Letter 249
Dear, Ones
Today let us talk about your dreams. What are you dreaming of? What do you dream about? Are you allowing yourselves to see and hear what your heart is telling you about, or are you ignoring all that is happening inside yourselves? You each are so much more than you allow yourselves to know about. You each are capable of unimaginable things.
Yes, I know that you allow yourselves to see and visualize your small safe dreams, but what about the others; The ones you never talk about or almost never allow yourselves to think about. I am talking about the big dreams and hopes, the ones that change your lives forever. The dreams that put you right out front where everyone can see who you are and who you were always meant to be.
It is time to let yourselves think about these big dreams, time to fantasize and become comfortable with them. Thinking and fantasizing about those big dreams can be called your first step towards making them a reality. Now is the time for each of you to begin stepping forward and allowing yourselves to acknowledge where you need to be going and what you need to be doing.
Right now, let's stop and take a moment to allow yourselves to visualize what can be. Allow yourselves to close your eyes; take several deep breaths, calling my name, and come on this journey with me. Just continue to breathe and allow your mind to empty and float freely without worries or cares. Place your focus on your heart, and now placing your hand over your heart. In your mind, ask for help in allowing your dreams and purposes to come forward so that you may see them clearly. Some of you may already know part of these dreams and purposes, and there will be others who have no idea. Continue breathing and allowing your heart to be in charge. Allow yourselves to hear and see the words and pictures that are being shown to you. Allow yourselves to see the big picture of it all. Each of you stay with what is being shown to you until there is nothing left to see or hear and then return back to this time and this letter.
NOW IS THE TIME TO SIT AND WRITE DOWN ALL THAT YOU HAVE BEEN SHOWN. THESE THINGS YOU HAVE LEARNED TODAY ARE NOT TO BE FORGOTTEN AND BURIED AWAY AGAIN. It is so important for each of you to know and understand where you are headed and what it is you need to be doing to fulfill yourselves and your purpose.
What each of you are going through on a daily basis takes tremendous courage and strength, and how much easier it will be if you have an idea of why you are going through this process.
Are you now beginning to understand why it is important for you to recognize and acknowledge where you are going and who you are going to become? You are not here on your Mother Earth during this lifetime by accident. Each and every one of you came back during this time on Mother Earth with a definite purpose to fulfill.
You each can continue to allow your fear of change and loss of control to hold you back and keep you in place, or you can take your leap of faith to step out. WE ARE STANDING RIGHT HERE WITH YOU, READY TO TAKE THAT LEAP OF FAITH ALONGSIDE OF YOU. IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER DURING THESE TIMES THAT YOU ARE NOT ALONE, NOR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ALONE. There have been times for each of you when it felt to you that you were alone, but we were always right there holding your hand or holding your whole being in our arms.
I want you now to go and look in the mirror and picture me there beside you. Tell me who you are and why you are here on Mother Earth at this time. NOW TAKE MY HAND, AND LET US GO TELL THE WORLD WHO YOU ARE AND WHY YOU ARE HERE.
We are standing here beside you loving you and cherishing you so dearly. Know that I love you, I love you, and I love you.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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