Saturday, December 24, 2022

Letter 265


Letter 265

Good Morning Dear Ones,

This is a grand time of the year. All of you have just passed through the Winter Solstice. It is a time of new beginnings. Mother Earth is heading back into the light and leaving the dark of night behind. Each day forward, there will be longer light. Each day forward, you will find more light and ease coming into your life. Yes, you are still in the time of reassessment, but you are working your way through all of the past and leaving it behind you. You are moving forward toward the light.

This is a time of celebration for the birth of Jesus and a new beginning for Mother Earth. This journey has been going on for time unending and will continue through time unending. As you celebrate the birth of my son, so you celebrate the birth of each of you. Remembering now that we are all one. You are him, and he is you. There are no differences between the ones you hold on high and all of you living on Mother Earth. What he has done so can you do.

WE here in my world are celebrating the birth of each of you. For without each of you, there would be no Mother Earth, there would be no journeys, there would be no LOVE, and without LOVE, all living beings would perish and disappear. IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER THAT ALL BEINGS IN MY WORLD AND THERE ON MOTHER EARTH ARE CONNECTED BY LOVE. It is as if there is an invisible thread going from one being to the next connecting all, and the thread is love. Every breathing life form is connected to this never-ending thread of Love. Each one of you can close your hearts and pretend in your mind that you are not connected to the universal life force of love, but there is no way to ever disconnect from that thread. The thread of love is all-powerful and never-ending, and each of you are part of that never-ending thread.

Soon you will be stepping into a New Year. As you step forward into this New Year, take the time to reflect back over the last year. Notice all the changes in your outer world. Most importantly, notice all the changes in your inner world. You are not the same person who began 2022. Some of you have made drastic changes, and some of you have made small wondrous changes. All changes are to be celebrated as you step forward into 2023. And next year, at this time when you are getting ready to step into 2024, you will celebrate the changes of 2023. Each of you has been working so hard moving forward on your journeys, and it is time to stop and celebrate all you have accomplished and will continue to accomplish.

So, I say to you today, keep moving forward, keep changing and growing, and keep becoming all that you are meant to be. You each are wondrous and magnificent beings, capable of doing things you never imagined. WE here in my world are watching and celebrating each one of you. We are in amazement of all that you are.

We are hoping that you will allow us to help you and be a part of your journey, for that is our purpose. Great blessings are being sent your way this day and every day. You each are so greatly loved and cherished.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Letter 264


Letter 264

Dear Ones,

All in your world has become more intense as the energy for change has increased. This energy will continue to press forward during the coming months into 2023. Once again, you are being asked to reassess all that makes up your life. We are aware that this may seem overwhelming to each of you as you look at the big picture of your life. It is important to remember that the reassessment will be happening over the next months and not all at once. Many of you have already been in this reassessment for the last few weeks.

This reassessment is a sign of your growth in the last years. If you had stayed in the same place and time, there would be no need for reassessment. Keep in your minds during the next months, as you let go of parts of your life that no longer fit, that all are signs of your growth and further journey into the 5D world. Many in your world will be watching each of you Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light as you go through this process. Each of those beings watching will be so aware of the changes that have taken place for each of you, and they will want those changes, also. For many, it will cause them to take the first steps on their journeys, and for others, they will step forward and speed up their journeys. And we here in my world are applauding all that each of you are doing to bring your world forward into the 5D.

Many of you right now, as you read my letter about reassessment, are thinking this means more struggles and pain. It is most important that you hear what I am saying; this does not have to be about pain and struggle. You have a choice about what your journey will be about and how you will walk it. You can fight these changes, or you can step forward with open hearts and arms to welcome all the new that is coming into your lives. The letting go of the old ways that you have outgrown can be as simple as expressing your gratitude for all that you learned and an appreciation for what you have accomplished.

During these months ahead, give yourselves time to say your goodbyes to the old ways. ABOVE ALL, REMEMBER YOURSELF-CARE AND SELF-LOVE. SELF-CARE IS AN EXPRESSION OF YOURSELF-LOVE. IT IS BEYOND IMPORTANT YOU CONTINUE TO DO YOURSELF-CARE DAILY, FOR THAT WILL BE WHAT SUSTAINS YOU DURING THESE CHANGES. For those of you who are reading this and thinking about self-care, Mother Mary, I don't do that; I just don't get that at all. It is time to get it and to start taking responsibility for taking care of yourselves. For those of you who don't get the self-care, please step back and re-read the last several letters. Many of those letters refer to Self-Care and Self-Love. Know that taking the steps into self-care is a necessary part of your journey. Your journeys are all going in the same direction; the direction of love and the 5D world that you have been working so hard for. Self-Love is the most important step on this journey. Self-Care is the outward expression of your inner Self-Love.

WE, of course, are right here walking with you on this journey. We are loving you each and every one. We are ready to help you in any way that you may need. Please ask for our help. We are waiting. Asking for help when you need it is an expression of self-care and self-love. I am loving you all so tenderly and holding you each in my heart.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Letter 262


Letter 262

Dear Ones,

The beings of earth are heading into a month of many highs and many lows. Most of you will find that your time is being spent trying to find the middle ground this month. The energy coming into your world will be intense and filled with immense energy waves that can sometimes be destabilizing.

So, today I am going to talk again about self-care. After reading the first paragraph of my letter, you might better understand the importance of self-care during this month and this holiday season for many of you. For those of you who will be celebrating the Christmas Holiday, you already are aware of the stress that builds during this time. So, on top of that stress, the stars and universe are adding an extra dose of ups and downs. SELF-CARE BECOMES BEYOND IMPORTANT. IT BECOMES A MUST. Of course, each of you has free will, so it is up to you what choice you will make.

