Saturday, May 18, 2024

Letter 291


Letter 291

Oh, My Dear Ones,

I want each of you to know that I am right here with you today. In truth, I am right here with you every day. I so want each one of you to know how much you are loved and cherished. My wish is that you will take this love that I am handing you and you will place it inside your heart, believing that is truth.

There is much in your world today and truly every day that does not feel loving and nurturing. Some of you have found people that have come into your life with love and kindness in their hearts. Yet there are so many of you that have not found that in your world. Or perhaps you thought that you had found it and then it disappeared for one reason or another.

Keep your heart and mind open to what life has to offer you and to what we here in my world are offering you. Opening yourself to all that is available and waiting for you can feel incredibly risky and fearful. Today I am asking you to allow yourselves the freedom to experience all that your life has to offer you. I wish for you to know in your heart and mind that we here are truly right beside you. We are encouraging you to step forward and to open your arms to what your heart and mind have been asking and praying for.

Over the next months and years, you will find that your lives will be changing greatly. I can feel some of you thinking hasn't that already happened? My answer is yes; it has, but guess what it is not over and you will indeed see many more changes coming into your lives. By this time next year, some of you will not even recognize who you are. You will be shaking your heads and saying how did all of this happen to me. So now is the time to open your hearts and minds and say YES to all that is coming. Resisting the changes that are coming into your lives will make your life a struggle. Life was never meant to be a struggle. So I say LET GO OF YOUR STRUGGLE AND EMBRACE WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR.

REMEMBERING NOW THAT YOU HAVE FREE WILL AND THE CHANGES THAT ARE COMING ARE THE CHANGES YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR. But, you never dared to allow yourself to believe they would come true. In your daydreaming and wishing you never realized that you were directing your own life and the changes that you dreamed of. So, know that we are right here and that each one of you has an army of angels waiting to help. They are at the ready to hold your hands or to help you step forward into all you have been dreaming of. And as always, I am right here offering you my love and caring. Take it into your hearts and minds, allowing it to grow and showing you the way to love yourselves. Allow yourself to see the truth of who you are. I promise that you will be amazed at the person you see looking back at you in the mirror. The picture of yourself that you have held onto during your life, one you brought with you from your childhood is no longer truth or perhaps never was the truth. So, please take another look at who you truly are and see what I see. I know that you can do this and many, many, other wondrous things. I am loving you each and everyone.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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