Sunday, October 30, 2022

Letter 251


Letter 251

My Dear Ones,

Today let us talk of the emptiness you hold inside yourselves. There will be many, many of you who will read these first words and then turn away. Emptiness, or the holes that you hold inside yourselves, are difficult to live with and most difficult to talk about. But today, it is time to look at this and talk about it.

Many of you have tried to fill up these holes with things, meaning clothes, jewelry, cars, boats, toys, and trinkets of every kind. Others use alcohol, food, and relationships that last for a night or two. Are you getting the idea now of what I am talking about?

Most of the beings of earth are holding an emptiness inside themselves, and they are unaware of how to make it better or heal it so there will be no more emptiness. These holes or places of emptiness are where all your feelings of being unloved or separate from all the other beings of Mother Earth are held and stored. There is a huge epidemic on Mother Earth of separateness and feelings of being unloved.

Yes, this is the time when all are working towards going into the 5D, which is all about opening your heart and living in love. How can that possibly happen if most of the beings of Mother Earth are walking around in unlovable separateness? Many of you are doing a fine job of hiding what is really going on inside. You are walking and talking as if you were involved in moving towards the 5D. Yet, inside there is this immense emptiness that is never talked about or looked at.

My Very Dear Ones, the time is now. We here in my world are so aware of how painful all of this is to each of you who have been carrying this emptiness around your whole lifetime. At times, it has grown a little smaller, and then a week later, it doubles in size. With our help, will you now be willing to work on making it disappear forever? Believe me when I tell you this is part of your path into the 5D world. The healing and letting go of this emptiness and separateness is part of the journey. Only when all has been healed and released can you truly live in love. Meaning unconditionally loving yourself and every other living, breathing life form on your Mother Earth.

There are no simple words or answers that I can give you in this letter to make this part of your journey disappear and be gone. Each one of you will need different things to help you along this path. There are wondrous healers living in your world who can help you in a face-to-face physical way. These healers come in many different forms and practices. Try them all until you find the one that will work for you. Of course, we are always standing at the ready to help you in any way we can. Know that we can stand beside you, hold your hand or wrap you in our arms or even hold you on our laps as if you were a small child. Remembering now that each and every one of you is a small child inside yourselves. Your small child inside knows more about the emptiness and separateness that you carry than anyone else.

Now is the time to take care of this part of your journey into the 5D. The energy that is coming into your world right now will give you the push forward that is needed to make your way through this. The stars, planets, the solar flares, and all beings of all the many worlds in your universe are sending you the energy and strength to step forward into this part of your journey. We here in my world are sending you love, encouragement, and support to help you in making these next steps. I am holding you most dearly in my heart. I love you, I love you, and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

  In Love, Mother Mary   

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