We here in my world are hoping that you will decide to make self-care a part of your continuing journey into the 5D world. Self-care allows that journey to be traveled with more ease and comfort. Each of you has been finding bumps in the road along the way. It is up to you how high those bumps will be. Self-care allows you to walk around or over the bumps with ease. Are you wondering why that is so? When self-care is part of your daily journey, then your energy level is higher, your perceptions are clearer and more defined, thinking patterns have clarity and purpose, and most importantly, your heart is more open taking the lead position on your journey. All of this is provided from practicing self-care.

If thoughts of self-care are overwhelming to you or perhaps just beyond what you can imagine, then it is time to stop and take a look at what is happening inside of yourself when I talk about self-care. We have talked about this before that many of you have been taught by parents, by the church, and the standards of your world that one always takes care of others first. My question to you is, how can you take care of someone else if you have not taken care of yourselves? The answer is very simple, "YOU CAN'T." When you have not taken care of yourself first, then the care you give out to others is given with resentment, bitterness, anger, rage, and most definitely without unconditional love. Many of you may be unaware of what you are feeling when you continue to take care of others first. You may have numbed your minds and hearts to all you are feeling.

Many of you who have not been practicing self-care will find yourselves in some area of the numbness. Be gentle with yourselves as you start to wake up from the scenario of caring for others first. This has been a life-long tradition for many of you, and those traditions need to be changed with ease and gentleness. Remember that we are always here, ready to help you, and of course, we are standing right beside you at all times. We are wanting to help you take the first steps of self-care. Learning to travel your journey with self-care is a very large step in learning to love yourselves.

We here in my world are loving you dearly. I am holding you each and every one in my heart. I love you, I love you, and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Letter 261


Letter 261

Dear Ones,

Today my letter is about reminding you how precious and important each one of you are. In the chaos and confusion of your daily lives, it is seldom that you stop for even one moment to appreciate yourselves. Many of you are getting ready to step into your holiday season, and your lives will become even more chaotic and speeded up.

Soon you will find yourselves more loaded down with things to do and places to go. I am urging you to remember to take the time for yourself-care and the appreciation of self. Many of you are thinking, what is she talking about now, "SELF APPRECIATION." I AM SPEAKING OF APPRECIATING WHO YOU ARE. STOP and think of the things that you do daily and the people that you touch with. Touching with another being could simply be smiling as you pass someone on the street. You are unaware of what that smile means to the person you are passing. It could be the one gentle light-filled thing that happens in their lives that day.

You each are so unaware of what effect you have on the world around you. When you allow your light to shine fully, it is as if you light up the world. Your light spreads and shines for great areas around you. Often, others may not even see your physical form, but they do feel your energy and light. So, when you have your hearts open and your light is turned on high, you are touching and warming others with love and kindness.

What a grand and glorious thing you are able to do. Often times you forget that this is something you can and are doing every day in every minute of that day. Many of you are unaware as you go through your daily lives that this is so. In the chaos and confusion of your world, all things about light, energy, love, and kindness slip into the back of your minds and is forgotten. It is time to bring all of this back into the front of your minds and to be aware of what your light and energy are doing in the world.

Self-appreciation turns into a deep loving appreciation of the other beings of the universe and yourself. Some of you are getting ready to celebrate your day of thankfulness, so this is my reminder to you to be grateful and thankful for all that you are. Allow that thankfulness to spread out through your light and encompass and embrace every living, breathing life form.

Know that we here in my world are so appreciating each and every one of you. We find you each one of you beyond wonderful and precious. The light and love you bring into the world is beyond any value that you know of. REMEMBER YOUR SELF-LOVE, SELF-CARE, AND SELF-APPRECIATION. REMEMBER ALSO THAT I AM LOVING YOU SO GREATLY AND HOLDING YOU EACH ONE IN MY HEART.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Letter 258


Letter 258

Dear Ones,

It has been a very short time since my last letter to each of you. I want each of you to know that I see how hard you are trying to care for yourselves. Also, I see what a great relief it was for many of you when you read my letter telling you that you need to care for yourselves first.

There are so many of you who have cared for others first for your whole lives and have never allowed yourselves to be cared for. My words and encouragement were so welcome and comforting to those of you who have been living in the old ways.

Know that I am standing here in my world applauding each of you for stepping out and reaching out to try life in a different way. Let there be no guilt in your minds and hearts over taking care of yourselves first. Be aware that the beings in your personal lives may find the changes in you difficult to understand. Perhaps, there will be some who take it as a personal affront to them that you are caring for yourselves first and then reaching out to care for them. There may be some who feel that you do not love them as much as you used to or they may feel neglected by you.


There is one more important step in this changing of the old patterns of caring for others first. It is now most important to talk with the others in your personal lives and explain what you are doing and why you are doing it. It is time to let them know that by taking care of yourself first, what you will have to give them will be so much more. There will no longer be feelings of tiredness, resentment, and anger attached to the care that you are giving to them. YES, ALL OF THOSE FEELINGS ARE ATTACHED TO YOUR GIVING WHEN YOU DO NOT CARE FOR YOURSELF FIRST. I can see your faces right now, and you are shocked and in disbelief that this might be true.

So, I will say to you, stop for a moment and think about how you felt when you were caring for others all the time and never finding time for yourselves. This is a step in taking your blinders off and really looking inside yourselves and seeing what has been going on for you as you cared for others day after day. I will say again now, it is not the time for guilt over this either. It is simply the way it worked for you in the past, and now you are changing that. I am so proud of each of you. Changing one's life, one's old habits or patterns is never easy. The fact that you are doing the self-care now or maybe just thinking about doing it is wonderful beyond words. REMEMBER THAT WE ARE RIGHT HERE, AND WE WILL HELP IN ANY WAY WE CAN. WE ARE LOVING YOU SO GREATLY AND HOLDING YOU IN OUR HEARTS WITH GREAT JOY AND LOVE. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Letter 256


Letter 256

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about self-care and self-love. Self-care is the outward action or behavior of self-love. It is only normal and natural that if a being is practicing self-love, then they will take the utmost care with themselves.

So, this is a good reality checkpoint for each of you. How are you doing on your self-care? Are you making sure to care for yourself first and then to reach out to others, or are you caring for everyone else first, and if there is time, you come back to yourselves? You each one know that it does not work to care for others first and then maybe have time for yourselves. This is an old habit that you learned from watching the elders in your families. It did not work for them, and it will not work for you.

Now is the time to change those old generational habits of always putting the other being or beings first. The outcome of these habits is harmful and immensely abusive to one's self. Are you finding that you are overwhelmed, tired, upset, cranky, and living in the victim mode? If any of these words fit for you, then you can be assured that perhaps you are not paying attention to yourself as you need. Indeed, it is not the other person's blame or fault that you are choosing to put them first. The fault or blame lies with one person, and that person is you.

Only you can be the one to change these old generational habits. You are the one who must take those first steps to care for yourself and then move out to care for others. The ones you have been caring for first may not understand your actions and will become uncomfortable with what is taking place. Part of the changing of these old patterns will be speaking with others about the changes that you are working on making in your life. In speaking with others, it will help you to have more clarity about exactly what you will need to do.

It is most important to remember that these are old generational habits that have been with you for a lifetime. Do not expect yourself to change these all at once, give yourselves time to adjust and also the other beings in your world time to adjust to what you are doing and changing. Start gently and easily by picking one thing to do in a different way this day. ABOVE ALL AND MOST IMPORTANT TO, REMEMBER THAT WE ARE STANDING RIGHT HERE WAITING TO HELP YOU. YOU ONLY NEED ASK; WE WILL COME AND WALK THROUGH THESE CHANGES WITH YOU. YOU ARE NEVER ALONE, AND DURING THOSE TIMES WHEN YOU FEEL SO ALONE, WE ARE STILL STANDING RIGHT THERE WITH YOU.

We here in my world will be overjoyed and thrilled that you are taking care of yourselves first and then reaching out to others. You will find when you live your life in this manner that you're reaching out becomes filled with joy, love, and support for other beings. By making these changes within yourselves, you will entirely change the energy and perceptions that you're holding within yourself about your world and the beings in it. Others around you will notice the difference of the love and caring that you share with them. That love and caring will be coming from your heart rather than your mind and brain.

WE here are honored to share with you this day. WE are sending you great enormous amounts of love and caring. You each are so cherished and held so dearly in my heart. I am loving you each and every one.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Letter 254


Letter 254

Dear Ones, 

Today let us talk about your world and your personal reason or purpose for being here during this time on Mother Earth. Each of you made the choice to return to Mother Earth at this time and to be part of all that is taking place. You each came to Mother Earth with a definite purpose and definite gifts to share with all the other beings of Mother Earth. Those gifts were not only to be shared with the beings of Mother Earth, but they are to be shared with every living breathing life form in the universe.

There are many of you who do not want to know what those gifts are that you came to share. The sharing of those gifts could cause great changes to your lives and the lives of people who you care about. The acknowledging of those gifts, even to yourselves, would cause you to change and start on the journey to become who you are meant to be in your world today.

I wish for you to know that these changes will come with great rewards to your lives. The changes will start you on a journey into your selves and who you really are. Most beings of earth are walking around with a false idea of who they are. You each are so much more than you can even imagine. Few of you place great value on who you are and what you have to offer the world. That is such an untruth. Are you forgetting that you and I, you and God are all the same? What you have to offer is as important as anything we have offered your world. The only being that does not know this is YOU.


Come with me for a moment and allow me to share with you who I know you to be. It will be as if you are looking in a mirror, and in this mirror, you will see the real you, the you that you came back to be during this time on earth. So, close your eyes, take several deep breaths and call my name. Allow your mind to slow as you continue to breathe and become connected to me. You are sitting in a chair with a large mirror before you. I am standing right behind you with my hands on your shoulders. Gently open your eyes and look into the mirror. We both are looking back at you. Really look at yourself. Who is this person who is looking back at you? Tell me what you see and how you feel looking at yourself as you truly are.

This journey to your true self does not happen in a day or all at once. It will happen over time in small steps. Those small steps will happen as you are ready to go forward. Each of those steps are important and of great value to you and to each being that you touch with. Of course, we will be right here taking each step with you. You are never alone, nor will you ever be alone. We are always right here standing beside you, loving you, and holding you most dearly in our hearts.

We are asking you to start this journey today, or if you are already on this journey, then take your next step and continue to move forward. Allow your hearts to open and be welcoming to all living, breathing life forms throughout the universe. Know that I am loving you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Letter 253


Letter 253

My Very Dear Ones,

As I write this letter to you today, I am hoping that you know how much you are loved and cherished. WE here in my world are so aware of all that you have done and are doing daily to help yourselves and your world make its way into the 5D world.

I keep stressing and talking about your inner work that is still left to be completed. I can hear many of you as you start to read my letters or receive an email telling you there is another letter saying to yourselves, does she not know we have finished that? I do hear you, and I have to come back and say to each of you, "you have not completed that inner work." There is still much left to do.

You have no idea what your life would be like if that work was completed. Can you imagine living without fear and doubt? Can you imagine living without worrying about what others might think of you? Yes, there are many of you who are past that point, but there are still so many living back there. There are still hundreds of thousands of beings that do not know they are loved or even that they are lovable.  I see you shake your heads, wondering how can that be.

The children and young people of your world are slowly dying inside themselves from a lack of knowing that they are loved and lovable. They are growing up in families that have been torn apart for one reason or another. Their Mothers and Fathers are working many hours a day to feed them and keep a roof over their heads. Those parents are so involved in survival that they are unable to see what is happening. Often times even if they could see, they would be totally unaware of what to do or how to fix it because they have never felt loved or lovable, either. Once again, I see you are shaking your heads, wondering how can that be.

It is time for all Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light to step away from your many like-minded families, friends, and acquaintances. It is the time in all of your journeys to take a step back from what you know and look at the world around you. Over the past few years, many of you have been focused on healing yourselves and preparing yourselves for the journey into the 5D world. For all of you, it was necessary to focus on yourselves and all that you needed, but now it is time to open your focus up and see the world and all of its beings in the light of truth.

I am not saying it is time to stop working on yourselves, I am simply saying it is time to step out and open up your focus. Allow your focus to be in two parts, one for yourselves and your inner work; the other part is being involved and in touch with beings that are still struggling with feelings of being unloved or unlovable. Sometimes that could be no more than a loving smile on your face as you walk down the street. You will know who those beings are by just looking at them. Their faces will have a look of despair and hunger, for to them, it feels like they have been searching for those feelings of being loved and belonging forever. You will only need keep your eyes open to what is really happening and where you really are as you walk down the street.

So, today we are asking each of you to step out and share your love and share the love that we, too, are sending you. REMEMBER NOW THAT THIS IS A LARGE PART OF YOUR JOURNEY INTO THE 5D WORLD. THE SHARING OF LOVE IS PARAMOUNT IN THE 5D WORLD. THE 5D WORLD IS ALL ABOUT LOVE AND THE SHARING OF IT UNCONDITIONALLY.

Know that I am holding each of you in my arms and loving you so dearly.  I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Letter 251


Letter 251

My Dear Ones,

Today let us talk of the emptiness you hold inside yourselves. There will be many, many of you who will read these first words and then turn away. Emptiness, or the holes that you hold inside yourselves, are difficult to live with and most difficult to talk about. But today, it is time to look at this and talk about it.

Many of you have tried to fill up these holes with things, meaning clothes, jewelry, cars, boats, toys, and trinkets of every kind. Others use alcohol, food, and relationships that last for a night or two. Are you getting the idea now of what I am talking about?

Most of the beings of earth are holding an emptiness inside themselves, and they are unaware of how to make it better or heal it so there will be no more emptiness. These holes or places of emptiness are where all your feelings of being unloved or separate from all the other beings of Mother Earth are held and stored. There is a huge epidemic on Mother Earth of separateness and feelings of being unloved.

Yes, this is the time when all are working towards going into the 5D, which is all about opening your heart and living in love. How can that possibly happen if most of the beings of Mother Earth are walking around in unlovable separateness? Many of you are doing a fine job of hiding what is really going on inside. You are walking and talking as if you were involved in moving towards the 5D. Yet, inside there is this immense emptiness that is never talked about or looked at.

My Very Dear Ones, the time is now. We here in my world are so aware of how painful all of this is to each of you who have been carrying this emptiness around your whole lifetime. At times, it has grown a little smaller, and then a week later, it doubles in size. With our help, will you now be willing to work on making it disappear forever? Believe me when I tell you this is part of your path into the 5D world. The healing and letting go of this emptiness and separateness is part of the journey. Only when all has been healed and released can you truly live in love. Meaning unconditionally loving yourself and every other living, breathing life form on your Mother Earth.

There are no simple words or answers that I can give you in this letter to make this part of your journey disappear and be gone. Each one of you will need different things to help you along this path. There are wondrous healers living in your world who can help you in a face-to-face physical way. These healers come in many different forms and practices. Try them all until you find the one that will work for you. Of course, we are always standing at the ready to help you in any way we can. Know that we can stand beside you, hold your hand or wrap you in our arms or even hold you on our laps as if you were a small child. Remembering now that each and every one of you is a small child inside yourselves. Your small child inside knows more about the emptiness and separateness that you carry than anyone else.

Now is the time to take care of this part of your journey into the 5D. The energy that is coming into your world right now will give you the push forward that is needed to make your way through this. The stars, planets, the solar flares, and all beings of all the many worlds in your universe are sending you the energy and strength to step forward into this part of your journey. We here in my world are sending you love, encouragement, and support to help you in making these next steps. I am holding you most dearly in my heart. I love you, I love you, and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

  In Love, Mother Mary   

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Letter 250


Letter 250

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about who you believe you are? I am not talking about who you really are but who you believe you are. Most of you will still be holding thoughts and beliefs about yourselves that you learned in your childhood. There will be very few of you who have taken time to adjust your thinking to the truth of who you are today and who you are meant to be.

Those thoughts that you have carried with you from your childhood are really thoughts that belong to someone else. Throughout your childhood, you heard your Mother, Father, Aunts, Uncles, and siblings tell you who they thought you were. Most often, those are the things that you believed about yourselves. In your childhood thinking, you would believe that if they said it, it must be true.

Well, I want you to hear me very clearly today; this is not a truth. What you heard was their opinion, which can often be a long way from the truth of any situation. So, I say to you today, who do you believe you are? Many of you will simply repeat what you have been told over and over by others. I am hoping there are a few of you who will stop and think about this question. Actually, I am hoping there are more than a few who will stop and wonder about this. Looking at what they have been told and then looking at how they live their lives.

