Letter 199
Dear Ones,
Fear is not an easy emotion to deal with nor is it easy to admit that you have fears. I am aware that there is not one person on Mother Earth who does not have fear. Fear is a strange emotion for human beings to deal with. It becomes even stranger when you don’t choose to deal with it.
Allowing fear to be in control of your life IS HAVING NO LIFE!! There are some of you who are reading this letter or maybe you have stopped reading the letter because it is once again about fear. It is time now to stop running away from dealing with the fear in your lives. It is time to face the fact that many of the things you would like to do or be are not happening because of the fear.
First step in stopping the fear is to admit you have it. Second step is not to minimize it and tell yourself that you just have a little fear. It is important to know that it does not matter how big or how little it is. What is important is that it lives inside your heart, mind and body.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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