Letter 100
Lets Start Footnotes
Lets Start Footnotes
Dear Ones,
I would like to talk a little more about Footnotes and how all of it might work. You will send your Footnote items directly to Barbara at (beachhouse1111@msn.com). Each entry received will be treated in a respectful and loving manner. All emails will be confidential. It is entirely up to you rather your name is posted with your footnote or not. It can simply say "A Reader from Portland, Oregon" or wherever you may live.
There are no rules or regulations that go along with this. The size of the entry is up to you. Big or small it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you each are reaching out to help someone else and in turn you will end up helping yourselves. Footnotes will not be recorded at this time. There is always room for change, so by the time next week gets here it may all need to be changed and done differently.
You will find more information about Footnotes in Letter 85.
You will find more information about Footnotes in Letter 85.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Footnote from Barb Beach, Seaside, OR
Hi everyone,
Well I have to say I am a little nervous about writing this. I need to say right up front that I love all the Letters From Mother Mary, but I am not crazy about Letter 83 & 84. Who in the world would ever think that Stress is an addiction? Certainly not me. I think Mother Mary should have started those two letters addressed to Dear Barbara not Dear Ones.
I am making a guess that stress started in my life while I was still in my Mother’s tummy. Since that time the amount has increased by 200%. Some of that was due to my childhood and the rest how I have chosen to live my adult life.
I live in the mode of hyper alert, always watching and waiting. Working very hard to always be prepared for what might happen in the future. The future could be hours away or months and years ahead. Of course we know there isn’t any way I can control all of that but I keep looking and trying to cover all my bases.
I was not pleased when Mother Mary said there was not room or space for Stress Addiction in the 5D world. About a week before her letters 83 & 84, Mother Mary gave me a taste of what it is like to be in the 5D world. The 5D world is wonderful, it seemed to me like I was seeing everything in a new light. I was amazed by the beauty of everything, I felt almost giddy and so light hearted with a child like amazement of the world. My trip into the 5D started while I was performing a wedding and it was wonderful. I felt so solid and right there and the words flowed as if someone else was speaking. I want to live in the 5D world.
So needless to say her words about no space or room for stress addiction motivated me to action. I called on a friend who is very connected to spirit and has lots of wisdom and knowledge about life in general and the 5D world in particular. I was not prepared for her to say step one was letting go of the caffeine. There had never been a thought in my mind that caffeine helped me to sustain my 200% stress level. No denial going on in my life.
Breaking away from this way of operating in the world is going to take some changes in my life. One being letting go of caffeine. I am a constant coffee drinker, strong coffee. Boy, I did not want to hear that. I felt kind of sick at heart, I don’t want to give up my coffee. I also don’t want to give up going to the 5D world. So yesterday I bought my first can of decaffeinated coffee. I will start mixing the two coffees together, letting myself down slowly.
I have started taking very hot baths. That is so relaxing to me and I just stopped doing that a long time ago. Listening to relaxation tapes is something that works well for me, but I don’t let myself do that very often. Well I will be listening at least every other day. The other big change I need and want to make is to start living in the present moment. It is very difficult to live in the present moment if you are always watching and waiting.
Stress addiction for me is all about control, living in the future and trying really, really hard to always be prepared for whatever might come my way. So for now I am starting to let go of the caffeine, taking hot baths, and listening to relaxation tapes. Working at catching myself when I start going into the future and then bringing myself back to right now. Hope these words are helpful to someone else. For my part it feels good to put all these thoughts and feelings down on paper and get them out of my head.
Love & Light, Barb
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