Letter 270
Good Morning Dear Ones,
Perhaps it will not be morning by the time you are able to read this letter, but please know that I am sending you great love for a most wonderful day. All the energies that are coming into your world are still very strong and are battering your bodies. Your physical bodies are starting in a very small way to adjust to all that is coming their way. Know that besides battering your bodies, it is causing confusion and unclear thinking in your minds and hearts. You will soon be able to assimilate all these new energies that are coming into your body. Your minds and hearts will clear, and you will feel more rested and able to do your daily lives with more ease and comfort.
In my last letter, I spoke of all the help that is being sent to your Mother Earth. There are many life forms from other universes and stars that have been and will continue to help with your transitions into the 5D world. These beings have been visiting your world for many, many years. Their visiting is not new to them; it is only new to you. Your world has been most unaware of what has been going on. Many of you are now opening your hearts and minds to what is happening in your world and other worlds. As you open your hearts and minds, you will be able to see them as they travel back and forth between the stars and universes. Open your eyes into the night sky and allow yourselves to believe what you are seeing. No longer tell yourselves that you are imagining or dreaming what you are seeing.
There has never been a time when there was only one universe or one being that lived and prospered in the whole of infinite space. There have always been many life forms that live and prosper in the many universes and stars. They have always traveled back and forth between the worlds, always helping and lending their support for the growth and prosperity of all.
The beings of Mother Earth have always been afraid of anything or anyone different than what they see in their world. It is time to step out of that pattern of old thinking and allow yourselves the freedom to enjoy all that inhabits the worlds, be it the same or different than yourselves. REMEMBERING NOW THAT LOVE IS WHAT MAKES YOUR WORLD AND EVERY WORLD GROW AND BECOME ALL IT WAS MEANT TO BE. THE 5D WORLD THAT YOU ARE MOVING TOWARDS IS ONLY ABOUT LOVE. LOVE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT IN THE 5D WORLD. LOVE IS WHAT RUNS THE 5D WORLD AND ALL THE OTHER UNIVERSES AND STARS. LOVING YOURSELF AND REACHING OUT TO LOVE EVERY LIVING, BREATHING LIFE FORM IN YOUR WORLD AND EVERY OTHER WORLD IS ESSENTIAL TO YOUR JOURNEY INTO THE 5D WORLD.
Know that we are standing right here with you. We are loving you and holding you most dearly in our hearts. Your strength and courage are beyond compare. We are honored to be standing with you as you travel this path. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary