Monday, August 24, 2015

Letter 313

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 313

Good Morning Dear Ones,

There is much to share with you this morning. I know that these past weeks have indeed been a strain on all of you. Most beings are experiencing some side effects from the intense energies that are coming to Mother Earth at this time. Extreme fatigue and I mean more than physical fatigue it is much more severe than just being tired. Is it not like your inner being has been worn down and is no longer able to assimilate all that has been happening to your physical body? Many of you are experiencing new allergic reactions to food and the environment. Depression and irritability are coming to the forefront.

To all of you, I will say this is not something you can control or take care of on your own. It is indeed time to ask for help and to allow all that is happening to you to wash on through your bodies. Allow whatever rises up to the forefront to move on through your bodies and to release it out into the universe. Holding on and trying to figure it all out from your 3D world will not work and will only prolong what is transpiring.

Know that this will not go on for months and months. Each one of you is changing and rearranging who you are and how you fit in the world. Many of you will not recognize yourselves when it is all said and done. I cannot put an exact time frame on how long this will go on for each of you, because that depends on you and how quickly you make this transition. But, allowing yourselves to release and let go of the control you think you have will greatly speed up the process.

Barbara said to me this morning, “Mother Mary I don't know who I am any more, what is going on?" The truth is many of you may be feeling this way, and it speaks to the changes that are happening inside of you. So, for now it is time to let yourselves just be and know that you are not alone and that many, many other beings are going through what you are going through. Of course, we are right here beside you, and this is where we will stay. Give yourselves the freedom and permission to let your new selves be born.

This process is indeed like a rebirth. This time is about allowing the real you to come into being. So I say to you be patient and understanding with yourselves. Do not expect yourselves to be perfect or to do things as you have done in the past. This is all new territory and a whole new learning curve for each of you. It is a time of getting to know yourselves all over again. Who is the new person and what does he or she like? This can be a wonderful time of surprises and acknowledgment of who you are. Think of it as a time of discovery and adventure. You will truly be amazed at who you find at the end of this process.

Know of course, that we are standing right with you. We are excited about this journey you are on. We are loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in our hearts. Know that I love you beyond what words can say.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

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