These are very large and important questions for you to answer. First, looking at who you use to be and how you live your lives in the past. Then going forward to how you live your lives, today, who are you right now in this day. You have all changed and grown over your lifetimes. NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION OF ALL WHO ARE YOU GOING TO BE FROM THIS DAY FORWARD. In my last letter, we talked about your dreams and what you are wanting in your lives. NOW ONCE AGAIN, A BIG IMPORTANT QUESTION. Can the person you believe you are today live the life you are dreaming about? Do you believe that inside yourself? If you don't believe you can be the person in your dreams, then how can those dreams come true?

Are you understanding that it is time to change the perception you have of yourself? It is the time to close your eyes and see the truth of who you are. You are capable of impossible things. You are capable of fulfilling every one of your dreams. YOU, INSIDE YOURSELF, MUST BELIEVE AND KNOW THIS IS TRUTH. If you don't truly believe you can be the person in your dreams, then how can your dreams come true?

So, once again, I will say, close your eyes, come with me, and we will watch this video of who you truly are. Just breathe slowly, allowing yourselves to relax and see what we are showing you. This is the truth of who you are and what you are capable of doing. OPEN YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS TO ALLOW THIS NEW INFORMATION TO BE ABSORBED INTO YOUR BEING. NOW ALLOWING THE OLD PERCEPTIONS TO RELEASE AND FADE AWAY. It is most necessary to let go of the old so that there will be room for the new to come into your being. Each morning over the next days and weeks, take the time to sit quietly and watch this video, giving yourself the time and space to truly absorb what you are seeing.

For a few of you, there will be instant recognition of the truth of who you are. For, others it will take time and effort to let yourselves believe what you are seeing. Can you see yourselves living your dreams and doing all that is being asked of you for your dreams to become your reality? REMEMBER THAT THIS CAN BE A PROCESS OF TAKING VERY SMALL STEPS TO REACH YOUR BIGGEST GOALS. Once again, I will say to you, we are here, ready to walk each of those steps with you. We are loving you and support you every step along the way. These small steps are part of your pathway into the 5D world. Allow yourselves the possibilities of all there is. I am loving you so greatly and cherishing each one of you in my heart.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.  

 In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Letter 249


Letter 249

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about your dreams. What are you dreaming of? What do you dream about? Are you allowing yourselves to see and hear what your heart is telling you about, or are you ignoring all that is happening inside yourselves? You each are so much more than you allow yourselves to know about. You each are capable of unimaginable things.

Yes, I know that you allow yourselves to see and visualize your small safe dreams, but what about the others, the ones you never talk about or almost never allow yourselves to think about? I am talking about the big dreams and hopes, the ones that change your lives forever. The dreams that put you right out front where everyone can see who you are and who you were always meant to be.

It is time to let yourselves think about these big dreams, time to fantasize and become comfortable with them. Thinking and fantasizing about those big dreams can be called your first step toward making them a reality. Now is the time for each of you to begin stepping forward and allowing yourselves to acknowledge where you need to be going and what you need to be doing.

Right now, let's stop and take a moment to allow yourselves to visualize what can be. Allow yourselves to close your eyes; take several deep breaths, calling my name, and come on this journey with me. Just continue to breathe and allow your mind to empty and float freely without worries or cares. Place your focus on your heart, and now placing your hand over your heart. In your mind, ask for help in allowing your dreams and purposes to come forward so that you may see them clearly. Some of you may already know part of these dreams and purposes, and there will be others who have no idea. Continue breathing and allowing your heart to be in charge. Allow yourselves to hear and see the words and pictures that are being shown to you. Allow yourselves to see the big picture of it all. Each of you stay with what is being shown to you until there is nothing left to see or hear and then return back to this time and this letter.

NOW IS THE TIME TO SIT AND WRITE DOWN ALL THAT YOU HAVE BEEN SHOWN. THESE THINGS YOU HAVE LEARNED TODAY ARE NOT TO BE FORGOTTEN AND BURIED AWAY AGAIN. It is so important for each of you to know and understand where you are headed and what it is you need to be doing to fulfill yourselves and your purpose.

What each of you are going through on a daily basis takes tremendous courage and strength, and how much easier it will be if you have an idea of why you are going through this process.

Are you now beginning to understand why it is important for you to recognize and acknowledge where you are going and who you are going to become? You are not here on your Mother Earth during this lifetime by accident. Each and every one of you came back during this time on Mother Earth with a definite purpose to fulfill.

You each can continue to allow your fear of change and loss of control to hold you back and keep you in place, or you can take your leap of faith to step out. WE ARE STANDING RIGHT HERE WITH YOU, READY TO TAKE THAT LEAP OF FAITH ALONGSIDE OF YOU. IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER DURING THESE TIMES THAT YOU ARE NOT ALONE, NOR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ALONE. There have been times for each of you when it felt to you that you were alone, but we were always right there holding your hand or holding your whole being in our arms.

I want you now to go and look in the mirror and picture me there beside you. Tell me who you are and why you are here on Mother Earth at this time. NOW TAKE MY HAND, AND LET US GO TELL THE WORLD WHO YOU ARE AND WHY YOU ARE HERE.

We are standing here beside you loving you and cherishing you so dearly. Know that I love you, I love you, and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Letter 145


Letter 145

Dear Ones,

Today we are going to talk more about being a heart-centered being. Yesterday we talked about un-learning everything that you have been taught about yourselves that is untrue.  We are going to take it one step further today and talk about all of the untruths you have been taught about the world, God and other human beings. 

All of this comes under one heading and I will call it Fear.  Many of you have been taught to fear God.  That his retribution on sinners is harsh and unloving.  That not only will harmful actions be punished, but also harmful thoughts will be punished.  There has been much talk about going to hell for any harmful actions or thoughts, and anything that is included on the long list of things that can and will make you a sinner.



Many of you have been taught to fear or to be afraid of other people.  You have been taught to fear anything and anyone who is different from you.  REMEMBERING NOW THAT FEAR IS THE OPPOSITE OF LOVE.

