Saturday, May 25, 2024

Letter 292


Letter 292

Good Morning Dear Ones,

This morning I wish to speak again of the Gift that each of you have been given at the beginning of your existence. This gift is the Gift of Free Will. In your world there on Mother Earth, there is not any attention being paid to this gift. It is almost as if it does not exist. For many, it is just words that have been written in days long past, but it has no real meaning to your day to day world.

Now, I will say to you most loudly it is time to wake up and realize that you indeed have this gift and it is not to be taken lightly. Often it has been presented to you with rules and regulations attached to it. Some of the religious leaders and other beings that have been in power have purposely led you to believe that your gift has no meaning. In other words, it is just words written long ago.

This gift of Free Will is the key and the pathway to having the life that you have been dreaming of and praying for. The gift was given by God to each and every one of you. He placed no stipulations on this gift. There are no rules placed on the use of this gift. The gift of Free Will is your source of personal power. The personal power I speak of is not power over someone else, or the power to hurt someone, or to take something from someone else. This personal power is not about greed, selfishness, financial gain, or being better than the next person.

The gift of Free Will and the personal power that comes from using that gift is priceless. With this gift, you have been given the tools to direct your own life. The life that you are living is not being directed by God, it is being directed by each one of you. IN THE GIVING OF THIS GIFT, HE IS SAYING TO EACH OF YOU, DO WHAT YOU WILL WITH YOUR CHOOSING TO RETURN TO MOTHER EARTH. CHOOSE WHY YOU ARE RETURNING TO MOTHER EARTH. WHAT IS IT YOU WANT TO DO AND LEARN WHILE YOU ARE THERE ON MOTHER EARTH? Every bit of your life lies within your personal power. Your choosing to use that power or not use is directed by you and only you.

GOD IS NOT THE BEING WHO YOU HAVE BEEN LED TO BELIEVE HE IS. GOD IS NOT STANDING ON HIGH WAITING TO PUNISH YOU OR DIRECT YOUR LIFE IN ANYWAY. He is simply here offering his love and support to each of you and every being in my world. He is not directing what each of you does or doesn't do. The choice is yours to make or not make. You alone have the power to do anything you want to do or to direct your life in any way you choose.

Each one of you made many choices before returning to Mother Earth; about what you want your life to be during this time. Contracts and agreements were made before you returned here to Mother Earth. Your gift of Free Will is needed to accomplish all that you came to do. It is time to honor yourselves and to honor God by using this gift that was given.

YOU CAN START TODAY TO USE THIS GIFT. BEGIN BY TAKING THE TIME TO SIT AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT YOUR LIFE TO BE ABOUT. WHAT DIRECTION DO YOU NEED TO GO AND WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH? Be aware that these decisions need to come from your heart and not just your brain. Do not allow your brain to stop you from what your heart is telling you that you can do, once you have made your decision about the direction you need to go. I am now asking you to speak out loud what direction you are wanting to go and what you are wanting to do. During your time of speaking out loud, be sure to ask for our help and support with what you're choosing to do.

You have this Gift given by God to you for your use and your personal power. NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE BACK YOUR PERSONAL POWER AND TO USE THIS GIFT AS IT WAS INTENDED TO BE USED.

Know that all in my world are standing right here at the ready to help in any way we can. We are loving you each and everyone. I cherish and love you each.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Letter 291


Letter 291

Oh, My Dear Ones,

I want each of you to know that I am right here with you today. In truth, I am right here with you every day. I so want each one of you to know how much you are loved and cherished. My wish is that you will take this love that I am handing you and you will place it inside your heart, believing that is truth.

There is much in your world today and truly every day that does not feel loving and nurturing. Some of you have found people that have come into your life with love and kindness in their hearts. Yet there are so many of you that have not found that in your world. Or perhaps you thought that you had found it and then it disappeared for one reason or another.

Keep your heart and mind open to what life has to offer you and to what we here in my world are offering you. Opening yourself to all that is available and waiting for you can feel incredibly risky and fearful. Today I am asking you to allow yourselves the freedom to experience all that your life has to offer you. I wish for you to know in your heart and mind that we here are truly right beside you. We are encouraging you to step forward and to open your arms to what your heart and mind have been asking and praying for.

Over the next months and years, you will find that your lives will be changing greatly. I can feel some of you thinking hasn't that already happened? My answer is yes; it has, but guess what it is not over and you will indeed see many more changes coming into your lives. By this time next year, some of you will not even recognize who you are. You will be shaking your heads and saying how did all of this happen to me. So now is the time to open your hearts and minds and say YES to all that is coming. Resisting the changes that are coming into your lives will make your life a struggle. Life was never meant to be a struggle. So I say LET GO OF YOUR STRUGGLE AND EMBRACE WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR.

REMEMBERING NOW THAT YOU HAVE FREE WILL AND THE CHANGES THAT ARE COMING ARE THE CHANGES YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR. But, you never dared to allow yourself to believe they would come true. In your daydreaming and wishing you never realized that you were directing your own life and the changes that you dreamed of. So, know that we are right here and that each one of you has an army of angels waiting to help. They are at the ready to hold your hands or to help you step forward into all you have been dreaming of. And as always, I am right here offering you my love and caring. Take it into your hearts and minds, allowing it to grow and showing you the way to love yourselves. Allow yourself to see the truth of who you are. I promise that you will be amazed at the person you see looking back at you in the mirror. The picture of yourself that you have held onto during your life, one you brought with you from your childhood is no longer truth or perhaps never was the truth. So, please take another look at who you truly are and see what I see. I know that you can do this and many, many, other wondrous things. I am loving you each and everyone.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Letter 289


Letter 289

Dear Ones,

Today, I come to you with great Gratitude, Love, Respect, and Honor in my heart for all of you and all that you do. Each one of you has shown such courage and strength as you travel your chosen paths. You have found many rocks and ruts along the way and yet you just keep on walking. That is not to say that your human feelings of hopelessness, despair, and anger have not joined you on your path during your many days, weeks, months, and years of your traveling. Remember and be gentle you are human and all of those feelings make up all that you are. What is most important is that you keep on walking and work your way through all that happens in your lives.

Much has happened along the way and many lessons have been learned and yes, many lessons are still to be learned and integrated into your hearts and minds. Can you look back over the last year, then five years, and even back further to see how much you have changed and grown? Have you given yourselves credit for all you have accomplished as you have journeyed on your chosen pathway? Take the time to stop and really look at how far you have come and all you have done. Spend time honoring how you have grown and changed. Pay honor to yourselves for who you have become.

I HAVE SAID THIS IN THE PAST AND I WILL SAY IT AGAIN, EACH ONE OF YOU IS AMAZING AND WONDROUS. Everyone in my world is so honored to be able to stand with you and be of service to you. As you walk your chosen path working very hard to be of service to my world, your world, and each being of all the worlds, please know that we are standing here being of service to each of you. IN YOUR WORLD THAT IS CALLED A WIN-WIN FOR EVERYONE. All in my world and all in your world are in service to the betterment of humankind and the whole of the universal collective. IN OTHER WORDS, WE ARE ALL WORKING FOR THE BETTERMENT OF EVERY LIVING BREATHING LIFE FORM. I WILL TELL YOU THAT THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF OTHER LIVING BREATHING LIFE FORMS AND BEINGS OF MOTHER EARTH ARE JUST ONE OF THE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS WHO LIVE AND LOVE IN THE UNIVERSAL COLLECTIVE.

Your coming month will be intense and filled with great amounts of new energy. Some of you will feel as if you have just woken up from long years of sleep. Know if that has happened to you, then you are simply returning from being in school in my world. Others of you will be traveling to my world for schooling. KNOW THAT THE LEARNING AND GROWING WILL CONTINUE TO BE PART OF YOUR LIVES. Have great faith in yourselves and of course in us. You each will continue walking your path and we will continue walking your path with you. From all of us here in my world know that we are sending you great immense amounts of love and support. ALWAYS, ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU ARE NEVER ALONE, EVEN IF YOU THINK WE ARE NOT THERE, OR WE HAVE NOT HEARD YOU, LET ME ASSURE YOU WE ARE HERE. I am holding each one of you most dearly in my heart and I cherish you greatly.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Letter 241


Letter 241

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about resistance. I am guessing there are some of you out there who are going to say what is she talking about, resistance? Resistance is the holding back usually from fear of any new changes that are happening in your personal world, Mother Earth's world, and the universal world.

Resistance comes in many forms and in many ways. It is as individual as each of you. Resistance in any form is almost always about fear. The list of different kinds of fear goes on and on. The list of fears is huge and immense. Each being of Mother Earth could be holding resistance in their bodies and there would still be enough fear left over to go around a second time.

Many of you can see the fear and resistance in your friends and families, but what about in yourself? It is most unusual for beings of earth to be aware of their own resistance. Beings of earth always find another way to explain their not taking the next step. Their explanations go from being too tired, to busy with work, need to take care of their children, husband, and on and on. There is a never-ending supply of reasons that you each can hold back and hang on to your resistance.

Resistance is the one way you can stop yourselves from moving forward and becoming who you are meant to be. Resistance is your logical mind/brain working overtime to stop you. Telling you, NO you can't do that, what will people think, he or she won't like me if I do that, and again, we can go on and on.

Resistance does not belong in the 5D world nor will it ever be allowed in the 5D. Resistance is not part of being a heart-centered being. In your heart-centeredness and your connection to me and the rest of the spirit world, there is no thought that you can't do something or someone might not like it. Those thoughts do not exist here in the 5D world. Those kinds of thoughts come from the 3D world where your very existence was based on what others thought about you. Their thoughts and opinions counted 100% and yours counted for 3%. That is not the way the 5D world works. In the 5D world, your opinion of yourself is all that counts. Harsh judgments of yourself or others does not live in the 5D world. REMEMBERING NOW THAT THE 5D WORLD IS HEART-CENTERED. Harsh judgments reside in the 3D logical mind/brain world only.

WE are so very aware that it takes immense courage and strength to step out and be all that you are meant to be. We find no surprise in the fact that many of you are facing huge resistance inside your beings. We are asking you to step out and do things you never in your wildest dreams thought that you could or would be doing. To some of you, it may seem as if we are asking you to step off the cliff and fly. Your logical minds are unable to process the pictures and thoughts of who you think you might be that are coming to you during this time. That logical mind of yours is screaming and waving its arms saying no don’t go there. THAT IS RESISTANCE IN ALL ITS GLORY.

So not only are we asking you to step out and step off that cliff, we are asking you to let go of your logical mind/brain and no long believe what it is telling you. IT IS TIME TO BELIEVE THE PICTURES AND THOUGHTS THAT ARE COMING TO YOU. Those thoughts and pictures are truth. Your hearts are opening more all the time and your heart is allowing the thoughts and pictures to come to you.

We are hoping so urgently that you will choose to believe what your heart is showing you. WE are standing right here beside you sending you light, love, hope, courage, and strength. WE are here with you 100% and we will always be here for each of you. I have said this a hundred million thousand times and I will never be tired of telling you that you are so greatly loved and cherished by all here in my world. We honor each one of you for all you are doing to help your world on its journey into the 5D world. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary