Letter 101
Dear Ones,
As you watch your TV’s and talk to your friends and neighbors you are seeing the great transformations that are taking place here on your Mother Earth. People everywhere are saying very loudly that it is not all right to for anyone to abuse them or mistreat them in any way.
This has all been simmering for many years, many decades and many centuries. As the whole of your world, all of your Mother Earth is preparing itself to go into the 5D world, all must be transformed. REMEMBERING NOW THE ENERGY AND THE WHOLE OF THE FORM OF THE 5D WORLD IS LOVE. IN 5D THERE IS NOTHING BUT LOVE. NOTHING WILL PASS THROUGH THE WALLS OR VEILS TO GO INTO THE 5D UNLESS IT IS GENERATED AND PROPELLED BY LOVE.
LOVE is the only energy of 5D, so that anything that is not of the Love energy will not be part of the 5D world. Meaning that foods, cigarettes, alcohol, cars, drugs, and materials that are not for the highest good of the people of earth will not be allowed. They simply will not be able to be in the 5D world. The energy of 5D will not sustain anything that will not be for the good of human kind.
Are you thinking now how is that possible? Everything you can imagine in your minds is possible. Is there panic in your hearts and minds at some of the things you might need to let go of? Know that there is plenty of time for you to release these things that are harmful to your body, mind, and spirit. As you each become more prepared to pass into the 5D world all things that do not sustain the energy of Love will pass away. You personally will no longer want them in your life. So it will not be that someone or something has taken these things away from you. You will simply be walking away from them. You will no longer want them or crave them in your life.
Just as you are seeing countries making huge changes you will also see individual people making huge changes and transformations. I AM SAYING THIS VERY LOUDLY NOW, EVERYTHING ON YOUR PLANET IS GETTING READY TO MAKE THE CHANGES AND TRANSFORMATION NECESSARY TO PASS INTO 5D. You each are being carried along by the energy waves that are coming into your plant. These energy waves have been arriving for several years now and the power of the waves has increased by 200% percent since the beginning of 2011.
This is a time of joy and celebration that each and every one of you will be making their way into a new world. A world where Love is the power that sustains it and each of you. Where what is offered to you each day will be loving, supportive and caring. This is not something that any of you has ever experienced. It is only something many of you have been dreaming about for years. REMEMBERING NOW THAT DREAMS DO COME TRUE AND MIRACLES DO HAPPEN.
We are right here taking this journey with you. We are offering that love, support and caring to you today and every day. REMEMBERING NOW THAT I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU. I AM STILL LOVING THAT YOU CAN HEAR THOSE WORDS SAID OUT LOUD.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother MaryClick on the white arrow and the recording will start
From Barbara Rogers, Happy Valley, OR
A few weeks ago I was working on my motor home putting a new tarp on before the rain hit. It took me most of the day and into the night but I finally got the tarp on. My day had not gone all that great and I was tired, sore, my knees hurt from crawling around on the roof but as I said I got it done. I laid on my back for a minute to look up at the sky, the clouds were black and rolling in fast, I knew that rain was not far behind. Still feeling out of sorts, for some reason I felt like crying but I closed my eyes and asked Mother Mary to come to me and bring me some love. I had never asked her for anything before but I really needed to know that if I did she would be there for me.
I then said " Mother Mary I ask that you give me a sign that you have heard my prayers, touch me, pull my hair, just to let me know you are with me." Well I laid there a bit longer, eyes closed, and under my breath I said to myself, " I know, just show me the moon."
I opened my eyes and there right in front of me the dark clouds parted, and there was the moon, full and so beautiful I couldn't believe my eyes. The feeling that came over me at that moment was full of joy and I started to smile, even laughed out loud, and in a second the clouds covered it and it was gone. I know that was meant for me to see and that Mother Mary was with me and she did here me loud and clear. I felt very blessed and wanted to share this story with anyone out there that might have doubts about whether Mother Mary is out there, or whether she hears us. I am here to tell you that she is out there and she does listen.
Barbara Rogers, Happy Valley. OR