 If you had been taught to Love and appreciate people who are different from you what would your world be like today?   There would be no WARS, there would be no hate, no violence, no greed, and no need to struggle for power.   90% of the beings of Mother Earth would not be walking around feeling unloved and unlovable. 

My heart is filled with great sadness to know that this is true.  My heart is filled with sadness to know how much time and energy it will take on your parts to unlearn all these untruths.  My heart is filled will sadness to see and know the harm that these untruths have caused all living life forms of the universe. 



Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Letter 331


Letter 331

Dear Ones,

I am writing this letter today because it is beyond important that you understand that you are NOT standing there alone in your world. You may not be able to see us or hear us, but there are hundreds of thousands of beings from my world that are standing with you. My favorite saying to you is, "WE have your back." This is a truth and a promise from me "I have your back."

I know there are many times when you are walking through your world, be it going to work, going home, going to school, or just going out to play, that you feel entirely alone. Every being on Mother Earth has angels that travel with them from the moment of their birth. Those angels are with you each and every moment of every day.

We here in my world know how difficult your world is right now and has been for several years. It is necessary for you to understand that your world is going through a giant transformation. Your world is moving from a world that runs on greed, power, hate, rage, and the constant thought that I am better than you. Your moving towards a world that is working towards stepping into the 5D world, a world of LOVE and CARING. This is a difficult transition. During this time, it is imperative that all beings recognize what has been happening in their world and what their foundation has been built on.

Everyone must see what has been going on in their world and step up to help make the changes necessary. This is not a small task that has been set into action. It will take several years to accomplish all that needs to be done. But, I want you each to hear me; you are moving forward into the world that you have been dreaming of. The process is slow, but each step along the way is important to the end result.

Each being of Mother Earth is in the process of clearing and cleaning out their own being. Which means letting go of all old resentments, fears, anger, and feelings of injustices done to them. All of those feelings are coming from your past and have no place in your future; in fact, they hold you back so that you are unable to move into the future. If you are thinking, "OH, Mother Mary, I have already done that," then I will say to you there is no being on Mother Earth who has completed this task. It is so easy to fool one's self into thinking all the old has been cleared and cleaned out. Now is the time to really buckle down and take care of this old business. Of course, remembering that you are not alone as you go through this; we are right here with you.

We are in the beginning of a brand new time, and the energy that is coming into your Mother Earth is strong and intense. This energy will help in allowing you to move forward and letting go of the past. We here in my world are offering you the help and assistance that is needed for each of you to do your part in this transformation.

We are loving each and every one of you and holding you all most dearly in our hearts. I Love You, I Love You, and I Love you.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Letter 316


Letter 316

Good Morning Dear Ones,

I am wanting to know how each one of you are walking through these days. Once again, I will say there is great intense energies coming into your Mother Earth and to each of you. Your physical bodies are desperately trying to integrate all that is coming forth. Many of you are having what I will call side effects to all that is transpiring. Do not be surprised if you are experiencing extreme tiredness requiring many more hours of rest each day. Your appetites may go to extreme differences, with it decreasing or increasing drastically. Are your brains much more active, and it is most difficult to slow them down? Are thoughts and ideas running rapidly through your thinking processes?

What I will say to you is to go slowly through all the changes. Do not struggle and fight your way through this. Picture yourself in the river, just moving along with the flow of the water. I will tell you that there is no way to control or deflect this energy that is working so very hard to integrate with your physical bodies.

This energy that is coming into your world at this time is increasing your vibrational rate bringing you closer to your 5D world. The energy and what it is bringing you is so needed and truly what you have been asking for. So I will say to you stay with what is happening and allow yourselves to flow with what is transpiring in your personal realm. There is much that is being given to you during this time, and much you will be grateful for once all has been integrated into your physical bodies.

It is important to know during this time what a wonderful job each one of you are doing on your own personal journeys. If you were to look back over the last few years, you will see how far you have come. Do you see how much you have grown and changed? Have your hearts not opened more and more with each passing day? Are you not more loving and caring of yourselves and each other?

As I have said in the past many, many times, your-self care and love is of the utmost importance. Your main purpose and lesson to learn during this lifetime is the care and loving of one's self. No one can truly unconditionally love others until they unconditionally love themselves. What do you see when you look in the mirror each day? Can you say, "I LOVE WHO I AM, I LOVE HOW I WALK IN THE WORLD, AND I AM SO GRATEFUL TO BE WHO I AM?" Those are great giant words.

So, each morning as you get ready for your day, I am asking you to step forward and look in the mirror and tell that person you see "YOU" how much you love them and what exactly do you love about them. Do you love how YOU walk in the world, do you love how you treat yourself, do you love how you treat others and what about how you treat Mother Earth and all the different living, breathing life forms???

This is no small homework that I am giving you. Expressing out loud to yourselves how much you love YOU is energetically monumental. When was the last time you told yourself out loud that you love YOU? I am going to make a giant guess and say never. So now is the time to start saying it out loud and even shouting it from the rooftops. And if you do not totally believe what you are saying, that is OK. Just keep on saying it each day or many times a day. Soon you will find that you do mean it. You will find yourselves looking in the mirror with the eyes of love, with the inner knowing that you are a unique and wonderful being.

Know, as always, that we are right here loving you and most certainly looking at each one of you with the eyes of love. I am holding you most dearly in my arms and walking right beside you. Know that we are standing at the ready to help you in any way that we can. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there,

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Letter 314


Letter 314

Dear Ones,

During these very intense times on your Mother Earth, I want you to know that we are indeed right here with you. There are millions of beings from my world joining you there on Mother Earth to support, help, and most importantly, to love you through this time. Mother Earth is also hosting many beings from the Stars, other worlds, and many other living, breathing life forms. All beings of the universe have and are coming together to be as one with each of you.

