Saturday, January 14, 2012

Letter 172

Letter 172

Dear Ones,

Today let us talk of courage, change, flexibility and blooming humans.  That does indeed give us a wide range of topics to speak of.  Yet, it all reaches back to one place and one being.  The being of course is you, each of you, and every other being of Mother Earth. 

All beings are now in the process of Change, and this is taking great courage for most of you.  Each of you will be or have started taking a course in extreme flexibility.  The course will be about learning to bend with the wind.  There is an old saying in your world “going with the flow.”   It is time to stop speaking about the old saying and now is the time to live the old saying.  For your future days and months will be such a time of change.   There will be great differences in your personal worlds and in your larger earth world. 

I choose the saying, “Bend with the Wind.”  In your future days, your lives, and world will demand of you to indeed “Bend with the Wind.”  Each of you are capable of being like a blade of grass on the beach, moving and flowing with the wind and the ways of change.   This is a new way for many of you, for in the past it has been safer and easier to stand against the wind.  REMEMBERING NOW THAT WE WILL BE BESIDE YOU MOVING AND FLOWING WITH THE WIND.  We will indeed be holding your hand, supporting you, and loving you as we move to and fro.

Each of you will be dancing to your own personal music that plays in your heads.  Each of you will be walking your own separate path.  Remember that it is still possible to reach out and dance with another even if the music and the steps are different.  All of you will be dancing for the same reason, just choosing a different step to get there.  You will find as you dance that the changes that occur to each of you, and to your world will happen with ease and gentleness.   Change will no longer be something to suffer and struggle through.  It will become just part of the dance and your new way of being.  Each of you will find that it is no longer possible for you to be stuck and unable to go forward.  The dance will continually move you forward and into new worlds and ways of being. 

All of you will be dancing your way into becoming a blooming human.  In your blooming all that you are and all that you are meant to be will surface and become your life as it was meant to be.  The dancing will allow you to find your pathway and fulfill your purpose for being here on the earth at this time.   KNOW THAT YOU WILL NEVER BE DANCING BY YOURSELVES, FOR WE WILL ALWAYS BE DANCING THERE WITH YOU.  REMEMBERING NOW THAT YOU ARE GREATLY LOVED AND HELD MOST DEARLY IN MY HEART.  AS ALWAYS, WE ARE RIGHT HERE WAITING TO HELP YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

 Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question
and answer sessions  to her readers.  If you are interested in
having your own personal letter or session from Mother Mary
please call or email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session. or 503-717-4302

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