Saturday, October 12, 2024

Letter 254


Letter 254

Dear Ones, 

Today let us talk about your world and your personal reason or purpose for being here during this time on Mother Earth. Each of you made the choice to return to Mother Earth at this time and to be part of all that is taking place. You each came to Mother Earth with a definite purpose and definite gifts to share with all the other beings of Mother Earth. Those gifts were not only to be shared with the beings of Mother Earth, but they are to be shared with every living breathing life form in the universe.

There are many of you who do not want to know what those gifts are that you came to share.  The sharing of those gifts could cause great changes to your lives and the lives of people who you care about. The acknowledging of those gifts even to yourselves would cause you to change and start on the journey to become who you are meant to be in your world today.  

I wish for you to know that these changes will come with great rewards to your lives. The changes will start you on a journey into your selves and who you really are.  Most beings of earth are walking around with a false idea of who they are. You each are so much more than you can even imagine.  Few of you, place great value on who you are and what you have to offer the world.  That is such an untruth.  Are you forgetting that you and I, you and God are all the same?  What you have to offer is as important as anything we have offered your world.  The only being that does not know this is YOU.  


Come with me for a moment and allow me to share with you, who I know you to be. It will be as if you are looking in a mirror and in this mirror, you will see the real you; the you, that you came back to be during this time on earth. So, close your eyes, take several deep breaths and call my name. Allow your mind to slow as you continue to breathe and become connected to me. You are sitting in a chair with a large mirror before you. I am standing right behind you with my hands on your shoulders. Gently open your eyes and look into the mirror. We both are looking back at you. Really look at yourself. Who is this person who is looking back at you? Tell me what you see and how you feel looking at yourself as you truly are.

This journey to your true self does not happen in a day or all at once. It will happen over time in small steps. Those small steps will happen, as you are ready to go forward. Each of those steps are important and of great value to you and to each being that you touch with. Of course, we will be right here taking each step with you. You are never alone nor will you ever be alone. We are always right here standing beside you, loving you, and holding you most dearly in our hearts.

We are asking you to start this journey today, or if you are already on this journey then take your next step and continue to move forward. Allow your hearts to open and be welcoming to all living breathing life forms throughout the universe. Know that I am loving you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 

In Love, Mother Mary

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