Letter 198
Dear Ones,
The intense energy waves coming to your Mother Earth is sending many of you into turmoil and confusion. Know that what is happening is what needs to happen. Many of you are still holding on to issues from your past. All of that has not been released and cleared away.
As you walk your path into the 5D the nudging to release these issues will become stronger and stronger. The stronger the nudging, the stronger the chaos and confusion will also become, demanding more and more of your attention. You will find that there is no place to hide from this releasing and clearing away of old issues. The journey into the 5D world calls for all issues and unfinished moments in time to be cleared away completely.
As you walk your path into the 5D the nudging to release these issues will become stronger and stronger. The stronger the nudging, the stronger the chaos and confusion will also become, demanding more and more of your attention. You will find that there is no place to hide from this releasing and clearing away of old issues. The journey into the 5D world calls for all issues and unfinished moments in time to be cleared away completely.
If you are shaking your head right now, saying that is not so Mother Mary. Everything looks the same to me then you have stepped back into who you were at that time. So now I will call you back to today and to me. Then I say to you, stop for a moment here with me, breathe deeply several times coming back to yourself and today. Once you are feeling totally back in today then try taking another look at your issue.
Know that you are greatly loved and cherished. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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answer sessions to her readers. If you are interested in having
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