Saturday, December 28, 2024

Letter 223


Letter 223

Dear Ones,

Are you ready to welcome in 2025 and the rest of your Life. Today let us talk about the rest of your life. Are you awake, are you asleep or somewhere in between? Let me say to you right now it is time to be fully awake and alive. All that is happening on your Mother Earth is exciting and wondrous to behold.

The coming months will hold more wonders, experiences, and adventures you never thought you would have. Of course, this is a choice for each of you. How open-minded and loving are you willing to be? Can you open your arms in welcome to beings from other universes or star systems? Are you willing to take the chances to experience something new and changing to your awareness? Are you willing to risk letting your dreams come true?

During these months ahead at all times I am asking you to keep this thought in your mind, heart, and soul, "This is my choice." These four words are so important to each of you. All that is ahead for each of you in your personal world is your choice. Yes, it has always been this way, but many of you have been unaware or unwilling to admit that it is so. There is no longer any room for such denials.

These four words are the words of the year 2025.


It is important to remember that pretending not to make a choice is indeed a choice. There are a hundred million choices to be made in 2025. Starting with "What are you willing to risk to fulfill your purpose?" "What are willing to risk to experience overwhelming Joy and Happiness?" "What are you willing to risk to be true to yourself?" What are you risking if you DON'T choose your purpose, your joy and happiness, and being true to yourselves?

The Path into the 5D world has not been easy nor without rocks and pebbles along the way. All are being asked to let go of old ways of being, old thought patterns, and harsh judgments of self and others. It is a journey of learning to love yourselves. This means letting go of all of those beliefs and thoughts learned from your parents, your schooling, or religious beliefs that do not serve you. It is letting go of anything that does not support you, encourage you, and speak words of honor and respect to you. In many cases, it is learning to honor and respect yourselves.

Are you willing to risk loving yourselves and loving others completely without judgments or thoughts of if only? WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RISK TO LIVE IN TOTAL AND COMPLETE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE?


As always, we are standing right here willing and ready to help you in any way that we can. WE cannot make this choice for you, but we can help you to make the choice and we can help you once the choice is made. I am holding you so gently in my heart and loving you so greatly.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Letter 222


Letter 222

Dear Ones,

The Solstice is over,  Christmas Day will be in a few days and soon the New Year will begin. Many of you are in a state of exhaustion and relief that one of three are over. Know also that the best time of your life IS now, right now!!!

You each have gone through the magic day of the Solstice. You each are being provided with all that you need to start living in the 5D world. The energy coming into Mother Earth is available and ready to be put to use. NOW IS THE TIME THAT EACH OF YOU NEED TO BE CONSCIOUSLY MAKING CHOICES TO LIVE AS IF YOU ARE IN THE 5D WORLD. Many of you have felt the beginnings of Ascension. Your lives have changed drastically for the better. You see the world with new eyes, in fact, the world has become very clear and the colors more prominent. Are you hearing sounds far in the distance, like music and voices from far away? These are the sounds or break through sounds from other dimensions.

REMEMBER NOW THAT THIS IS THE TIME TO KEEP YOUR HEART AND MIND OPEN. New and wondrous experiences will be coming your way. New beings will be coming into your worlds and it is imperative that your hearts and minds are open to greet them in loving acceptance of all they are. Just as you will find them greeting you in open loving acceptance of who you are. Allow your hearts to be open and loving as it was meant to be. Allow yourselves to be all that you are.

Each of you will be finding yourselves in new and different experiences. Many changes will be coming into your lives. All that is needed for these things to transpire is your openness and willingness to allow your life to be what it was meant to be. Each of you came to Mother Earth this time with a definite purpose.

If you are thinking right now, "Mother Mary, I don't have time or energy for new things," then I will say to you have you not noticed that you have more energy these days? You each are more alive and more awake than you have ever been in your lives.

I want you to stop and take a moment to realize the changes that have taken place inside each of you. Your lives have been so busy you have not noticed what has happened to each of you. YOU EACH ARE MORE ENERGIZED, MORE ALIVE, AND ARE FEELING CAPABLE OF DOING WHAT IS BEING ASKED OF EACH OF YOU. NOW IS THE TIME!!!

We are standing right here beside you, in fact; many of you are starting to be more aware of our presence. You are seeing our shadows or the subtle shift of the air as we move in beside you. STOP AND PAY ATTENTION, MUCH IN YOUR WORLD HAS CHANGED SINCE THE TURNING OF THE 12-21-23. If you are unable to stop right now, then over the next week take the time to stop yourselves and notice the changes that have occurred.

We all here in my world are wishing you the best of Holidays and a Joyous celebration of my SON’S birthday. I am holding you each in my heart and loving you beyond what you can imagine.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Letter 220


Letter 220

Dear Ones,

Let us stand together as one during these times of wondrous never before experienced energy, consciousness, and love that is pouring onto you and into your Mother Earth. I ask that you embrace yourselves for the wondrous beings that you are. Seeing yourselves in the light of truth and oneness with all.

As you stand in the light of truth with the knowing of all that is transpiring you are the reflector of fear and anxiety. Those emotions are turned to light once they encounter your being. For each of you are standing and stepping forward to allow your light to shine and my light to shine through you.

The anxiousness and fear of those who have not awakened or who are unable to accept and move into the love and joy that is coming to your Mother Earth need you each to be a reflector of love. As that reflector, you are turning their anxiousness into calm and purpose. Instead of moving into their fear, they turn and watch who you are and what you are doing.

IS this not being the great Wayshowers that you are? This is and was one of your great purposes for being here on Mother Earth at this time. To show others by your actions, voice, and by your clear and ever-present love. The love in each of you is reaching out to every other being on your planet. Every living breathing life form on your planet that is awake and aware of what is happening has been filled with love beyond what they have known. That love is spreading out and encompassing all beings that you encounter.

If you are saying, "But Mother Mary, I don't feel any different than I did two weeks ago." I will say stop for a moment and close your eyes. Let yourself turn to your heart and what is happening there. Your world is going so fast right now and each of you is going so fast right now that you have not noticed what is happening to each of you. Allow your heart to open and then be aware of what you are feeling.

LOVE IS POURING INTO YOU FROM ON HIGH AND IN TURN, YOU ARE HANDING IT OUT IN GREAT IMMENSE AMOUNTS TO EVERYONE YOU ARE IN CONTACT WITH. Each of you is seeing more and more people each day as you are out and about with your Christmas preparations.

Know that there is nothing that you need to do. Simply being yourselves and allowing the love to move from your heart to each person that you see and touch with each day. Just being yourselves is all that you need. Your presence is enough to reassure others that all is right on Mother Earth. As you touch with people, the fear is dimmed and it passes away.

We here in my world are so grateful and humbled by the job that each of you are doing. We are rejoicing and celebrating each of you. We Thank You for being the vehicle of love and light in your world and our world. Know that you each are loved and cherished beyond anything that you can imagine. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary


Saturday, December 7, 2024

Letter 219


Letter 219

Dear Ones,

Today is the first day of new beginnings. With the immense amounts of energy coming into your body, mind, and spirits today, you are all capable of performing miracles for yourselves.

Whether it is letting go of old fears that you have held on to for a lifetime or singing the songs that you love as you walk down the street. What is it that you have always dreamed of doing? What have you never allowed yourself to accomplish?

Today, give yourself permission to be who you are. Open the door to your inner being and allow yourself the freedom to be in the world. Each one of you knows exactly what I am talking about. I am talking about that person you keep hidden away for fear of what others will think. The truth is it is what you think that matters.

No longer allow these old 3D ways of thinking to stop you. Take advantage of what is being offered today. Right now, take a moment in time stop, and allow yourself to feel the energy. Stand in quietness, whether you are on the street or in your homes. Let this be the moment you allow yourselves what is being offered.

If you have stopped and cannot feel the energy of today, then I will ask you to trust me and believe it is there for you. Know also that on a day like today that your world is filled with beings from my world and beings from all the star planets.

Your world is filled with multitudes of spirit beings, star beings, all the Archangels and Masters from the beginnings of time. All are here to assist you and honor you. We all wish to show our gratitude for all that you are doing to assist your Mother Earth into the 5D world.

Know that you are loved beyond what you can imagine. I love you, I love you, and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Letter 197


Letter 197

Dear Ones,

We, here in my world, are aware of the many changes, transformations, and extreme energy waves that you are all walking through. What I want you to know is that we are helping and assisting you in whatever way we can. Your courage and strength is beyond compare.

Each of you have chosen to be here during this time. Many of you had your own lessons to learn from your experiences of this time. Others of you came to simply be of help and assistance to other beings of Mother Earth. But, as a group, you all came to help in the transforming of your world into a place of love. You all are part of turning your Mother Earth into a heart-centered world.

It is our wish that you recognize and see that this is happening. No, it is not going to happen in the next few months, but it will happen. It will happen because of your hard work, your courage, and your strength. We here in my world recognize all that has been accomplished and the progress that has occurred.

Today, I want each of you to stop and recognize the changes that you have made. Stop and take the time to look back and remember who you were a year ago and who you are today. Look at the people you know and recognize the changes they have made. Now, look beyond your everyday world to what is happening all over Mother Earth. Can you see the changes that have been made over the last year?There are countries where the people are being able to vote for who will be their leader. Some for the first time and others for the first time in many, many years.

This process of changing from a 3D world to a 5D world will take time. Some of the changes will be large and overwhelming, but there will be hundreds of thousands of other small changes that will go almost unnoticed. There are those of you who have been thinking, isn't this almost over? Surely, by this time, we should be living in a 5D world. No, it is not over, and it is not close to being over.


Stop and take a moment right now to be sure you understand what I have just said. The process of learning, growing, and becoming someone who can live in the 5D is what this whole journey is about.

No one who came to Mother Earth at this time was born knowing how to live in a 5D world. You all came needing to learn to be a 5D person. You all have been in an accelerated class learning to be a 5D person. It has not been easy, but you are accomplishing your goal. Being in this class has allowed others to see what you are learning and how you are growing. Then they will take what they have seen and learned and put it to use in their own lives. So goes the story of being one of the Wayshowers and Keeper of the Light.

Each of you Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light are fulfilling the reason that you came to Mother Earth at this time. No, the job is not complete, and there is still much to learn and do. But, indeed, it is time to stop and congratulate yourselves on a job well done so far. We here in my world are standing applauding each of you. We are humble and grateful for all you are doing and all you have done. Know that we are loving you and standing right beside you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary