Letter 46
Dear Ones,
Come and sit with me again today. Let us take a journey into your heart. We will look at all the different pieces that make up your heart. Imagine your heart is a puzzle and today we are on a journey to discover and put all the pieces in order.
Some of the pieces you know so well. There is your family, even if you have harsh feelings about your family and things of the past. They still hold a place in your heart. Above all other things of the past, there is love. If you look and think the answer is, there is no love, I ask you to look deeper into the darkest corners. Everyone has deep dark corners in their hearts. For most that is the spot where they have hidden the sorrows.
Sorrow for the disappointments of not being loved the way they wanted to be loved. Is it now time to empty out those dark corners? Is it time to let go of the sorrows? Is it now time to recognize that before there were sorrows there was love? The love did not go away or get replaced with sorrow. It is as if sorrow has taken a nap on top of the love.
Sorrows can be in the dark corners of your heart for hundreds of reasons. The reasons all come back to love. Your not being worthy of love, or not being loved the way you wanted. In the wanting, you have lost the knowing that every being on your planet is different. They look different; they act, talk, think, and love differently. They each express love in a different way.
In your great need to be loved, it is forgotten that each being loves in a different way. They express it in a different way. In your sorrows of not being loved the way you need to be, the differences are forgotten. Only the sorrow of the not being loved is remembered.
SO RIGHT NOW TODAY LET US TAKE A SMALL JOURNEY TO THE SORROWS BURIED DEEP WITHIN YOUR HEART. CLOSE YOUR EYES, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART, AND CALL MY NAME. I am right here with you. Hold my hand I will take this journey with you. You know the way to your sorrows, they are always right there on the outskirts of your mind. Today just pick one sorrow to look at, is it possible that there was love there. Look deeply into all that comes to your mind about love and sorrow. Allow your mind and heart to blend and see the truth. Allow yourself to release the sorrows. Allow the pieces of your hearts to come together and fit in a new way.
Is your heart not lighter now, there is less pain and sorrow. As you go through your days ahead allow yourself the space to clean out the dark corners. Allow your heart to become filled with gratitude and appreciation for all things that have come and gone in your lives.
Allow us to help you with this clearing and cleaning of your heart. We are always here to be with you. We will walk this journey with you, holding your hand, and supporting you in all ways. For we love you greatly. We are here waiting for your call.
Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary