Letter 316
Good Morning Dear Ones,
I am wanting to know how each one of you are walking through these days. Once again, I will say there is great intense energies coming into your Mother Earth and to each of you. Your physical bodies are desperately trying to integrate all that is coming forth. Many of you are having what I will call side effects to all that is transpiring. Do not be surprised if you are experiencing extreme tiredness requiring many more hours of rest each day. Your appetites may go to extreme differences, with it decreasing or increasing drastically. Are your brains much more active, and it is most difficult to slow them down? Are thoughts and ideas running rapidly through your thinking processes?
What I will say to you is to go slowly through all the changes. Do not struggle and fight your way through this. Picture yourself in the river, just moving along with the flow of the water. I will tell you that there is no way to control or deflect this energy that is working so very hard to integrate with your physical bodies.
This energy that is coming into your world at this time is increasing your vibrational rate bringing you closer to your 5D world. The energy and what it is bringing you is so needed and truly what you have been asking for. So I will say to you stay with what is happening and allow yourselves to flow with what is transpiring in your personal realm. There is much that is being given to you during this time, and much you will be grateful for once all has been integrated into your physical bodies.
It is important to know during this time what a wonderful job each one of you are doing on your own personal journeys. If you were to look back over the last few years, you will see how far you have come. Do you see how much you have grown and changed? Have your hearts not opened more and more with each passing day? Are you not more loving and caring of yourselves and each other?
As I have said in the past many, many times, your-self care and love is of the utmost importance. Your main purpose and lesson to learn during this lifetime is the care and loving of one's self. No one can truly unconditionally love others until they unconditionally love themselves. What do you see when you look in the mirror each day? Can you say, "I LOVE WHO I AM, I LOVE HOW I WALK IN THE WORLD, AND I AM SO GRATEFUL TO BE WHO I AM?" Those are great giant words.
So, each morning as you get ready for your day, I am asking you to step forward and look in the mirror and tell that person you see "YOU" how much you love them and what exactly do you love about them. Do you love how YOU walk in the world, do you love how you treat yourself, do you love how you treat others and what about how you treat Mother Earth and all the different living, breathing life forms???
This is no small homework that I am giving you. Expressing out loud to yourselves how much you love YOU is energetically monumental. When was the last time you told yourself out loud that you love YOU? I am going to make a giant guess and say never. So now is the time to start saying it out loud and even shouting it from the rooftops. And if you do not totally believe what you are saying, that is OK. Just keep on saying it each day or many times a day. Soon you will find that you do mean it. You will find yourselves looking in the mirror with the eyes of love, with the inner knowing that you are a unique and wonderful being.
Know, as always, that we are right here loving you and most certainly looking at each one of you with the eyes of love. I am holding you most dearly in my arms and walking right beside you. Know that we are standing at the ready to help you in any way that we can. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there,
In Love, Mother Mary