Saturday, September 26, 2015

Letter 315

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 315

Dear Ones,

Your world is stepping up to take a giant leap forward. Over this weekend, you will be experiencing a Total Solar Eclipse and A Blood Moon or Harvest Moon. Earlier this week you experienced the Fall Equinox. It is important to remember that everything, and everyone is connected. All is part of the whole, everyone is touched and inspired by all that transpires in your universe and outside of your universe.

Many of you have been waiting for the 5D world to come, so that you can join in and become part of all that it promises. It is past time to stop waiting and to join in and become part of all that is happening in your world. The 5D world is not something you can sign up for and join once it arrives. The 5D is now and learning to live as if you are in the 5D is what will allow it to become a realty.

The time of waiting and sitting back to see what is going to happen is past. I urge to you to step up, step forward and to step into who you are. Many, many of you have been on this journey to the 5D world for several years and then some of you are just now stepping forward. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU TO BE WILLING TO PUT YOUR WHOLE SELVES INTO MAKING THE 5D WORLD A REALITY IN YOUR UNIVERSE.

This is what I mean by putting yourselves all in.
1. Leave your fear at the door.
2. Look at yourselves in the mirror and allow yourself to really see who you are.
3. Take off your masks and walk out your front door, allow the world to see the real you.
4. You have had dreams all your life about how you wanted your life to be.
Now is the time to start living your dreams. No more waiting, no more holding back, now is the time.
5. Learn to ask for help from your friends and supporters. More importantly learn to ask for help from all in my world. “You only need call my name and I will be there,” those have been my words to you since the beginning of Letters From Mother Mary and always.
6. Trust in yourself to walk the path that is right for you.
7. Love yourselves with your whole being and in turn, you will love all beings of the world with a free and open heart.
8. Come together and share yourselves with all living breathing life forms.

Each and everyone of you are an important part of THE WHOLE OR THE ONE. You each are different and unique there is no other being like you in the whole of the Universe. No one else can offer what you are to the Universe, it is only you that can give all that you are.

I am honored beyond words to be here supporting and loving each one of you. You are so respected and cherished by all in my world. We are here offering you all our support and love.                                                                  I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I connect deeply with this message. I've reread it many times, each with new personal insight. Such a blessing!