and what fits for one will not necessarily fit for another. It is time to step out of the place you have been standing and try something new and different. The world is waiting for you and I am waiting for you. I am waiting to see the sparkle and joy that comes to your hearts and minds when you discover something new and wonderful to add to your life. OPEN YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS TO ALL THAT IS WAITING. WITH HARD WORK AND GREAT COURAGE YOU HAVE SURVIVED THE PORTALS, GATEWAYS AND INTENSE ENERGIES OF THESE TIMES. Know that there will be more portals and more gateways in the days and months ahead, but for right now it is the time to step out and try new and different things. It is a time to open your hearts to all that is being offered to you.
We are standing right here ready and willing to help you. We are all holding you most dearly in our hearts. I am loving you today and everyday forever and always.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question
and answer sessions to her readers. If you are interested in
having your own personal letter or session from Mother Mary
please call or email me.
and answer sessions to her readers. If you are interested in
having your own personal letter or session from Mother Mary
please call or email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session.
beachhouse1111@msn.com or 503-717-4302
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