Letter 127
Dear Ones,
Today let us talk about you, and the world in general. I am sure you are all noticing that the whole of the world is changing and adjusting. Are you also aware of how you are changing and adjusting? I am thinking perhaps you are really wondering if you are adjusting or just getting ready to go over the edge. All the confusion and intense energy waves are disruptive and enough to drive everyone a little crazy.
It is so important for each of you to know that you are not alone. Know that everyone on your planet is being affected by all that is occurring on your planet. Each of you are handling it in different ways with different actions and reactions. You each are so unique and have your own processes for dealing with disruptions and distractions.
I wish that I could tell you this is almost over and the world will calm down and become gentler and easier to be in. The truth of your world right now is that it will not be calming down for the next several months. In fact I think you will notice that there are times when it will become most intense.
Right now I want to stress to you the importance of letting go of any control you may think you have. Truth is there is no control with what is happening right now, except for the fact that you can lessen the stress and tension in your lives by riding the waves. REMEMBERING THAT WE TALKED LAST WEEK ABOUT THE SPEED WALKER. ARE YOU REMEMBERING EACH MORNING TO VISUALIZE YOUR ENERGY SPEED WALKER AND THEN SIMPLY STEPPING ONTO THE WAVE. For those of you who have great need to be in control, this is the only way you can be in control right now. Just step on the energy speed walker and go with the flow.
Much of what is happening right now is about letting go of the supposed control that you believe you have. For the truth is you have no control over the past and no control over the future. REMEMBERING NOW THAT YOU ARE ALL LEARNING TO LIVE IN THE NOW. Your new 5D world is only about living in the now. When living in the now there is no need for control for there is nothing to control. When you live in the now there is only the flow of your life with what is happening in the moment.
Can you see yourself with no reason for the dearly beloved control? Can you feel the freedom? Your bodies can relax and let go of their rigid stance. You can be yourself, just allowing yourself the freedom to be. For some of you I am sure you are not even sure what I am speaking of. For many of you this will be a whole new way of being, or maybe I should say it will be a way of being for the very first time.
Allowing yourself to stand in one spot and not to worry about which way you will step or what will happen if you choose this way or that. Imagine for a moment that you are standing still and then you walk away without thinking about where you are going or what direction you are heading. You are just walking to be walking. Over the next week think about the possibilities of living in this way. IT IS A WONDER IS IT NOT?
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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