Many other stars and planets have been through this same process that you are now going through. You are not the first, nor will you be the last. And remembering now that you are all one with every living, breathing life form. So you are definitely not alone as you go through your transformations and illuminations.

The rest of this year and on into the next year will be as intense and perhaps more intense than what you are experiencing right now. WHAT IS OF THE MOST IMPORTANCE IS FOR EACH OF YOU TO REALIZE AND HEAR THE TRUTH OF WHAT I AM SAYING RIGHT NOW. RESISTANCE AND STRUGGLE INCREASES THE INTENSITY BY A 1000 PERCENT.

So, right now, I am asking you to trust me and all the beings from my world. Each of the changes and transformations that are waiting for you will be of the utmost importance and joy for each of you once you have completed the process. The changes that are happening for each of you are indeed for your highest good. These changes are part of what will enable you to complete the purpose for which you came back to Mother Earth this time. And, yes, there will be more changes and transformations that will happen in the coming months and years.

If you stop and take a look at yourselves, most of you will not even recognize the person you were last year at this time. You have all made huge strides in becoming all that you were meant to be.


SO, I WILL SAY TO YOU EACH MORNING AS YOU WAKE UP AND START TO GET OUT OF BED, "OPEN YOUR ARMS WIDE AND SAY TO ME, BRING IT ON, MOTHER MARY, I AM READY." And indeed, you are ready; you just don't know it at this moment. You each one came to Mother Earth at this time for a wondrous purpose, and it is your soul's desire for you to fulfill this contract you made with yourselves.


Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Letter 313


Letter 313

Good Morning Dear Ones,

There is much to share with you this morning. I know that these past weeks have indeed been a strain on all of you. Most beings are experiencing some side effects from the intense energies that are coming to Mother Earth at this time. Extreme fatigue and I mean more than physical fatigue it, is much more severe than just being tired. Is it not like your inner being has been worn down and is no longer able to assimilate all that has been happening to your physical body? Many of you are experiencing new allergic reactions to food and the environment. Depression and irritability are coming to the forefront.

To all of you, I will say this is not something you can control or take care of on your own. It is indeed time to ask for help and to allow all that is happening to you to wash on through your bodies. Allow whatever rises up to the forefront to move on through your bodies and to release it out into the universe. Holding on and trying to figure it all out from your 3D world will not work and will only prolong what is transpiring.

Know that this will not go on for months and months. Each one of you is changing and rearranging who you are and how you fit in the world. Many of you will not recognize yourselves when it is all said and done. I cannot put an exact time frame on how long this will go on for each of you because that depends on you and how quickly you make this transition. But, allowing yourselves to release and let go of the control you think you have will greatly speed up the process.

Barbara said to me this morning, "Mother Mary, I don't know who I am anymore; what is going on?" The truth is many of you may be feeling this way, and it speaks to the changes that are happening inside of you. So, for now, it is time to let yourselves just be and know that you are not alone and that many, many other beings are going through what you are going through. Of course, we are right here beside you, and this is where we will stay. Give yourselves the freedom and permission to let your new selves be born.

This process is indeed like a rebirth. This time is about allowing the real you to come into being. So I say to you be patient and understanding with yourselves. Do not expect yourselves to be perfect or to do things as you have done in the past. This is all new territory and a whole new learning curve for each of you. It is a time of getting to know yourselves all over again. Who is the new person, and what does he or she like? This can be a wonderful time of surprises and acknowledgment of who you are. Think of it as a time of discovery and adventure. You will truly be amazed at who you find at the end of this process.

Know, of course, that we are standing right with you. We are excited about this journey you are on. We are loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in our hearts. Know that I love you beyond what words can say.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Letter 312


Letter 312

Dear Ones,

I want to take time today to let you know what a magnificent job each one of you are doing with all that is going on in your world. Each new full moon you have experienced in the last few months have been intense. The effects of these moons gives each one of you a jump start.

I have to wonder if you are saying, "Oh, Mother Mary, I don't need a jump start; my world is crazy enough without any more help." And, of course, you are right; your world indeed has been most crazy over the last few months. New and more and more intense energies have been coming into your world. Many of you have been going through what I will call transformations and very deep perception changes. In other words, the way you have been living and thinking about yourselves and others has undergone a great shift.

Some of you are even seeing yourselves in a more loving manner and finding that you can appreciate who you are and what you bring to the world. This is such an important step in making your way to the 5D world. I know that you are aware that the 5D world is all about love. And many, many of you are working very hard to journey to the 5D. You are giving more and more of yourselves in service to others, changing your ways of thinking, and letting go of old thought patterns that are untrue. We in my world are so excited to see you making these changes in your thought patterns and in the way you treat other beings of your world.

The very most important change in your world is to change and let go of your very old thought patterns about yourselves. Learning to love yourselves, which sounds like such an easy thing to do, is extremely difficult for most beings of Mother Earth. Many of you are still carrying around old thought patterns about yourselves from your childhood and finding that you abuse yourselves in your self-talk. You leave yourselves no room for not being exactly perfect at all times or not following the rules. I AM ASKING YOU WHAT IS PERFECT AND WHO DECIDES IF YOU HAVE DONE SOMETHING PERFECTLY? WHO DECIDES IF YOU HAVE NOT FOLLOWED THE RULES? WHO EVEN MADE THESE RULES YOU DECIDED LONG AGO TO LIVE BY?

