Saturday, August 17, 2024

Letter 323


Letter 323

Dear Ones,

Are you feeling the push of the energy that is coming into your world at this time? Each and everyone of you is being moved forward beyond what you would call your comfort zone. You are being urged to try new and different things. You are being asked to step out into the world and try the things that you have most often told yourself that you can't do or you don't want to do.

The words CAN'T AND DON'T WANT TO, often mean the same thing. They are words used to keep you stuck in the same day to day life that you have been living in for eons. Those words stop you in your tracks. Do you think perhaps that it is time to step past these words and experience life in other ways than what you have known?

Every being of Mother Earth is being asked and pushed to step out. I have been saying these same words for the last few months, and it is time to repeat them, "You are not the same person that you were on Dec. 31, 2022, at 11:59 PM," You each one are so different, but yet you insist on living your lives as if you are the same person. Have you not been struggling and fighting yourselves to do your same life over, day after day?

How are your energy levels as you do your daily life? Resisting and fighting is an immense energy drain on your physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Then there is the extreme rhetoric of violence, hate, rage, racism, and intimidation that is being given to you daily by all of your media outlets. Yes, they are just reporting what is being said and how beings are acting, but is it not beyond draining and terrifying, All of this rhetoric is also running wild in the energy fields of Mother Earth. So, now are you surprised that you are feeling exhausted and depleted by all that you are experiencing..

So, it is time to set yourself some new boundaries about what you will allow in your personal lives and what you won't allow. Just thinking the words, I will no longer allow hate, violence, rage, racism, and intimidation into my personal energy field will lighten the load you have been carrying. By, not buying into what is happening on Mother Earth right now will indeed lighten your load and lessen the energy being sent to the unkindness and ugliness that is spreading in your world.

There are many ways to withdraw your energy from all that is happening around you. Your withdrawal can happen during your mediation practices, prayers, grounding exercises or simply stating your intention to no longer be a part of what is happening. And above all else, you can ask for our help, we are indeed right here with you all the way. There are many millions of beings in my world who are standing in the ready to help you.

Take back your energy, your life, and all that you each have been working on for many years and months. Take back your energy and allow it to move you forward to trying new things in your lives. There are hundreds of millions of things for you to try and find what fits for each one of you. NOW IS THE TIME TO MOVE FORWARD DO NOT ALLOW ANYONE OR ANYTHING TO STOP YOU FROM MOVING FORWARD IN YOUR LIFE. REMEMBER THAT THIS IS PART OF THE REASON YOU CAME INTO THIS LIFE, TO LEARN TO STEP OUT AND TRY NEW AND DIFFERENT WAYS OF BEING. Know that I am right here loving you each and everyone.

Know all you need do is call my name and I will be there.

In love, Mother Mary

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Letter 322


Letter 322

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Know that I am right here with you, loving you, walking with you, listening to you, hearing your words, understanding your struggles, and cheering your triumphs. I am always with you whether you recognize and know that I am or not. Over the last months and years, you each have worked so hard walking your path, changing, growing, and becoming who you are today.

This is no small thing that each of you has accomplished. So today I am asking you to take the time to stop and really look at how far you have come. It is time to stop and pay honor to yourselves for all you have accomplished. Yes, there is still a ways for you to go, but it is time to take a break and look where you have come from. I am talking of really looking at where you have come from.

Most all of you know these words, “close your eyes, put your hand on your heart, breathe deeply and let yourselves watch this movie that is in your minds. See yourselves from the first moments you knew you were to walk a different path than what you had been doing. See all the different stages of your growth. Both the steps forwards and the steps backwards. Each and every step is to be honored and acknowledged. Each step was beyond important in the growing process of who you are today.

There is no room in this movie for a commentary of unkind thoughts and words about yourselves or the steps that you have chosen to take. If you are still in the phase of unkindness to yourselves, then it is time for you to recognize that and acknowledge that you are allowing unkind words and thoughts to control your lives. Unkindness to one's self is a truly perfect way to stay stuck in one place. When the fear of going forward is too great, then the unkind words and thoughts of self can stop any forward movement.

As you are watching your own personal movie, notice those times when your movement forward seemed to stall and stand still. You will most likely find that you have stopped yourselves with unkindness. Are you not amazed at the power you have to stop yourselves without even recognizing what is happening?

This journey that you are on and have been on for many, many, months and even years is not a journey that is made without great courage, strength, and faith in one's self. So as you move forward from today, after watching this movie of your journey, I am going to ask you to stop once again.

The stopping now is about where you want your life to go from this point forward. Remembering now that you are in a whole new year, and you truly are a new being from who you were at 11:59 pm, 2023. I am aware that for some of you, this has been a struggle to let this new being come forward. This can become an out of control feeling not knowing who you are and where you might be going. Holding back and stopping your process now is not what you truly want to do. It may not even be something that you recognize has happened.

So, taking the time today to stop and acknowledge your journey and where you have come from is beyond important. Taking the time to allow yourselves to watch a movie of where you are going is equally as important. Being honest with one's self about where you want to go and who you want to be in the world will be eye-opening and exciting.

We are right here with you watching and sharing with you. Allow yourselves to see the glory of who you are becoming. WE HERE IN MY WORLD SEE YOU IN ALL YOUR GLORY AND WE ARE BLINDED BY YOUR MAGNIFICENCE. I know that it is difficult for you to believe these words, but I say to you, this is the truth that I speak, you each are magnificent. I am honored to be sharing these words with you today, and I say to you, "I Love you, I love you and I love you."

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Letter 314


Letter 314

Dear Ones,

During these very intense times on your Mother Earth, I want you to know that we are indeed right here with you. There are millions of beings from my world joining you there on Mother Earth to support, help, and most importantly, to love you through this time. Mother Earth is also hosting many beings from the Stars, other worlds, and many other living, breathing life forms. All beings of the universe have come together to be as one with each of you.

Many other stars and planets have been through this same process that you are now going through. You are not the first, nor will you be the last. And remembering now that you are all one with every living, breathing life form. So you are definitely not alone as you go through your transformations and illuminations.

The rest of this year and on into the next year will be as intense and perhaps more intense than what you are experiencing right now. WHAT IS OF THE MOST IMPORTANCE IS FOR EACH OF YOU TO REALIZE AND HEAR THE TRUTH OF WHAT I AM SAYING RIGHT NOW. RESISTANCE AND STRUGGLE INCREASES THE INTENSITY BY A 1000 PERCENT.

So, right now, I am asking you to trust me and all the beings from my world. Each of the changes and transformations that are waiting for you will be of the utmost importance and joy for each of you once you have completed the process. The changes that are happening for each of you are indeed for your highest good. These changes are part of what will enable you to complete the purpose for which you came back to Mother Earth this time. And, yes, there will be more changes and transformations that will happen in the coming months and years.

If you stop and take a look at yourselves, most of you will not even recognize the person you were last year at this time. You have all made huge strides in becoming all that you were meant to be.


SO, I WILL SAY TO YOU EACH MORNING AS YOU WAKE UP AND START TO GET OUT OF BED, "OPEN YOUR ARMS WIDE AND SAY TO ME, BRING IT ON, MOTHER MARY, I AM READY." And indeed, you are ready; you just don't know it at this moment. You each one came to Mother Earth at this time for a wondrous purpose, and it is your soul's desire for you to fulfill this contract you made with yourselves.


Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary