Thursday, April 11, 2013

Letter 238

Letter 238

Dear Ones,

Lets go back and refresh ourselves about the last letter and the message that Pat was given and then delivered to her friend and to all of you.  I am going back over that message again in this letter because it is beyond important that each of you hears and understands what it meant.  The message was “You are new in every moment going forward.  Don’t expect that anything you do now, will be just the same as in the past.”  The message is telling you that you are new each moment in time and that you have the power and choice to act and react new to each situation in your life.  This newness will bring you freedom beyond what you have ever imagined.  You have the power to change your whole lives by choosing the new and the now.  

So, those situations that caused you concern in the past or the things that you were afraid to try or take part in may no longer be valid.  Allow yourself time to recognize that you are no longer the person you were.  You now have the freedom to choose in a different way.  Each time you choose to do things in a new way your brain is building new pathways.  The new pathways will begin to eliminate the old limiting belief systems.  So for now, it will take paying attention to your thoughts and actions so that you recognize and catch yourselves when you slip into your old ways.   

There is always a great curiosity about anything that is NEW and your brain will continue to go back there if it can.  So for a time it may seem as if there is a conflict in your brain wanting to try the new but automatically returning to the old ways.  It is important for each of you to work at staying in the new.  There are so many new possibilities and opportunities just waiting for you to try.   

You will find that your lives flow and are at ease as you work at staying in the newness of yourselves and the world.  Who you can be and who you are becoming is going to amaze and excite you.  There are so many things that you have never allowed yourselves to try out of fear and lack of self-worth.  All of that is in the past and has no place in the new or the now. 

Allowing yourselves to be in the new is your pathway into the now of the 5D world.  Many of you have been wondering how will I find my way into the 5D.  Or your thoughts go to I don’t know how to do this or what to do.  So some simply instructions to follow will help you to find your way into the 5D.   Each time a situation arises and your brain starts to tell you I can’t do something or fear jumps up and says NO, stop yourself right there.  Go no further with those thoughts.  GO TO THE NEW AND DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.  Perhaps for a time you will need to write on the palm of your hand NEW as a reminder to stop yourself and do it a different way.  There is great freedom and life energy in doing anything and everything as a new being.  Your body will be filled with such joy and excitement about life and living as it is allowed to be in the NOW.  

Allowing yourselves to live in the new and the now is allowing yourselves to be reborn every second of everyday.  There is no better way to live.  Your lives were never meant to be about stacking up garbage from the past and carrying it forward into your future.  Life was always meant to be about this moment right now!!

Know that we are walking right here beside you.  We are right here offering you reminders about staying in the NEW and the NOW.  Reach out and take our hands and walk this pathway with us.  WE are loving you so tenderly and holding you so gentle in our hearts. 

Know you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary
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