There are rules in your world that are your laws that you must live by, but those are not the rules I am talking about. I am talking about the rules you hold in your mind about what you can and can't do. Oh, there is so much of your life that you are not partaking of because of these old rules that you don't even remember where they came from. It is truly time to stop and take a look at how you are living your lives and what you want to do with the rest of your life. Anything is possible. You can do whatever you want. You may try something and decide that it is not for you, or it might turn out to be exactly what you want to do. And, what I will say to you, "is good for you for trying," now you know whether it is the right thing for you. But without trying, you would never know and would just go on telling yourselves that, OH, I CAN'T DO THAT. YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. JUST TRY, AND YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT WHAT YOU FIND OUT ABOUT YOURSELVES.


Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Letter 311


Letter 311

Dear Ones,

Has not your last few weeks been moving very fast? Are you having a hard time keeping up with yourself and the rest of the world? I know that many times you say to yourselves, I can't go any faster; all of this is just too much. But guess what? You just keep on moving forward, going faster and faster.

Your physical bodies keep absorbing the new and different energies that are coming to Mother Earth. You keep assimilating and absorbing all that is being offered to you. You may be thinking in your mind that you are not able to do all that seems to be required of you, but in truth, you are, and of course, you will continue to do all that is being required. Part of who you are and why you are here on Mother Earth is because you have the strength and the courage to keep on going. You each are like the energizer bunny that keeps on keeping on.

But, I also know that you are tired and worn thin. So, rest easy and know that a period of downtime is coming when all in your world will seem to slow down, and you will be able to take some deep breaths. That time will arrive near the end of August and will last for a few weeks. So, look ahead and know that a respite time is coming when you can take a deep breath.

Each one of you are doing much inner work during this time, and many of you have worked your way through changes and transformations. Each change and transformation has changed your life for the better. Are you not seeing more clearly now? Are you not feeling better about yourselves and what you are offering the world?

It is important for each of you to know and recognize that you are an important part of the whole of the universe. You each are a piece of the puzzle that makes the whole of the universe, and each piece is precious and necessary to the WHOLE. What each being on Mother Earth does, and says affects the WHOLE.

Every word, every action, or non-action makes a difference to the whole. You are all in this together. Each being is responsible for who they are and what they bring to the whole. NO ONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYONE ELSE. Each being is responsible for themselves. Many beings are looking for someone to be responsible for their actions or non-actions, but that will never work for either being.

Being responsible for yourself is a lifetime commitment to who you are and what you will add to the WHOLE. WE here are honored for the time and energy you have put forth to be responsible for yourselves and what you add to the whole. On Mother Earth, there is an ongoing conditioning that starts from the time you first arrive to look for someone to blame for what is happening in your life. Many, Many of you have worked your way through this conditioning and have found your place of peace by recognizing that you are the one who is responsible for what occurs in your world. GOD has never been responsible, nor have the other beings of earth been responsible. IT ALL STARTS WITH YOU, AND IT ALL ENDS WITH YOU. Is this not an amazing thing that you have the choice of what is happening in your personal world, and no one else is making any choices for you or to you?

KNOW THAT I AM RIGHT HERE BESIDE YOU ALWAYS. We are loving you so greatly and holding you so dearly in our hearts. We are here, ready to help in any way. You only need ask. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Letter 310


Letter 310

Dear Ones,

I have much to share with you about the coming months. From your time now until or even after the beginning of your New Year, there will be many changes in your personal lives and in the whole of your world. You will find that you are receiving this same message from many different sources. All the ones from my world and all the ones from the star planets are trying to prepare the beings of Mother Earth for what is to come over the next few months. Many messengers will be giving the same message, only using different words and presenting it in a different way, so the many different beings of Mother Earth will be able to hear and understand what is happening.

First, I want to say very LOUDLY TO EACH OF YOU; THAT CHANGE IS NOT A BAD THING TO HAVE HAPPEN IN YOUR PERSONAL LIVES OR IN YOUR WORLD. Much will be changing over the next months. Each being of Mother Earth is in some form of transformation at this time. For many beings, it will be a complete transformation of their lives as they now know it, and for others, it will be a slower time of changing, and it will happen in small increments. All ways of traveling through this transformation are perfect, just as they need to be for each individual. Also, there will be those beings who decline the transformation that is awaiting them. Those beings are to be honored and respected for using their free will as they choose.

This time is one more big step in preparing yourselves for the 5D World. Some of you will find yourselves living in different places and working in different jobs. The changes to come will stretch you out of your comfort zones and allow you to see yourselves as you more truly are. It will be a time of letting go of the ego parts of your world, that part of ego that separates you from other beings. Allowing all to see that everyone is equal and no one is more, and no one is less. Everyone is the same, whether you are from a different country, different religion, different color, or have a different belief systems. All beings are important and precious to the whole of the Universe. Everyone is part of everyone else. Whether you live in a Mansion or you are Homeless. You are still, all the same, all part of the whole, all of the same importance to the whole of the Universe.

Each of you and your Mother Earth have been working for a very long time to come to this point in time, where all will be seen equal and as one. We here in my world are applauding and paying honor for the hard work and courage it has taken for the beings of Mother Earth to come to this place and this time.

This is also the time to think and speak out loud of what you want your life to be. The time for saying I don't know what I want my life to be, or I don't know what I am supposed to be doing is over. I will tell you most loudly that inside of your heart, you do know what it is you want and how you want it to be. Now is the time to step forward in your great courage and speak of who you are and what you will be doing when this time is over. Right now, all that is required is one small step in allowing your knowing to come forward and be spoken of. It can be simply saying one word to another being or simply saying it out loud. That is all it will take to start this process.

Yes, I am aware that many of you have already started the process, but there are those of you who have not. So, I will say to those who have not to please step forward and join your brothers and sisters on this journey to change and oneness.

WE here in my world are all standing with you and are ready to help you take that next step on your journey. WE are loving you and holding you most dearly in our hearts.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary