Sunday, January 7, 2024

Letter 240


Letter 240

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Today you each will be experiencing subtle shifts and changes in your world. Some of you will be aware and then others will walk through their day as if nothing is happening. Is this not the way it is in your world right now? There are many of you who are so aware of what is happening and the changes taking place with your world moving from 3D to 5D. Then again, there are those beings that have no conscious thoughts about this at all. Furthermore, they do not want to know because it will mean great change in their lives.

During these next few weeks is a golden opportunity for those of you who are aware to strive to be all that you are. In your hearts, each of you knows who you truly are. It is your minds or brains that stop you from believing it or acting on it. If you are unable to allow yourselves to believe what your heart is telling you how could you possibly start living your life in that way.

It is time to live consciously as if you are in the 5D world. Over the last, many months we have been talking about the 5D world being a heart-centered world. So now it is time to start consciously living as if you believe and know that to be true. In other words, it is time stop your logical mind and brain telling you who you are or who you aren’t. It is time to act from what your heart is telling you.

Listen to your heart and believe what it is showing you and telling you. Take a moment to close your eyes and now taking several deep breaths. Put your hand on your heart and call my name. Just for now, in this moment in time brain/mind is going to take a time out. The only thing we are interested in right now is what your heart is saying to you and showing you.

Stay right here with me, picture me in your mind; however, you might imagine that I look like or feel like to you. Very slowly now allow the picture in your mind to change. Now you are seeing who you truly are. The picture may appear very slowly, but just keep breathing and allowing. If you start to try and control what is happening just go back to your breathing and concentrate on that for a moment. Then, just allow the pictures of yourself to come back into focus. Pay attention to what you are doing and saying. Watch this person you are seeing like you would watch someone walking in the park. Simply pretend that you are people watching right now.

Watch very closely to what is being said, to what is happening. What about the energy around this person and how do they carrying themselves? How are they walking through the world? Notice how the scene changes and they are moving through their lives with ease and confidence. You are showing yourselves how your life was meant to be. When you feel you have seen all there is for you to see come back to the here and now. This is the time to write about what you have seen, either physically writing or by going to your computer and recording it there. This is not the time to say, “Oh, I will remember and write it down later.” Your memory will fade and your day will be full and all you have learned about yourself today will be forgotten. The truth is, it will be more convenient to forget what you have seen and heard then it will be to remember. Because, if you remember, then you will have to change and start becoming who you are.

It is time, My Dear Ones to start living and being who you are truly. Even if your brain and mind keeps telling you NO YOU CAN’T POSSIBLY BE THAT PERSON your heart knows the truth and so do I. It is important for me to remind you that we are right here beside you. WE are ready and willing to help you in any way that we can. WE will hold your hand and walk with you as you take those steps to become who you truly are. So, take my hand let us walk this path together. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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