Letter 109
Dear Ones,
Let us talk today about Moving Forward in your lives. In most of your lives Moving Forward causes a huge conflict. It is as if you are divided into two parts. The part that desperately wants to Move Forward, Change, and Grow. Then there is the other part of you that has its feet planted firmly in one spot and hanging on for dear life to that one spot.
This is a constant battle that goes on inside each of you. One side wanting to Move Forward and one side wanting to stay in the same old place. This battle has been going on since the first being was placed on your Mother Earth.
Today I want you to know that it does not have to be this way. It is possible to learn to accept change and growth in your lives without the constant companion of fear. There are beings on your planet that are learning to process and accept change in a different and new way.
That new way is about trusting with your whole being that you are being guided and taken care of. It is about knowing that we are right here with you always. You are not alone nor have you ever been alone. Yes, I do know that often during your lifetime you have felt alone and abandoned. In truth we have always been here, you just were not seeing us or sensing our presence, but we were here.
Many beings on your planet are learning or have learned to reach out and ask for help with their Moving Forward. The acceptance of help during these times has changed their whole out look on what Moving Forward means. No longer is there conflict and fear running rampant in their bodies and minds. They have replaced those feelings with excitement and anticipation of the new and wondrous things they have allowed to come into their lives.
Moving forward or staying in the same old place is your personal choice. How you choose to co-create those times in your lives is also a personal choice. Allowing yourself to ask for help and believing that we will be there is also a personal choice. I will tell you that there has never been a time when you have ask for help that we have not been right beside you. It is our honor and purpose to be of help to each of you.
Know that we are here and we are ready to help you in anyway. It is our wish for you that you will be asking for help with your Moving Forward. There is a whole world of wondrous things for you to try and experience. REMEMBERING NOW THAT DREAMS DO COME TRUE AND MIRACLES DO HAPPEN. SOME TIMES IT IS NECESSARY TO MOVE FORWARD TO ALLOW ALL OF THAT TO HAPPEN IN YOUR LIVES.
Know that we are loving and caring about you. We are holding you in our hearts. I am once again going to say those words. I love you, I love you, and I love you.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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