Letter 164
Dear Ones,
It is a grand time to be alive. You each and everyone are brave, courageous, strong, and ready to accept all the new changes to your world. Each and every being that is here on your Mother Earth at this time is here by their own choice. All have an important part to play in the unfolding drama of these new beginnings.
There is still so much work to be done. Many of the people of earth are still totally unaware of all that is transpiring. It is as if they are so very soundly asleep, just going about their daily lives and seeing only a very small amount of what is happening in their world. There are an equal number of beings that are still in a half asleep state. They are able to see about half of what is happening, but still fearful to take the next steps. Their hearts are telling them one thing and their brain is saying another thing. Right now for them they are choosing to go with the old ways and listen to their brains. Both of these sets of beings will wake up and recognize what is happening. This will take time. You will not be sitting on your hands waiting for these beings to wake up. You each will continue on with your lives, only you will be living your lives in a new way.
There are a whole group of beings out there on Mother Earth who are awake and working very hard towards becoming part of the 5D world. Over the past many months and even years you have been cleaning and clearing out the debris from your past and in some cases from past lives. Each of you has made some start in allowing yourselves to be all that you were meant to be. All of you are aware that there is so much more for you to do and be.
So my words for you today are words of encouragement and support. I am honoring each of you for all you have accomplished and all you will accomplish in your lifetime. If you are one of the beings who are sleeping through this or only half awake, I am offering you support and encouragement to wake up and open your eyes. It is time for you to come and joins us.
The time of the 11-11-11 gateways is almost here. It will bring a new energy shift and awakening to your Mother Earth. Be aware of those around you and be most aware of yourselves. How are you feeling what is happening with your physical body and of course all your other bodies. The changes and shifts will be very individual and different for everyone. Just as each of you are different and individual, so your changes will be also.
Join together and be with one another with your hearts open. Not half way open, but open fully with love for all. Remembering that all the different worlds in the universe are very close now. So not only have your heart open to those of Mother Earth, but also to beings for all the other worlds of this universe. It is a time of coming together and learning to love and honor one another.
Remember now that we are here. We are waiting to assist you in anyway. Most importantly though we are loving you and holding you most dearly in our hearts. We all here are honoring you and holding you in the highest regard for all you have accomplished.
Remember now that we are here. We are waiting to assist you in anyway. Most importantly though we are loving you and holding you most dearly in our hearts. We all here are honoring you and holding you in the highest regard for all you have accomplished.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Mother Mary’s Project will be on Kickstarter until 11-11-11 @ 11:00. So if you are interested in supporting the publishing of her book and being part of this adventure follow the link below to become a backer.
We are in the countdown. 29 hours to go
before the close of the project.
Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question
and answer sessions to her readers. If you are interested in
having your own personal letter or session from Mother Mary
please call or email me.
and answer sessions to her readers. If you are interested in
having your own personal letter or session from Mother Mary
please call or email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session.
beachhouse1111@msn.com or 503-717-4302
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