Monday, May 2, 2011

Letter 128

Letter 128

Dear Ones,

Today let us stop and take a breath.  There is always much to say and much to do.  So just for today I wish to stop and take a breath.  It is the First day of May, a day of lightness and new energy.  It feels as if the weight of your world has lifted and dispersed some of its heaviness.  The air of Mother Earth is not so thick with regrets, sorrows, and I wish I had done this or that. 

During these times when old unfinished business of the past is coming forward it is only necessary to acknowledge and release.  It is not necessary to hang on to them and tell yourself I should have done this or that.  The only reason for them coming forward at this time is so you can release them and allow them to leave your body space.

Remembering now that this is indeed a time of clearing and cleaning out of your body space.  Each of you hold much energy and memories in your body space.  The holding on of the old energies causes you to have a heavy and dense energy field.  The heaviness and denseness causes you to stay securely connected to the 3D world of fear, regrets, and great sorrows. 

So today in the lightness of this First day of May, it would be a good time to start your energy spring-cleaning.   Spending your time holding on to sorrows and regrets serves no purpose but to hold you back and hold you down.  So I say to you today to let go of these burdens of the past.  Allow yourself to take a moment and tie balloons to each of these burdens and release them.  Let the balloons carry your burdens up and out into the ethers never to be seen again. 

Become aware of how your body space lightens as you let each balloon float away.  Your mind becomes less confused and the chaos floats away with the balloons.  Your mind, body, and spirit was never meant to carry these extreme weights of sorrow, old regrets, and should haves.  Holding on to these things has only served to hold you back from all that you are meant to be.   So today let your balloons float away allowing your light to shine brighter and brighter.

Also today I want to take time to talk about you my readers and to say THANK YOU for reading my letters and sharing them with others you know.  I am honored and most humbled by your requests for help.  I rejoice each time I hear my name called.  All of us here on this side are most honored to be able to help in anyway.  We are aware of how difficult and intense it can become on your planet during these times.  We honor your courage and strength during these times.  We are most aware that each of you has chosen to be here during this time.  You Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light are providing a great service to your planet and your people.   So we say to you we are honored to be of service to each of you.    WE ARE LOVING YOU AND I AM LOVING YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary 

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Mother Mary is now offering personal letters to her readers.
If you are interested in having your own personal letter from
Mother Mary please call or email me. 
There will be a cost of $45.00 per letter. or 503-717-4302

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