Sunday, June 25, 2023

Letter 302


Letter 302

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Have you been riding a roller coaster lately?? This invisible roller coaster you have been riding not only goes up and down, but this one is going sideways also. You and your world and every being in your world is being bombarded with intense energy from all the universe in all of creation.

It is a time of new beginnings, and IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO CHOOSE WHAT THOSE NEW BEGINNINGS WILL BE FOR EACH OF YOU. As you read my words, are you thinking I don't even know where to start? My mind and body are stretched to their limits; how can I possibly make a decision in my time of chaos, confusion, and tiredness?

So, right now, this very moment, I want you to STOP. I AM SAYING TO STOP EVERYTHING. Do keep breathing; that is beyond important, but the one and only thing you need to do right now is to STOP. Just keep on breathing and being with yourself. Allow you and your silence, and your breath to be all that is in your mind.

IT IS BEYOND IMPORTANT THAT YOU TAKE THE TIME RIGHT NOW, THIS DAY, AND THIS MINUTE TO STOP AND LET YOURSELF BE. THIS MEANS GIVING YOURSELF PERMISSION TO JUST BE FOR A FEW MINUTES OR EVEN AN HOUR. It is time to find your center. What I mean is that place inside of yourself where your knowing lives. Yes, each and every one of you has that place inside that knows everything you need to know about yourself. Your center, your place of knowing, is right there waiting, and only you can access this place. It happens in the stillness of your mind and body. If you are thinking, you don't know where your center is, then place your hand on your heart, and you will be at your center. Your heart is your center and your place of all-knowing.

Many of you are saying right now, "Are you crazy, Mother Mary, I can't stop right now, and I don't know when I will be able to." All I can do is to keep going and keep hoping that everything will turn out all right. My Dear Ones, that is old thinking; that is the thinking that keeps you stuck in the life you do not truly want. REMEMBERING NOW THAT THIS IS THE TIME OF NEW BEGINNINGS. ALL THE UNIVERSES ARE IN LINE TO BE OF HELP FOR EACH OF YOU TO MAKE THIS NEW PUSH FORWARD. ALL OF THE INTENSE ENERGY AND STAR VIBRATIONS THAT ARE COMING IN AT THIS TIME ARE HERE TO HELP YOU MAKE THE DECISION TO DO WHAT YOUR HEART HAS BEEN CALLING YOU TO DO FOR EONS.

And you will say I don't know what that is, and I say back to you go to your heart, your center, your place of knowing, and allow yourselves to hear your own voice. Allow yourselves to take the risk to listen to your own voice. Each and every one of you made the decision to return to Mother Earth at this time. You each came with a purpose to fulfill. Now is the time to listen to your own voice and start or continue to take the next steps on this journey.

With all that is raining down on your planet at this time, your next steps will no doubt be powerful and life-changing. Know that we are here, and we will stay right here beside you to help each one of you take those powerful steps that will help you to fulfill your purpose here on Mother Earth.


Know that I am loving you greatly and holding you dearly in my heart. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Letter 300


Letter 300

Dear Ones,

Today is a day to celebrate Love. First of all, Love for yourself and then Love for all the others in your life. Many of you are unaware of how Love works. To be able to love another unconditionally, first fully, you must learn to love yourself in that way "UNCONDITIONALLY."

If I were to see you face to face on the street and ask you if you loved yourself. The automatic answer would be yes, without even thinking if it might be true or not. Who wants to admit that they do not love themselves? So, for today let us say I am standing right in front of you. Right now, this very minute, as you are reading my letter, I am standing right in front of you.

I am asking you the question, "DO YOU LOVE YOURSELF UNCONDITIONALLY?" What is your answer?? Many of you will have no answer and will just stand and stare at me with the saddest eyes I have ever seen. Others of you will simply turn and walk away. Then there are a few who will continue to look at me and say, "I AM TRYING MOTHER MARY." I will say to all of you whether you are the one who walked away, the one who stared at me, or the ones who say they are trying. I LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY. YOU EACH ARE WONDROUS BEINGS WITH THE CAPACITY TO LOVE YOURSELVES UNCONDITIONALLY AND THE REST OF THE UNIVERSE UNCONDITIONALLY. Most of you are also unaware that you have the capacity to love the whole of the universe.

It is most important to recognize that if you were to open your hearts completely that you have enough Love inside of you to encompass the whole of the world. And more importantly, you have the ability to love yourselves completely and unconditionally.

So, on this special day of the celebration of Love, I am asking you to consider starting on the journey to love yourselves unconditionally. The journey starts with you treating yourselves with as much Love, respect, and integrity as you treat others in your life. That means no longer saying those unkind words to yourselves or pushing yourselves to exhaustion. That means putting more into your days than work. That means giving your physical body healthy food and good exercise. That means finding work that not only feeds your pocketbook but also feeds your heart and soul. It also means opening your heart and looking in the mirror, and surrounding the being that you see with Love. It means no longer looking at yourself in the mirror and saying unkind words. It means no longer saying unkind words when you think you have not done something perfectly. Who made the rule of what is perfect and what is not??

It is time to open your heart and allow yourself to see who you truly are.  It is time to see yourself through the eyes of Love. Know that we are standing right here beside you, waiting to help you in any way we can.

Know that I am loving you most dearly and holding you each in my heart.  I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.  

