Saturday, April 16, 2022

Letter 160


Letter 160

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about you and your world. Right now, it may seem as though you are standing in the middle of a whirling dervish. There are many of you who are actually swirling around in the outside walls of this dervish. The emotions of you and your world are running at maximum high speed right now.

I am wanting to say to each of you, slow down and look around you. Can you step back and let go of the dervish. It is the collective consciousness of the world that is the dervish. It is truly not necessary to be a part of all that is going on in your world right now. It is past time to think of balance and being grounded. Each of you knows many different ways to become grounded, and it is time to use those many ways that you have learned. If you are needing help to become grounded or to stay grounded, we are here waiting and willing to help. All you need do is ask, and we will be there.

Everything in your world is changing so rapidly right now. I know that it is difficult to just hang on to your everyday world. Many beings are processing deep and long-forgotten traumas. All of this is necessary to prepare yourselves for the shifting of your world into the 5D. Some of the Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light are in the process of preparing themselves to make the permanent journey into the 5D. They will still be here, and you will still see them. All will know and see that they are living in a different way. Peace, love, and harmony will radiate out from their beings. They will be living in the world but will no longer be part of this world.

Many of the Wayshowers and Keepers of the light have not yet finished their work here in the 3D world. Once they have completed all that is needed to be done, they will also make that permanent transition to the 5D world. Emotional clearing and cleaning out of old debris is taking longer than they expected. Cleaning and clearing out of the mind and intellect is not the same as clearing and cleaning the emotional and cellular bodies. So, for now, many of you are still in the emotional and cellular cleaning and clearing. Once again, I will say to you that we are right here waiting and willing to help with all that you need. Please know that in this process of clearing and cleaning, you, as always are still leading and showing the way for others. There are many hundreds of thousands who have not even begun this process, and they are watching and seeing how you are accomplishing all of this.

Remember always that you are providing great hope and inspiration for other beings as you walk your path. This path is a choice made before you returned to Mother Earth. You are doing a wondrous job of being who you were meant to be. Know that we are loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in our hearts. We are waiting here to help you in any way that you might need.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary


Bob Wilson said...

What a terrific practical sharing!
I have needed to slow down many times in my life. This last 6 years when I got Parkinson's was Life's way to encourage me to slow down and to feel the sacredness of my life.
Here is what I have learned on my 71-year journey:
Blessings and hugs,
:-) Bob

Barbara Beach, Scribe said...

Thanks for your comments Bob. Have a great Easter.
Blessings to you, Barb

Barbara Beach, Scribe said...
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Unknown said...

Wow, just wow. This letter is SO helpful to me, as the recent 2 weeks I have been very weepy and lonely and sad. It didn't occur to me that this is further cellular healing. THANK YOU. This gives me some peace and hope. Barb/Mother Mary - you rock. (=

Barbara Beach, Scribe said...

So glad Mother Mary's words helped you.
Blessings of Love & Light, Barb