Letter 250
Dear Ones,
Today let us talk about who you believe you are? I am not talking about who you really are but who you believe you are. Most of you will still be holding thoughts and beliefs about yourselves that you learned in your childhood. There will be very few of you who have taken time to adjust your thinking to the truth of who you are today and who you are meant to be.
Those thoughts that you have carried with you from your childhood are really thoughts that belong to someone else. Throughout your childhood, you heard your Mother, Father, Aunts, Uncles, and siblings tell you who they thought you were. Most often, those are the things that you believed about yourselves. In your childhood thinking, you would believe that if they said it, it must be true.
Well, I want you to hear me very clearly today; this is not a truth. What you heard was their opinion, which can often be a long way from the truth of any situation. So, I say to you today, who do you believe you are? Many of you will simply repeat what you have been told over and over by others. I am hoping there are a few of you who will stop and think about this question. Actually, I am hoping there are more than a few who will stop and wonder about this. Looking at what they have been told and then looking at how they live their lives.
These are very large and important questions for you to answer. First, looking at who you use to be and how you live your lives in the past. Then going forward to how you live your lives, today, who are you right now in this day. You have all changed and grown over your lifetimes. NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION OF ALL WHO ARE YOU GOING TO BE FROM THIS DAY FORWARD. In my last letter, we talked about your dreams and what you are wanting in your lives. NOW ONCE AGAIN, A BIG IMPORTANT QUESTION. Can the person you believe you are today live the life you are dreaming about? Do you believe that inside yourself? If you don't believe you can be the person in your dreams, then how can those dreams come true?
Are you understanding that it is time to change the perception you have of yourself? It is time to close your eyes and see the truth of who you are. You are capable of impossible things. You are capable of fulfilling every one of your dreams. YOU, INSIDE YOURSELF, MUST BELIEVE AND KNOW THIS IS THE TRUTH. If you don't truly believe you can be the person in your dreams, then how can your dreams come true?
So, once again, I will say, close your eyes, come with me, and we will watch this video of who you truly are. Just breathe slowly, allowing yourselves to relax and see what we are showing you. This is the truth of who you are and what you are capable of doing. OPEN YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS TO ALLOW THIS NEW INFORMATION TO BE ABSORBED INTO YOUR BEING. NOW ALLOWING THE OLD PERCEPTIONS TO RELEASE AND FADE AWAY. It is most necessary to let go of the old so that there will be room for the new to come into your being. Each morning over the next days and weeks, take the time to sit quietly and watch this video, giving yourself the time and space to truly absorb what you are seeing.
For a few of you, there will be instant recognition of the truth of who you are. For, others it will take time and effort to let yourselves believe what you are seeing. Can you see yourselves living your dreams and doing all that is being asked of you for your dreams to become your reality? REMEMBER THAT THIS CAN BE A PROCESS OF TAKING VERY SMALL STEPS TO REACH YOUR BIGGEST GOALS. Once again, I will say to you, we are here, ready to walk each of those steps with you. We are loving you and support you every step along the way. These small steps are part of your pathway into the 5D world. Allow yourselves the possibilities of all there is. I am loving you so greatly and cherishing each one of you in my heart.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there. In Love, Mother Mary
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