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Letter 299


Letter 299

Dear Ones,

What should we talk about today? Let's talk about the energy coming into your world and the craziness that comes with this new wave of energy. Have you been riding a roller coaster? One minute all is right with your world and the next you're feeling like someone knocked you down.

Many of the beings of Mother Earth have been experiencing these great highs and lows over the past few weeks. You are entering a time of more calm and introspection! Now, is a good time to walk back through the last few weeks and examine those extreme highs and lows. Much of the energy from those extreme mood changes is still in your many bodies. Bodies meaning cellular, physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies. Now is a time of clearing and revitalizing all of the bodies.

I want to tell you to take a few days to allow yourselves to catch up with your lives and all that has been happening to you. But, I am aware with all that consumes your days it is most unlikely that you would be able to allow yourselves to take those few days. So, I will say to you to take time each morning to examine all that has been happening. Each of you have had abundant amounts of letting go and releasing happening. There is simply time needed to examine and evaluate what has happened.

Once you have had time to examine and evaluate the past few weeks, your life can and will go into a slower more gentle time. As you know, you are past due for some rest time. Make use of this downtime over the next few weeks to give yourselves abundant amounts of self-care. Over the past few months, self-care has not been at the top of the priority list. It is time to make up for months of neglect and to see yourself at the top of the list. Rest and rejuvenate yourselves. Giving your body the food, water, and exercise it needs in healthy wonderful amounts. It is time to nurture, love and support yourselves as you would your best friend. Because, indeed you are your best friend whether you are aware of that or not.

I will assure you that no one else in the whole of your world knows what you need, want, or dream about. You are the only person who has the answers to those questions. What do you need, want and dream about?

Do you consciously know the answers to those questions? If you are saying to yourself and others, “I am not sure what I want or need.” Then I say back to you it is time to find out. During these next few weeks, it is most important for you to have a long very honest talk with yourself about your wants and needs.

These are not questions that your brain/mind is going to be able to answer for you with truth. Your brain/mind will continue to tell you what you should want and need. What I am talking about is what your heart is waiting to tell you and I promise you that your heart will tell you the truth. Your heart is not programmed to tell you what you should or shouldn't need and want.

Begin this process by placing your hand on your heart and closing your eyes. There are those of you who are reading this letter and will start to laugh and say, "OH, Mother Mary you always say this." And, you are right I do always say this because it works. YOUR HEART KNOWS THE TRUTH OF YOUR SOUL There are those of you who may need to practice this for some time before you are really able to hear what your HEART is saying. There are also others of you who will find it difficult to believe what your heart is saying. What your heart is saying may be so different from what your brain/mind has been telling you for years that it will be difficult to believe.

It is time to believe. It is time to trust yourselves and what you know in your heart. It is time to tell your brain to be quiet, so that you can listen to what you desperately need to hear. Know that we will be standing right beside you, behind you, and in front of you. We are here and we will always be here. You only need call and I will be there and there are 100s of millions of other beings in my world who will be there. Know that I am loving you so greatly and holding you so dearly in my heart.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Letter 291


Letter 291

Oh, My Dear Ones,

I want each of you to know that I am right here with you today. In truth, I am right here with you every day. I so want each one of you to know how much you are loved and cherished. My wish is that you will take this love that I am handing you and you will place it inside your heart, believing that is truth.

There is much in your world today and truly every day that does not feel loving and nurturing. Some of you have found people that have come into your life with love and kindness in their hearts. Yet there are so many of you that have not found that in your world. Or perhaps you thought that you had found it and then it disappeared for one reason or another.

Keep your heart and mind open to what life has to offer you and to what we here in my world are offering you. Opening yourself to all that is available and waiting for you can feel incredibly risky and fearful. Today I am asking you to allow yourselves the freedom to experience all that your life has to offer you. I wish for you to know in your heart and mind that we here are truly right beside you. We are encouraging you to step forward and to open your arms to what your heart and mind have been asking and praying for.

Over the next months and years, you will find that your lives will be changing greatly. I can feel some of you thinking hasn't that already happened? My answer is yes; it has, but guess what it is not over and you will indeed see many more changes coming into your lives. By this time next year, some of you will not even recognize who you are. You will be shaking your heads and saying how did all of this happen to me. So now is the time to open your hearts and minds and say YES to all that is coming. Resisting the changes that are coming into your lives will make your life a struggle. Life was never meant to be a struggle. So I say LET GO OF YOUR STRUGGLE AND EMBRACE WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR.

REMEMBERING NOW THAT YOU HAVE FREE WILL AND THE CHANGES THAT ARE COMING ARE THE CHANGES YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR. But, you never dared to allow yourself to believe they would come true. In your daydreaming and wishing you never realized that you were directing your own life and the changes that you dreamed of. So, know that we are right here and that each one of you has an army of angels waiting to help. They are at the ready to hold your hands or to help you step forward into all you have been dreaming of. And as always, I am right here offering you my love and caring. Take it into your hearts and minds, allowing it to grow and showing you the way to love yourselves. Allow yourself to see the truth of who you are. I promise that you will be amazed at the person you see looking back at you in the mirror. The picture of yourself that you have held onto during your life, one you brought with you from your childhood is no longer truth or perhaps never was the truth. So, please take another look at who you truly are and see what I see. I know that you can do this and many, many, other wondrous things. I am loving you each and every one.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary