Letter 168
Dear Ones,
Today let us talk about what is happening to you and your world. You and your world are being bombarded with intense energy waves. All of you are still standing firm after the 11-11-11 portals. You just had a total lunar eclipse and are walking towards the 12-12-11 portals. As you read this letter, the 12-12 portal opening will be occurring, and winter solstice will soon be arriving.
With all that has occurred to you and to your world, I will say to you to be very, very gentle with yourselves. I wish to tell you to rest and take extremely good care of yourselves. Know that I am here in my world sending gentle loving care to each of you. WE here on this side are watching over you and making these transitions that you are traveling through as gentle as possible. Yes, I can hear you saying, couldn’t you make it a little gentler, a little easier. We are trying.
You will notice that if there are any of you out there with old core issues still hanging around, they will be coming into your face most strongly. It is way past time for these to be cleared and put to rest. Know that each time they peek their heads up, and you push them back down, they will always come back. Each time they will come back with more power to disrupt your life.
It becomes doubly hard to withstand the onslaught of energy occurrences when core issues are peeking their heads up out of the depths. So I would say to you to stop and take the time to clear and release these old issues. That will be a much kinder and loving way in which to treat yourselves. REMEMBERING that it doesn’t take great strength and courage to push these issues back down. It does take great courage and strength to stand and deal with what is happening in your personal world.
I am most aware that each of you has great courage and strength. For only those who have such courage and strength could have survived all that has occurred over the last months and years. Have you begun to notice the changes that have been taking place in each of you over the last few months? Are you not feeling stronger and more confident? Are you walking a little taller and seeing more clearly? Tell me about your heart? Have you noticed that it Are your now, with judgments and so cloudedright or wrong thinking?
Your heart will have more room for love, joy, and happiness, when your judgmental mind is not trying to control your being. What if your judgmental mind could be gone and never to return? Living without a judgmental mind would be a glorious way to be. Your life could then become heart-centered. This is where your journey is leading; this is how it was always meant to be on your Mother Earth. Judgments or right or wrong thinking was never meant to become a way of life. There are many of you still out there hanging on to this way of living, and I am telling you now it is time to STOP. IN FACT, IT IS WAY PAST TIME TO STOP.
LOVING KINDNESS, ACCEPTANCE AND APPRECIATION OF YOUR FELLOW BEINGS IS IMPERATIVE FOR THE HEALTH OF YOUR HEARTS AND YOUR WORLD. I will say to you once again and many more thousands of times, that I am right here loving you most dearly. There are thousands of us here on this side waiting to help you. Let us show you how to release these old ways of thinking and being. We can show you how to find the path to becoming a heart-centered being. Know that I LOVE YOU, EACH AND EVERYONE.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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