Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Letter 333

Letter 333

Good Morning Dear Ones,

These times on your Mother Earth are filled with chaos, confusion, and change. Each being is being affected by all that is in the collective consciousness. Everyone is going or will be going through a change in their lives.
For many it will be dramatic and totally life-changing for others it will just scratch the surface of their awareness. I WANT TO SAY VERY LOUDLY, "CHANGE IS GOOD, CHANGE IS GROWTH, AND CHANGE IS WHY YOU ARE HERE ON EARTH AT THIS TIME."
As each of you are aware your world has to change and change dramatically, or it will slowly destroy itself. Each of you are here at this time to help yourself, and your world makes the changes needed. Stagnation is a slow heartless way to die. It is not the way your world was meant to be. Stagnation is the opposite of Love, Light, Joy, and Happiness. Standing in the same exact place every day is and can be torturous.
There are so many beings in your world who are hanging on to exactly what they have in their world be it Jobs, Homes, Partners, Old ways of thinking. Their only prayer and wish is that everything stays exactly the same. They may be hurting and in great pain, but they would rather stay where they are then venture into what is unknown to them.
I want you to know what is waiting for you is Joy, Happiness and a wonderful new way of thinking and feeling. I beg of you to allow the weight that you are carrying on your shoulders to be lifted and taken away. Would it not be marvelous to feel as if you are lighter, freer and able to move and think in new and different ways.
I want to talk to you about the fact that you are not doing this alone. There are millions of beings, including myself who are standing at the ready to assist you in any way that we can. It may be only holding your hand or standing at you back. We are here for you always. We are loving you and wishing only the very best for each of you. We will never leave you, and you never have to feel alone again. WE ARE HERE, AND THERE IS NOWHERE ELSE WE WOULD RATHER BE.
Know that I am holding you most dearly in my heart. I Love You, I Love You, and I Love You.
Know you only need call my name, and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

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