Sunday, March 6, 2022

Letter 304


Letter 304

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Today let's talk about you. These past weeks have been most intense. Was it not a wonderful shift in the energy a few days ago? Have you noticed that you are now more able to handle the energy and new vibrations that are coming into your world? With the energy shift, all of your bodies (physical, mental, emotional, and cellular) are now able to integrate this energy with less resistance and struggle.

We here are all standing and applauding at how well you were able to handle all that has transpired in the last few weeks. Have you noticed how much you have all changed over the last year? Your growth is next to amazing and wondrous. Please know that you are never to measure your growth against someone else. You will always find yourselves less than the next person. You would never think of judging yourself against someone else unless you were already thinking that you had not done enough.

So, listen to me closely now, whether you are thinking that you have grown a lot or maybe just a little, you have done exactly what you were supposed to do. And all of us here in my world are applauding you. If you find yourselves judging against one another, then know that it is time to work on these old issues you are carrying around from the past. Worrying about judging yourself or worrying about what other people will think of you is a fine waste of your precious energy.

You know that I could go on and on about self-judgment or worries about other people's judgment, but I will only say that it is time to take care of your self-esteem issues that are out of balance. So enough about that, except to say if you are unsure of how to take care of those issues, then ask me for help. Of course, we will come and help you work through all the judgments.

Now, on to one of my favorite subjects, "SELF-CARE." I want to give you a small reminder of Self-Care. In the intense energy of the last weeks and months, your self-care may have slipped away. So it is time to step back into the self-care mode, which is an outward display of Self-Love. Right now, each one of you is in need of self-care and self-love. The intense vibrational energy that you walked through over the last weeks and months has depleted much of your reserves. Know that we are right here beside you, shoring you up with our love and support. We will always be here beside you to add our love and support to you. However, your own love and support of self is beyond importance. In fact, it is almost more important than ours. Your No.1 reason for being here on Mother Earth during this lifetime is to learn to LOVE yourselves. By learning to love yourselves unconditionally, then and only then will you be able to reach out and love unconditionally all other living breathing life forms. Every living, breathing life form makes up the WHOLE OF THE ONE. So, loving yourself unconditionally allows you to unconditionally love the WHOLE OF THE ONE, which is the purpose for being here on Mother Earth at this time.

Know that we are indeed walking this path with you. We are loving and supporting each and every one of you. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

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