Letter 265
Good Morning Dear Ones,
This is a grand time of the year. All of you have just passed through the Winter Solstice. It is a time of new beginnings. Mother Earth is heading back into the light and leaving the dark of night behind. Each day forward, there will be longer light. Each day forward, you will find more light and ease coming into your life. Yes, you are still in the time of reassessment, but you are working your way through all of the past and leaving it behind you. You are moving forward toward the light.
This is a time of celebration for the birth of Jesus and a new beginning for Mother Earth. This journey has been going on for time unending and will continue through time unending. As you celebrate the birth of my son, so you celebrate the birth of each of you. Remembering now that we are all one. You are him, and he is you. There are no differences between the ones you hold on high and all of you living on Mother Earth. What he has done so can you do.
WE here in my world are celebrating the birth of each of you. For without each of you, there would be no Mother Earth, there would be no journeys, there would be no LOVE, and without LOVE, all living beings would perish and disappear. IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER THAT ALL BEINGS IN MY WORLD AND THERE ON MOTHER EARTH ARE CONNECTED BY LOVE. It is as if there is an invisible thread going from one being to the next connecting all, and the thread is love. Every breathing life form is connected to this never-ending thread of Love. Each one of you can close your hearts and pretend in your mind that you are not connected to the universal life force of love, but there is no way to ever disconnect from that thread. The thread of love is all-powerful and never-ending, and each of you are part of that never-ending thread.
Soon you will be stepping into a New Year. As you step forward into this New Year, take the time to reflect back over the last year. Notice all the changes in your outer world. Most importantly, notice all the changes in your inner world. You are not the same person who began 2022. Some of you have made drastic changes, and some of you have made small wondrous changes. All changes are to be celebrated as you step forward into 2023. And next year, at this time when you are getting ready to step into 2024, you will celebrate the changes of 2023. Each of you has been working so hard moving forward on your journeys, and it is time to stop and celebrate all you have accomplished and will continue to accomplish.
So, I say to you today, keep moving forward, keep changing and growing, and keep becoming all that you are meant to be. You each are wondrous and magnificent beings, capable of doing things you never imagined. WE here in my world are watching and celebrating each one of you. We are in amazement of all that you are.
We are hoping that you will allow us to help you and be a part of your journey, for that is our purpose. Great blessings are being sent your way this day and every day. You each are so greatly loved and cherished.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary