Sunday, December 17, 2023

Letter 49


Letter 49

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk of Gratitude.  My gratitude for who each of you are.  Gratitude and Joy that you read my letters.  That you come and be with me.  That you allow me to share my love with you.   I have great joy and appreciation for the love you share and give back to me.

Today I wish to honor your courage and your heart for all that it takes to live on your Mother Earth.  These are the most challenging times on your planet and each of you has chosen to be here during this time.  You each have said let me go and be there to help others.  Let me be the one to lead the way.  

You are the Wayshowers and the Keepers of the Light. During these times on your Mother Earth, the dark is being brought out to face the light. The violence, greed, and hate is being brought out into the light of day so all can see what is happening. The governments of the world and the financial empires are all being exposed for what they are.

Your job or what is being asked of you is to simply stand and allow your light to shine out onto the world.  You need only stand in love.  Love for yourself and Love for all other beings on your planet.  

The dark and all that it brings with it will be washed clean and made new by the light. You need not worry about how all that will happen, you just need to know that it will. You need to know that it is all already happening. This is not something that you can see with your human eye at this time. Trust in me and all the thousand on my side of the veil that it is happening now as we speak.

As more and more of you gather together, shining your light all will be washed clean and new.  You only need reach out in love and joy.  So once again I say to you that I HONOR YOU THIS DAY FOR YOUR COURAGE AND YOUR HEART.  FOR STEPPING INTO THE LIGHT AND BRINGING IT ON TO YOUR MOTHER EARTH FOR THE GOOD OF ALL. 

Know that we are here waiting at the ready for your call.  We are here loving you and honoring you this day.  Call us and allow us to help you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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