Saturday, July 2, 2011

Letter 152

Letter 152

Dear Ones,

Welcome to July.  Congratulations are in order you made in it through your month of June and the three eclipses that occurred during that month.  Are all of you still standing and walking around or have you fallen over on the ground so you can take a break from all that is happening. 

The energy waves that have been coming to your Mother Earth have been strong enough to knock over an elephant.  Each of you has such courage and determination as you keep on walking through the energy waves.  You keep working your jobs, taking care of your families and self, being in the world hitting up against all of the other crazy energy from other beings and you just keep on ticking.  We are thinking that all humans must have an energizer bunny inside their beings. 

And bless you each for having those energizer bunnies inside of you.  We are in awe of what you are accomplishing and how your choosing to travel this journey.  Each of you is walking in grace and spirit.  REMEMBERING NOW THAT WE ARE INDEED WALKING WITH YOU EACH AND EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.  YOU ARE NEVER ALONE, NOR WILL YOU EVER BE ALONE.  YES, WE ARE AWARE THAT THERE ARE MANY TIMES WHEN YOU FEEL ALONE.  That is our reason for assuring you once again that you are never alone.  You may not be able to see us, hear us, or even feel us there beside you, but we are there always.

We are rejoicing and celebrating that you have made it into the month of July.  So let it be a time of celebration and rejoicing for you also.  A time of acknowledging all that you have accomplished.  There will be many new opportunities coming your way in the months ahead.  You will be able to see more clearly that there are other new and different ways for you to be in the world.  Of course it will be up to each of you to choose if you will stay with the old way or will you dare to step out and try the new.  It is not to say that you must try every new way that is shown to you.  It is OK to step back and try one new way at a time. 

If there is something that you choose not to try at this time, then speak out loud asking it to return at a different time.  Allow yourselves the space to try these new ways next week or next month.   All of this is your choice, you may stay with the old ways or not.  I can not imagine after all the time and work you each have put into this journey that you would choose to turn away and not try the new ways of being.  Please remember that this is an individual journey and the new ways of being that will be offered will be very individual.  Do not allow yourselves to be side tracked because someone else is not shown the same new way as you.  The wonder of all of this will be your sharing with others the new ways that are coming forward to you.  In your sharing you will give support to the next one to try this new way of being. 

It is a wonder how your sharing of your journey adds support and encouragement to your fellow travelers.  This sharing opens hearts and minds to the new ways coming to your world and all that is waiting for you as you journey into the 5D.  Know that I am here with you hearing your thoughts and prayers.  I am loving you greatly and holding each of you in my heart.  

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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Mother Mary is now offering personal letters to her readers.
If you are interested in having your own personal letter from
Mother Mary please call or email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter. or 503-717-4302

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